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Name: Luis Gerardo Marinero Navarrete Student ID: 2947998

Course: Ingles Avanzado lll Teacher’s name:

Daisy Lissette Rodríguez Olvera

Module: Module 2 Activity: Activity 7


Express the following situations by using phrasal verbs or idiomatic expressions.

There can be many forms so share your results:
For example:
“To learn from experienced people”..…”To follow the footsteps of the ones before

1. Increase sales by diminishing prices.

2. To succeed by applying ethics and values to your work.
3. To find solutions and accept failures at work.
4. To commit to the common goals.
5. It is important to schedule a meeting to resolve this issue.
6. The human resources department examined the job application and decided
to continue looking for another person.
7. To maintain motivation in difficult times.

1. Drive up sales by slashing prices.

2. Get ahead by sticking to your moral compass.

3. Troubleshoot at work and embrace setbacks.

4. Throw your weight behind shared objectives.

5. Nail down a meeting to iron out this matter.

6. HR sifted through the application but opted to scout for another candidate.

7. Keep the fire burning during tough times.

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