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‫ا  ر ا‬

‫  ‬

‫‬ ‫‬ ‫  ‬
‫ ‬

‫  ‬
‫ﳉﻨﺔ ﺇﻋﺪﺍﺩ ﺍﻟﺪﻟﻴﻞ‪:‬‬
‫‬ ‫‪      .  -‬‬ ‫‬ ‫‪    .  -‬‬

‫"‪#$%& &  '( ! .  -‬‬ ‫‪    ! .  -‬‬

‫‬ ‫&!‬ ‫‪. % $ .. --‬‬ ‫)‪%*&  ! +, . -‬‬

‫‬ ‫ﺍﻟﻌﻨﻮﺍﻥ‬
‫ﺃ‬ ‫• ﺗﻘﺪﱘ ‪....................................................................................................................................‬‬

‫ﺏ‬ ‫ﺪﻣ‪‬ﺔ‪.....................................................................................................................................‬‬
‫• ﻣﻘ ‪‬‬
‫*‬ ‫• ﻧﺸﺄﺓ ﺍﻟﺪﺭﺍﺳﺎﺕ ﺍﻟﻌﻠﻴﺎ ﻭﺗﻄﻮﺭﻫﺎ ‪.........................................................................................‬‬

‫‪01‬‬ ‫• ﺍﻟﻘﺒﻮﻝ ﻭﺍﻟﺘﺴﺠﻴﻞ ‪................................................................................................................‬‬

‫‪05‬‬ ‫• ﺍﻻﻧﺘﻘﺎﻝ ﻭﺍﻻﻧﺴﺤﺎﺏ ﻭﺗﻮﻗﻴﻒ ﺍﻟﻘﻴﺪ ‪................................................................................‬‬

‫<;‬ ‫• ﺍﻻﺷﺮﺍﻑ ﻋﻠﻰ ﺍﻟﺮﺳﺎﻟﺔ ﻭﺗﺴﺠﻴﻠﻬﺎ ﻭﻣﻨﺎﻗﺸﺘﻬﺎ ‪................................................................‬‬

‫  ‬

‫ﺍﻟﺼﻔﺤﺔ‬ ‫ﺍﻟﺘﺨﺼﺼﺎﺕ‬ ‫ﺍﻟﱪﻧﺎﻣﺞ‬ ‫ﺍﻟﻜﻠﻴﺔ‬ ‫ﺍﻟﺮﻗﻢ‬
‫• ﺍﻻﺩﺍﺭﺓ‬
‫‪;5‬‬ ‫• ﺍﻹﺩﺍﺭﺓ ﺍﻟﺘﺮﺑﻮﻳﺔ ‪...................................‬‬
‫• ﺍﳌﻨﺎﻫﺞ ﻭﻃﺮﺍﺋﻖ‬ ‫‬
‫‪;K‬‬ ‫• ﺍﳌﻨﺎﻫﺞ ﻭﻃﺮﺍﺋﻖ ﺍﻟﺘﺪﺭﻳﺲ ‪....................‬‬ ‫ﺑﺎﳌﻜﻼ‬
‫‪15‬‬ ‫• ﻋﻠﻮﻡ ﺍﻟﺮﻳﺎﺿﺔ ‪.......................................‬‬ ‫• ﻋﻠﻮﻡ ﺍﻟﺮﻳﺎﺿﺔ‬
‫‪SS‬‬ ‫• ﺗﺎﺭﻳﺦ ﺣﺪﻳﺚ ﻭﻣﻌﺎﺻﺮ ‪..........................‬‬
‫• ﺍﻟﺘﺎﺭﻳﺦ‬
‫‪SU‬‬ ‫• ﺗﺎﺭﻳﺦ ﺇﺳﻼﻣﻲ ‪.........................................‬‬

