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Nom: Sonia Guimin

Roll: 10211100237

Rethinking project management – Did we miss marketing


Project management is borrowing ideas from marketing to improve project results.

This new approach, called project marketing management, has great potential and
deserves further study.

Project management is a field that keeps changing and getting better. This paper
explores how project management can learn from marketing to improve project
results. The study shows that using marketing ideas in project management is already
happening and is a great way to improve project performance. More research is
needed to improve both project management theory and practice.

Literature review
The field of project management is constantly growing and improving by
incorporating ideas from other areas. Recently, people are looking at marketing to
improve project success.
One idea is to include the customer in the project from the beginning, considering
their needs throughout. This can be done on individual projects and for companies
that do many projects.
Another idea is something called "project marketing" which focuses on the whole
process of getting a project, from finding a client to finishing the work.
There isn't a lot of research on how to combine these two ideas yet, but it seems like a
promising area for improvement. The next section will explain more about marketing
and how it can be applied to project management.

Marketing and market orientation

In the 1950s and 1960s, companies started to focus on understanding what customers
want. They realized that happy customers mean more profit, so they created
marketing departments.

Researchers then studied this concept, called "Market Orientation," which is basically
a company-wide way of thinking about customers. It includes things like:

 Knowing what customers need (Customer Orientation)

 Knowing what competitors are doing (Competitor Orientation)
 Working together across departments (Inter-functional Orientation)
 Considering the environment (Environmental Orientation)
 Having strong relationships with suppliers (Supplier-dealer Orientation)
 Focusing on results (Performance Orientation)
 Planning for the future (Long-Term Orientation)
 Taking care of employees (Employee Orientation)

Companies that consider these things are considered to be "market oriented".

The study described here is looking into whether project management, a common way
of working today, also uses these marketing ideas.


The study aimed to find out which marketing tactics are commonly used in project
management. They looked at existing marketing approaches and adapted them to the
world of projects. In this study, project customers are those who care a lot about the
project's success.

Result and discussion The study investigated how marketing is used in different types
of projects.

 Business projects focus on short-term contracts and competition. They mainly use
transactional marketing, but are increasingly using aspects of other approaches due to
trends like portfolio management and stakeholder focus. Large companies especially
use networking marketing to build relationships with stakeholders.
 Development projects focus on cooperation with the customer and stakeholders.
They use a mix of interaction and networking marketing approaches, with a strong
emphasis on building relationships throughout the project.
 Infrastructure projects focus on building relationships with suppliers to manage
risks. They mainly use networking marketing.

Overall, the study shows that project marketing is becoming more focused on building
relationships and goes beyond simply selling a product or service.


The article talks about the importance of marketing in project management.

Project management has been around for a long time and is constantly evolving.
Recently, people realized that marketing is important for projects too.

Both businesses and governments use projects a lot these days. Marketing helps
projects succeed. This article looked into how marketing is currently used in project
management and found that some marketing activities are already being done in
projects. The specific marketing activities used depend on the type of project.
The article argues that since marketing is helpful for projects, there should be more
focus on it in project management. This could involve creating a specific role for
marketing within project management or adding marketing skills to the existing
project manager role. More research is needed to figure this out.

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