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(AEC English)
 Name Of The Student :- Abhay Deepak Bhosale
 Roll Number :- 4230160
 Class :- F.Y(B.SC)
 Department :- Computer Science
 Name Of Assignment :- AEC(English)
 Academic Year :- 2023-2024
Q.1 What are listening skills ? How are listening skills important
in communication ? Explain with the help of the story ‘The boy
who broke the bank’.
ANS :-
Listening skills refer to the ability to accurately receive and interpret
messages during a communication process. These skills involve not only
hearing the words spoken but also understanding the emotions,
intentions, and context behind the message. Effective listening is crucial
in communication as it facilitates mutual understanding, prevents
misunderstandings, and strengthens relationships.
In the story 'The Boy Who Broke the Bank', listening skills play a pivotal
role. Imagine a scenario where the protagonist, let's call him Tim, lacks
good listening skills. Tim overhears a conversation about a bank, but
instead of paying attention to the entire context, he only catches the
words "bank" and "break." Misinterpreting the conversation, he
believes that breaking the bank means finding a way to make unlimited
Had Tim possessed good listening skills, he would have focused on the
complete conversation, understanding the context and realizing that
"breaking the bank" meant bankrupting the bank, not making a fortune.
By actively listening and processing the information accurately, Tim
could have avoided a series of misguided actions that lead to
unintended consequences.This story illustrates the importance of
effective listening skills in avoiding misunderstandings, making informed
decisions, and fostering positive communication. Good listeners not
only hear the words but also grasp the underlying meaning, which is
essential for clear and meaningful communication.
Q.2 What are teamwork skills? How is teamwork skill
emphasised in the story ‘Whitewashing the fence’?
ANS :-
Teamwork skills refer to the ability to work effectively and cooperatively
with others towards a common goal. These skills include
communication, collaboration, active listening, problem-solving, and
respecting others' perspectives.
In the story 'Whitewashing the Fence' by Mark Twain, teamwork skills
are emphasized through the character of Tom Sawyer. Tom is assigned
the task of whitewashing a fence as a punishment but manages to
convince his friends that it is an enjoyable activity. He uses his
persuasive skills and creativity to make the task seem like a privilege
rather than a chore.Tom demonstrates teamwork skills by involving his
friends in the process. He assigns them specific roles and
responsibilities, making them feel important and valued. He convinces
them that whitewashing the fence is a fun and prestigious task that only
a few people get to do.
Furthermore, Tom's ability to communicate effectively plays a crucial
role in emphasizing teamwork. He convinces his friends to trade
valuable items, such as their marbles and trinkets, in exchange for the
opportunity to participate in the whitewashing. This showcases his
persuasive abilities and highlights the power of effective
communication in achieving a common goal.
Overall, the story 'Whitewashing the Fence' emphasizes teamwork skills
by showcasing how Tom Sawyer successfully involves his friends in a
seemingly mundane task and turns it into an enjoyable and
collaborative experience.

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