‫‪SK‬‬ ‫• ﺍﻟﻌﻘﻴﺪﺓ ﻭﺍﻷﺩﻳﺎﻥ ‪...................................‬‬

‫‪50‬‬ ‫• ﺍﻟﻔﻘﻪ ﻭﺃﺻﻮﻟﻪ ‪........................................‬‬ ‫• ﺍﻟﺪﺭﺍﺳﺎﺕ‬

‫‪51‬‬ ‫• ﺍﻟﺘﻔﺴﲑ ﻭﻋﻠﻮﻡ ﺍﻟﻘﺮﺁﻥ ‪...........................‬‬ ‫ﺍﻻﺳﻼﻣﻴﺔ‬
‫‪55‬‬ ‫• ﺍﳊﺪﻳﺚ ﻭﻋﻠﻮﻡ ﺍﻟﺴﻨﺔ ‪...........................‬‬ ‫ﺍﻵﺩﺍﺏ‬ ‫‬
‫• ﻋﻠﻢ ﺍﻟﻠﻐﺔ ﻭ ﺩﺭﺍﺳﺎﺕ ﺍﻟﻠﻐﺔ‬ ‫• ﺍﻟﻠﻐﺔ‬
‫ﺍﻻﳒﻠﻴﺰﻳﺔ ‪..................................................‬‬ ‫ﺍﻻﳒﻠﻴﺰﻳﺔ‬
‫‪US‬‬ ‫• ﺃﺩﺏ ﻭﻧﻘﺪ ‪.................................................‬‬
‫• ﺍﻟﻠﻐﺔ ﺍﻟﻌﺮﺑﻴﺔ‬
‫‪UU‬‬ ‫• ﻟﻐﺔ ﻭﳓﻮ ‪................................................‬‬

‫‪UK‬‬ ‫• ﺍﳉﻐﺮﺍﻓﻴﺎ ‪................................................‬‬ ‫• ﺍﳉﻐﺮﺍﻓﻴﺎ‬

‫• ﺍﻟﻌﻠﻮﻡ ﺍﳌﺎﻟﻴﺔ‬ ‫ﺍﻟﻌﻠﻮﻡ‬
‫**‬ ‫‪......................‬‬ ‫• ﺍﻟﻌﻠﻮﻡ ﺍﳌﺎﻟﻴﺔ ﻭﺍﳌﺼﺮﻓﻴﺔ‬ ‫‬
‫ﻭﺍﳌﺼﺮﻓﻴﺔ‬ ‫ﺍﻻﺩﺍﺭﻳﺔ‬
‫‪gU‬‬ ‫‪..........‬‬ ‫• ﺑﻴﻮﻟﻮﺟﻴﺔ ﺍﻟﺘﻜﺎﺛﺮ ﰲ ﺍﻷﲰﺎﻙ‬
‫‪gg‬‬ ‫‪........................‬‬ ‫• ﺗﻘﻮﱘ ﺍﳌﺨﺰﻭﻥ ﺍﻟﺴﻤﻜﻲ‬ ‫• ﻋﻠﻮﻡ ﺍﻻﺣﻴﺎﺀ‬
‫ﻭﺍﻻﺣﻴﺎﺀ‬ ‫‬
‫‪gK‬‬ ‫‪..............‬‬ ‫• ﺑﻴﻮﻟﻮﺟﻴﺔ ﺍﻷﺣﻴﺎﺀ ﺍﻟﺒﺤﺮﻳﺔ‬ ‫ﺍﻟﺒﺤﺮﻳﺔ‬
‫<‪K‬‬ ‫‪..................‬‬ ‫• ﺍﳌﺼﺎﻳﺪ ﺍﻟﺴﻤﻜﻴﺔ ﺍﻟﺒﺤﺮﻳﺔ‬
‫‪0<1‬‬ ‫‪......................................‬‬ ‫• ﺭﻳﺎﺽ ﺍﻻﻃﻔﺎﻝ • ﺭﻳﺎﺽ ﺍﻻﻃﻔﺎﻝ‬ ‫‬
‫‪0<K‬‬ ‫‪............................................‬‬ ‫• ﻃﺐ ﺍﻷﺳﺮﺓ‬ ‫• ﻃﺐ ﺍﻷﺳﺮﺓ‬
‫ﺍﻟﻄﺐ‬ ‫‬
‫‪0;5‬‬ ‫‪.......................................‬‬ ‫• ﺍﻟﺼﺤﺔ ﺍﻟﻌﺎﻣﺔ‬ ‫• ﺻﺤﺔ ﺍ‪‬ﺘﻤﻊ‬
‫*‪01‬‬ ‫‪......................................................‬‬ ‫• ﺣﻴﻮﺍﻥ‬
‫• ﻋﻠﻮﻡ ﺍﳊﻴﺎﺓ‬
‫*‪01‬‬ ‫‪..........................................................‬‬ ‫• ﻧﺒﺎﺕ‬
‫‪0Sg‬‬ ‫‪...............................‬‬ ‫• ﺍﻟﻜﻴﻤﻴﺎﺀ ﺍﻟﺘﺤﻠﻴﻠﻴﺔ‬
‫ﺍﻟﻌﻠﻮﻡ‬ ‫‬
‫‪0Sg‬‬ ‫‪.......................‬‬ ‫• ﺍﻟﻜﻴﻤﻴﺎﺀ ﺍﻟﻐﲑ ﻋﻀﻮﻳﺔ‬
‫• ﻋﻠﻮﻡ ﺍﻟﻜﻴﻤﻴﺎﺀ‬
‫‪0Sg‬‬ ‫‪.................................‬‬ ‫• ﺍﻟﻜﻴﻤﻴﺎﺀ ﺍﻟﻌﻀﻮﻳﺔ‬
‫‪0Sg‬‬ ‫‪.............................‬‬ ‫• ﺍﻟﻜﻴﻤﻴﺎﺀ ﺍﻟﻔﻴﺰﻳﺎﺋﻴﺔ‬
‫‪05K‬‬ ‫‪.......................................................................................................‬‬ ‫ﺑﺮﻧﺎﻣﺞ ﺍﻟﺪﻛﺘﻮﺭﺍﻩ‬


