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By Farwa Zahra

English Grammar
• Demonstrative pronouns

The pronouns and determiners together can be collectively referred to as demonstratives.

1. This.
2. That.
3. These
4. Those.


Near” and “far” demonstratives

• This (singular) and these (plural) are the “near” (or proximal) demonstratives. They
indicate someone or something that is relatively close.
• That (singular) and those (plural) are the “far” (or distal) demonstratives. They
indicate someone or something that is relatively far.

Lulu was out for her usual morning walk when she took a wrong turn and found herself in the
woods. She tried to retrace her steps, but soon realized she was lost. She began to panic, but
then she remembered her training and started using her nose to sniff out a way home. She met
all kinds of creatures along the way, but she was too scared to speak to them. Eventually, her
nose led her to a house made of dog treats. It looked delicious, but she knew better than to eat
anything she found in the woods. Suddenly, an evil witch appeared and tried to trap Lulu in
the house. But Lulu was too smart for her and used her nose to find the door and escape. She
was finally home safe and sound, and she vowed never to wander off the path again.

Tips for learning English vocabulary are;
1. Write down
2. Visually
3. Use
4. Vocally
5. Play

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