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16    !     "

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   !     " 17

3 4 50

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18    !     "

3 4 50

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   !     " 19

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<)A/ *+

20    !     "

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   !     " 21

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   !     " 23

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‫ﻛﻠﻴﺔ اﻟﺘﺮﺑﻴﺔ ﺑﺎﻟﻤﻜﻼ‬

), ! +, 56F :  567
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<D)G L0E. <= JK 
: <=>H  M,7 N.O
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%& r! ? gNq 9 k3 ‰q JO, *>2 ˆ!`3 >!i83 > C .4U
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Q«h3 >!i( lE[23 )> /23 J‡3 )a7 9 Z[ dO −
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<e g  9& xWE3 > C .4U

   !     " 25

 )  <

cS? 343 6  xWE Z t? 9 Z[ dO −

<*>? lb!`3 IQ(03 > C .4U NO,0
: <=>H   Q
: > C .4h pST Ž

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.6?  &  v† ¤ JSB
&  6  !
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:*>2 ˆ!`3 IQ( pST Ž

.6?  &  g3X ¤ JSB

.6?  &  v† ¤ JSB
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26    !     "

 )  <

: R.S 6
), 0G B  –M.S J34 UT
), 0G B  JK
” 8 Z6 Y L6& 5  L6& 5  5F X= VW
ˆA0 B 4& )X%>*  0 Y 07& 07&
cEG  Curriculum Theory Ia(0 >!i8 " V!2
cEG  Theories of learning ) ? >!i8 " *B8
cEG  Philosophy of
C BA7 " V!2
Readings In
cEG  Education (In  '!$ " V!2
c !2 'S G
cEG  Advanced " *B8
Educational Statistics /?
cEG  Management
theories/ Advanced
 .4U " V!2
 Total ” 6^0

   !     " 27

 )  <

), 0G B  JK

” 8 Z6 Y L6& 5  L6& 5  5F X= VW
ˆA0 B 4& )X%>*  0 Y 07& 07&
cEG  Educational " V!2
Research Methods c C
Advance )> /23 œ$
cEG  admeasurement and " *B8
evaluation /?
V 
cEG  Computer and "‘ V!2
teaching *>?3 [\
cEG  School management
and overall quality
0 " V!2
, .4 3
cEG  Educational Planning  V!2
c C
 Total ” 6^0

 J^A> ; 8†  (A >  Z[ %& 6  rsU d > ]  
:ŸM !/0
D !/0 ) &A )$ X=
!/0 ) 
>o^8h .6? 0 !/0 07&
Research  Ž}?A0   K-   V!2 

.4h − g3X A0  }?A0 4 %& g SW .6? 0 &A 4& −
: & Ž   > C
< & Ž "  ^a(0 &A 4& •
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28    !     "

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D)4 8?0E. <= JK
” 8 Z6 Y L6& 5  L6& 5  5F X= VW
ˆA0 B 4& )X%>*  0 Y 07& 07&
cEG  Curriculum Theory Ia(0 >!i8 " V!2
cEG  Theories of learning ) ? >!i8 " *B8
cEG  Philosophy of
C BA7 " V!2
cEG  Readings In
Education (In English)
 '!$ " V!2
c !2 'S G
cEG  Advanced " *B8
Educational Statistics /?
 Total ” 6^0

D)4 8?0E. <= JK

” 8 Z6 Y L6& 5  L6& 5  5F X= VW
ˆA0 B 4& )X%>*  0 Y 07& 07&
cEG  Educational " V!2
Research Methods c C
Advanced )> /23 œ$
cEG  Measurement & " *B8 [\
Evaluation /?
V 
cEG  Computer and "‘ V!2
teaching *>?3

   !     " 29

 )  <

†> Q«
cEG  Current Trends in  V!2
Education C 
cEG  Teaching Problems  V!2
 Total ” 6^0

; 8†  (A JSB >  Z[ %& 6  rsU d > ]  
:ŸM !/0  J^A>
D !/0 ) &A )$ X=
!/0 ) 
>o^8h .6? 0 !/0 07&
  K- 
(Master's thesis)   V!2 

IQ(0 − v† A0  }?A0 4 %& g SW .6? 0 &A 4& −
: & Ž   *>? ˆ!`3
< & Ž   ^a(0 &A 4& •

<& Ž   ! & 4& •

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, Ia(0 *{ >!i( $N&3 , C IQ(6 K- >!i( '(  [q > C BAB3
 IQ(0 >!i8 d 8/3 , 0  IQ(0 >!i( §n83 , Ia(0 “(  >!i( $N&3
Ia(0 )6S23 , )A0 C k $N&3 .3 ]A8U3 ] O3 Q ¸ a?>z ' j

30    !     "

 )  <

“(&3 Ia(0 n6S? §n83 !>/?3 ¾ WE 4&G3 , ¤0 Ia(0 !> [23 , ¤0
!> [2  aB3 , B?t0 IQ(0 )> /23 , )6S? §n8 ¿ 3 )6S?  [q3 )6S?
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€!> [23 IQ(0 )6S2  †> a ?
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, ) ? 6 3 — A B?t0 „}AB2 , „nA3 „j!7 , aB° %& Z[
6  V^? )Q , a? E2 ?  IQ( , ) ? d8 $3 lb/ 3 )QB
6 ? ^2Ch )Q , aG :a3 ? 4/?8h , >!i8 JO 3
— A J> 23 ’B( 4LU g+ 3 C  „/E[2 H }q3 , a(& /†E(0
:_`a '0G : ! W69
>4S?$h3  &n?h aA x 9  C BA7  4 !/0 g3(?>
:/[8 ? &n?h3 BAB R(0 7! 0 d VA;Π( > n; , BAB3
&n?h3 BAB Z8  C ¢E2 B; ›j 23 , > C 'M3 O7X a(
>!i( ¿   3 , C AB(3 > C *X n?Qh k\;3 <. 
< > C 4S0 l73 > C NO,03 C  .“ 0 BAB
: _`d '0G : )Xb>c Y ), 0G 20F
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, !/0 J6?,> 1&3 , C  6OW0 ¾ WE3 St0 .'!$ %& V? \;3 , C
%& N 7 7jG C g K , c C *B( )& , *>? lb!`3 , IQ(0  '!$
<. ,( ¾ WE KN- ¿  R 6Oƒ > !2 N+  . ,(0 ¾ WE ¿ 

   !     " 31

 )  <

: _`eDW> : +74& , ! 2-c

N bS U ZX3 ˆ![ 9 >  E[ >3o2 FG !/0 \Q r‚
E?q: 2M & j 0 J6,>3 , *B( )&3 C g+  ¾WX /
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<®  JW? , 4 ?0 W8h J 
:_`_ '0G :+74= f B c )0A>
.4U >!i( J‡3 )a7 ,Q [23 > C .4U  aB !/0 \Q g3(?2
4 3 .4/  aB ,€ [23 6i(? À(03 — A3 —4U St,   , > C
„>‡3 > C .4U J;,3 .4U   [?3 |NKU <.4U  c4/ — A
< > C .4U g+  a/E[23 , .4  .4G3
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¾ WE g+  c C xWE X Á4E03 )QB0 1A;G3 , > C ¾ WE
)m Hh3 a^b?83 6  ¾ WE )> /23 .'!$ 9 1(O !D k3 AB(3 > C
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ˆ!`3 , )S? €\Q '( Z3 < > C     t?A0 & (3 6O †WE
, a7 -3 ®q ˆS “(& }7 23 , a[Ej3 }D?0 >‡3 , 8E R‹
€\Q lE[2 f>! 2 FG r‚ n; , a^b?8 }AB2 aG (?A> ? *X %& r! ?3
<Ib?( €\Q }AB23 a^b?8 ‰Nt?3 ZX

32    !     "

 )  <

: _`kDW> : , ! 5),74. iW j7

)> /?3 œ/  X )QB0 ¿  Z[ VA;G FG !/0 \Q r‚
)QB0 ¿ E  >š  ! !/0 96 ?>3 , œ/ 34 )6S2 .a 1A;G3
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o;C !/0 96 ?> n; , )> /? ” 83 )> /?3 œ/ a&  /> ? Á4E03 œ/
Ž ’B( E?qh , ®SW? E?qh , ]E?h  œ/ 34 )6S2  [q %&
, • ?W0  ˆS J† , œ/ 34X >C OA pbS- 9 l/W? lb!`3
h4  , Y7O?0  S , E?qh lE[2 .4&G  E†3 Ž '(E , kW6 uE2!0
, > 0   }> 03 , Ž ÀE8 3!; −B ,  4,?>− 4 ;  ®q ˆA2h
H 7 , Ž 1b?  , ?E†0
*>/03 E?qh 9 §n( Z[ f>! 2 9& N
<*B( )& J6   .!7 ?0
: _`m'0G : D)4. ', l
t? %& o;!>3 , †> 6 ? ª (/? R ? !/0 \Q g3(?>
?q3 §?8G3 !> [23 B?t0 6 ? 4 6 )6S2 9 6 ? 6   V 
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.&A6 ) ?; B?t0 V  ) ? ¢n8 !/0 g3(?>3 ,   0 !&  1E >
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< ?B0 ) ? Y3 t?h3 ÂBX3  aB0 x

   !     " 33

 )  <

_T`'0G :=n B ,o.  & B c

†> 0 .4U g+  r 0 )Q{ Z[ >3o2 FG !/0 r‚
/ 9 a(O ? Jb  3 ,a7 d  €« „ YA3 >™E 3 (B „E[?3
6 ? .4U a?$N& 3   .4U  [2 4 gNq 9 k3 ,aa6
9>!>0 4&G3 ?q ˆ!` %& r! ? 3 .4U ¢n8 )Q ! ?3 03
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96  a6i(2 3 .4U R$3 4 R R6?^03
:_T]'0G : D)4  \)- p
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: 2M Q«h !/0 J6,>3   3   ) ? 
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<!t0 l73 ) ? , ) ? , PBL †> 12/E[23
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34    !     "

 )  <

: _TT'0G : , ! q34

” 83 , c C u[t? g^6 / ?0 >!i(3 )QB0 !/0 \Q g3(?>
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12E[?3 126&3 ^2Ch u[t? !/0 g3(?> n; , 12E[?3 1SbSq3
< !  g3  c C u[t? R$3 F 7jU , > C A°0  12/E[23
:r)0. >  ! :  567
: r)0 +,Z :46;= : <=>H 5 
r)0 +,Z :JK
:r)0 +,Z  :46;& ;   Q
Bu 4= Z a_ s= r)0 +,Z  :46;& ;   Q ,%4G :t*.
:w( ,1 vZ
B 4& Z6 4&
 >EU $A0 −
 >?qh $A0 −V
 }?A0  −§
 ” 6^0

   !     " 35

 )  <

r)0 +,Z JK

L6& 5 
” 8 Z6 Y L6& 5  5F X= VW
ˆA0 B 4&  0 07& 07&
cEG  Methods in
 &  6  "" <”
Desiginging I! u[T
cEG  Sport " <”
Ã>! Z>? M.S
Advanced  /? 4
cEG  Studies in " <”
Biomechanic k8O E
cEG  Educational
c C 'S U " <”
c?q  Elective
c?q !/
 Total ” 6^0

r)0 +,Z JK

x,> Z6 L6& 5  Y L6& 5  5F X= VW
L6& B 4& )X%>* Y  0 07& 07&
Seminars in  xW /
;I  Motor " p
Learning ;! ) ?
Studies in  /? 4 [\
;I  Evaluation& )> /?3 œ/ " V<
in Physical Ã>!

36    !     "

 )  <

Physiology of a   A7

;I  Physical " <”
Pecrformance Ã>!
Methods &
;I  Strategies of ^2C3 " V<
4  Elective
c?q !/
Te Total x, b&

:y 0. g\ z VW

<.6?  & Ž j>! C  }?A0 
:)4* F6& :t >@
9  3 ˆA ?q )?> −:g3X ¤ JSB >?qh $A0 _
: 2M $A0
Z6 Y L6& 5  Y L6& 5 
07& 5F L6&
B 4& )X%>*  0
{ F.
Advanced  /? 4
 Studies in " V<
Ã>! *B( )&
 Sport of Special K- YB j> "‘
groups V
 Sport Marketing Ã>! l> A? " <”

   !     " 37

 )  <

9  3 ˆA ?q )?> −:v† ¤ JSB >?qh $A0 −V

: 2M $A0
Z6 Y L6& 5 
)X%>* Y L6& 5  07& 5F L6&
B 4&  0
{ F.
;! JW?
 Movement Analysis of  <”
Sport Performance Ã>! '4¸
 xW /
 Seminars in Health and  <”
Body Fitness  / !23 WS
 xW /
 Seminars in the  V<
Research Topic  ” j 

:46;& ; r)0. >  ! 56F ^-0) 4 F6& |}. −:t \@
r)0 +,Z    g1   :' 
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Z>?3 E>? !6  gNq )Q4LG3 dYL( ?q *3 •0 }S/3 •0
< B?t0 r3!i  Ã>!
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!> [2  )aA2 ?3 B?t0 j>! V X a0 Ž O?(O3 O2n(O > 
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gNq 9 k3 8E E[ E(0 />![ ?qh N a0 Z[ >3o23
%& ZX €\Q !&  o;!>3 ˜h?h3 BK  JW? Z ¿  ! ?
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>C 3!†8h3 AB(3 8E h^0  Kq3 Ã>! g^0  1(>43 œ/
<vE '4X [E2!0   AB3 >  O8O03

   !     " 39

 )  <

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40    !     "

 )  <

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6O J† K- 6  r 0 )Q>3o23 ,;! '4X !> [? c!i( ;!
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  x,r,=  } 7- :' 
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 ” j 6 [E2!0 6 3 >!i(    7! 3 .?t0  ” j 6
</$4 6& BK3 aBK33 a‡3 [E2!0  4 G k\;3

   !     " 41

-=  <

‫ﻛﻠﻴﺔ ا>داب‬

:)4 56F
‚ −
“ 3 x> =>2 pST
NG =>2 pST
:; 4= −
 1& ‰ S(0 6;C g ª 0 l/‡3 , >ª } W? (A $A  |^( •
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:ŸM W( %&
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 1>ª EG  4 0
" ” 6^0

   !     " 43

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:Ÿ{> n; $A Ž Z[ œ>
ƒ=. g)- )G :46;= JK
Z6 Y L6& 5  5F VW
)X%>* Y L6& 5  L6&
B 4&  0 B &
{ F.
Methods of Scientific
6  xWE IQ( " | 
Special Topics on  Kq & j 
٢ Modern History of " | 
Yemen x> 96 =>2
Special Topics on  Kq & j 
٢ Modern History of " | 
Arabs x> V!  =>2
Critisism & Evaluating lbm  l/‡3 /8 M.*
٢ Documments and " | 
Manuscripts ` [t03
x> 33 =>2
Modern & Recent " | 
History of Euroup “ 03
D ·2 ‰ S8
Historical Texts in " | 
English >ª o^8U
 &A ” 6+

44    !     "

-=  <

:[\ z VW

:Ÿ{> n; $A Ž Z[ œ>
ƒ=. g)- )G :46;= JK
Z6 Y L6& 5  Y L6& 5  5F VW
B 4& )X%>*  0 B &
{ F.
 Seminar xW &$ " | 
Special Topics on  Kq & j 
 Recent History of " |
Yemen “ 0 96 =>2
Special Topics on  Kq & j 
 Recent History of "‘ | 
Yemen “ 0 V!  =>2
.W?0 >h  =>2 [\
 History of the U.S.A " | 
Critisism & Evaluating lbm  l/‡3 /8
 Documments and  | 
Manuscripts ` [t03
D ·2 ‰ S8
 Historical Texts in  | 
English >ª o^8U
 &A ” 6+

   !     " 45

-=  <

:=$ I )G : t >@

:M.S z VW
:Ÿ{> n; $A Ž Z[ œ>
=$ I )G :46;= JK
Z6 Y L6& 5  5F VW
 0 Y L6& 5  L6&
B 4& )X%>* B &
{ F.
Methods of
 Historical ·? xWE IQ( " 
History of Islam  NU ,?8 =>2
 Spreading in " 
Africa in the south
of the Desert
'!WS V ( />!7G
Special Topics on  Kq & j 
 the Islamic History " 
of Yemen NU 96 =>2
Critisism & lbm  l/‡3 /8
 Evaluating " 
Documments and
` [t03
 Islamic Civilization Ž NU .  " 
D ·2 ‰ S8
 Historical Texts in " 
English >ª o^8U
 &A ” 6+

46    !     "

-=  <

:[\ z VW

:Ÿ{> n; $A Ž Z[ œ>
=$ I )G :46;= JK
Z6 Y L6& 5  Y L6& 5  5F VW
B 4& )X%>*  0 B &
{ F.
 Seminars xW &$ " 
¼!  !OB =>2
 The History of Islamic " 
Arab Thought NU
 Kq & j 
 Special Issues in the "‘ 
Islami NU 96 =>2
NU .  M.*
 Islamic Civilizan " 
Critisism & Evaluating lbm  l/‡3 /8
 Documments and  
Manuscripts ` [t03
Critisism & Evaluating D ·2 ‰ S8
 Documments and  
Manuscripts >ª o^8U
 &A ” 6+

   !     " 47

-=  <

:=$ c   56F

: 34
‚ −
]>4X3 ./ 
g K3 1/B
]Š!/  &3 }AB?
(A  &3 x>
:; 4= −
 1& ‰ S(0 6;C g ª 0 l/‡3 , >ª } W? (A $A  |^( •
<     Wbh
Wbh  a& ‰ S(0 u   ZAW , ª 6  ! ,$(  |^( •
−:Q >,%=
& Ž 9 NU   }?A0   [- ] O?2
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 >EG  4 0
 ” 6^0

:Ÿ{> n; d4 dS7  $A0 *>2 )?>

48    !     "

-=  <

:) S. B7 : t*.

:M.S z VW
:Ÿ{> n; $A Ž Z[ œ>
) S. B7 :46;= JK
Z6 Y L6& 5  5F VW
)X%>* Y L6& 5  L6&
B 4&  0 B &
{ F.
 Divine Religions ).„ )  "" <4
 Islamic Doctrine I UT =$ I B7Z " <4
 Islamic Denominations =$ I L09 " <4
A Historical Comparative
 Study of Religions and V&. ) € " <4
their Denominations g3h
 g1 <=
 Research Methods in
Islamic Doctrine
" <4
=$ c B7
g1 <=
 Methods of Scientific
" <4
Tk Z6 x, ‡

   !     " 49

-=  <

:[\ z VW

:Ÿ{> n; $A Ž Z[ œ>
) S. B7 :46;= JK
Z6 Y L6& 5  Y L6& 5  5F VW
B 4& )X%>*  0 B &
{ F.
 Earthly Religions r. )  " <4
 Islamic Doctrine II U] =$ I B7Z " <4
Shortcomings of  „)c JF,>
 Faith in Islamic " <4
Doctrine B7
Contemporary )0%9 ˆ=
 Intellectual Doctrines "‘ <4 v†
A Critique of +$% 5 7>
 Theology and " <4
Philosophy W6W.
0%W  ) S
 Religions in Islamic
=$ c
Tk Z6 x, ‡

50    !     "

-=  <

{,}. {7W : t >@

:M.S z VW
:Ÿ{> n; $A Ž Z[ œ>
{,}. {7W :46;= JK
Z6 Y L6& 5  Y L6& 5  5F VW
B 4& )X%>*  0 B &
{ F.
 Fundamentals of
Jurisprudence I
UT {7W M,} "" <4
Elicitation of Islamic vZ x.0W <)0K
 Minor Provisions
from Major
" <4
Provisions I
 Jurisprudence of $== 7= {79 " <4
 Jurisprudence of  Z 7= {79 " <4
{7W +$ZS  
 A Study of Islamic " <4
=$ c
 Methods of Scientific
  g1 <= " <4
Tk Z6 x, ‡

   !     " 51

-=  <

:[\ z VW

:Ÿ{> n; $A Ž Z[ œ>
{,}. {7W :46;= JK
Z6 Y L6& 5  5F VW
)X%>* Y L6& 5  L6&
B 4&  0 B &
{ F.
 Fundamentals of
Jurisprudence II
U] {7W M,} " <4
Elicitation of Islamic Minor vZ x.0W <)0K
 Provisions from Major " <4
Provisions II U] M,}S
 Jurisprudence Rules ^7W Z,7 " <4
 Intentions of Sharia
(Islamic Religion)
)‰ }7= "‘ <4
Comparative M,- 7= {79
 Jurisprudence of " <4
Personnel Status ‚ 3Š
Jurisprudence of Felonies
); 7= {79  <4
Tk Z6 x, ‡

52    !     "

-=  <

‹07 +,Z. :6W4 : t \@

:M.S z VW
:Ÿ{> n; $A Ž Z[ œ>
‹07 +,Z. :6W4 :46;= JK
Z6 L6& 5  5F VW
)X%>* Y L6& 5  L6&
B 4&  0 Y B &
{ F.
)‹ :6WG
 Interpretation of Quranic
Verses of Provisions I
"" <4
UT +%-c
‹07 +,Z
 Quran Sciences I " <4
Œ :6WG
 Analytical Interpretation of
Quran I
" <4 g3h
 Fundamentals of Quran
:6W4 M,} " <4
 Quranic Syntax [‹07 ,1 " <4
g1 <=
 Methods of Scientific
" <4
Tk Z6 x, ‡

   !     " 53

-=  <

:[\ z VW

:Ÿ{> n; $A Ž Z[ œ>
‹07 +,Z. :6W4 :46;= JK
Z6 Y L6& 5  5F VW
 0 Y L6& 5  L6&
B 4& )X%>* B &
{ F.
Interpretation of
 Quranic Verses of U] +%-S )‹ :6WG " <4
Provisions II
 Quran Sciences II U] ‹07 +,Z " <4
 Analytical Interpretation
of Quran II
U] Œ :6WG " <4
 g1 <= v†
 Methods of Research in
the Quranic Studies
"‘ <4
 Methodologies of
Quran Interpreters
s)ŽW& <= " <4
 Interpretation of the Z,r,& :6W4  <4
Subjects in Quran
Tk Z6 x, ‡

54    !     "

-=  <

6 +,Z. g)l : t  

:M.S z VW
:Ÿ{> n; $A Ž Z[ œ>
6 +,Z. g)l :46;= JK
Z6 Y L6& 5  5F VW
)X%>* Y L6& 5  L6&
B 4&  0 B &
{ F.
Interpretation & {^79. g)l O
 Jurisprudence of Hadith "" <4
Hadith Narration & the   . <)034
 Study of Assigning " <4
Hadith > S
 6 +,Z
 Sauna Sciences in
Contemporary Studies
" <4 g3h
 Shortcomings in Hadith g)l VZ " <4
 Methodologies of Hadith
@1& <= " <4
g1 <=
 Methods of Scientific
" <4
Tk Z6 x, ‡

   !     " 55

-=  <

:[\ z VW

:Ÿ{> n; $A Ž Z[ œ>
6 +,Z. g)l :46;= JK
Z6 Y L6& 5  Y L6& 5  5F VW
B 4& )X%>*  0 B &
{ F.
Interpretation & {^79. g)l O
 Jurisprudence of " <4
Hadith II U]
 An Evaluative Study
of Hadith Narrators
V)4. 0o " <4
‘= Z,F
 Basics of Hadith
" <4
g)l v†
Sauna Status and 6 >%=
 Contemporary "‘ <4
Challenges Bƒ& )14.
 History of the Sauna
of the Prophet
), 6 )G " <4
 Hadith Narrators &
their Levels
5’7E. g)l B.  <4
 Z6 x, ‡

56    !     "

-=  <

:)Xb>* Y 56F

:‚  ; 5  −
>o^8h D 4 3 D )&  }?A0 !   )
MA of Arts in Linguistics and English >o^8U D  )
Language Studies
>o^8h D 4 3 D )&  }?A0 :J34
‚ −
:; 4= −
 1& ‰ S(0 6;C g ª 0 l/‡3 , >ª } W? (A $A  |^( •
<     Wbh
Wbh  a& ‰ S(0 u   ZAW , ª 6  ! ,$(  |^( •
−:Q >,%=
:˜? W( %& &  .6?  >EG & 36 %&  [- J6?,2

Course Credit
Course Title Source
No. Hours
Postgraduate Foundation Module in English
language studies
Postgraduate Foundation Module in
Ling 15 HUST
Linguistic studies
A333 Dissertation 6 HUST
Total 36 HUST

:Ÿ{> n;3 d4 dS7  $A0 *>2 )?>

   !     " 57

-=  <

:M.S z VW

:Ÿ{> n; $A Ž Z[ œ>
Z6 5F
)X%>* Y L6& 5   0 Y L6& 5  L6&
B 4& B &
{ F.
Linguistic : > D X
 Foundations: Sounds " LF
of Language D  K
Linguistic : ),Y   S
Structures of
" LF
Y "0G
Linguistic [= : ),Y   S
 Foundations: " LF
Meanings of Language Y
g1 b^=.    LF

Postgraduate : ˜  ) ? 

 Foundation Module in  LF
Literature V4X .4  JS7
 Graduate Seminars “0K g1  LF

Te Z6 x, ‡

58    !     "

-=  <

:[\ z VW

:Ÿ{> n; $A Ž Z[ œ>
Z6 Y L6& 5  5F
 0 Y L6& 5  L6&
B 4& )X%>* B &
{ F.
 Psycholinguistics 6W ),Y " LF

 Sociolinguistics &n?h > D " LF

7  84. )0A

 Theory and Practice
of Literary Criticism
” S
 Language and
) ? 3 D " LF

 Literary Linguistics  S ),Y  LF

97\ 4& ' S  LF

Te Z6 x, ‡

−: )Xb>c Y  :46;& 07= |},G

Ling 101Linguistic Foundations: Sounds of Language
This course is designed as two overlapping modules – Module 1:
Phonetics and Module 2: Phonology. The course will introduce students to the
physiological aspects of speech production. It will also explore processes of
articulation, phonation and intonation in English and other selected languages,
revise concepts of phoneme, features, abstractness, ordering and examine
theories of lexical, metrical, auto-segmental dependence and government
phonology, with emphases on analytical procedures and applications to real
world language problems.
Required textbooks and references:
Ladefoged, Peter (2001). A Course in Phonetics. Hienl.
Lodge,K., (2009). A Critical Introduction to Phonetics. Continuum
International Publishing Group, London
Ling 102 Linguistic Foundations: Structures of Language

   !     " 59

-=  <

This course deals with the principles of morphology and syntax with
emphases on analytical procedures and applications to real world language
problems. It introduces grammatical principles that govern the structure of
words (morphology) and sentences (syntax) in human languages around the
world. The aim of the course is to develop the student’s appreciation for both
the variation found in human languages and the essential unity underlying that
variation, and to strengthen his/her skills in analytic reasoning through the
study of linguistic patterns. Lectures, assignments and tests will use examples
from English as well as other languages.
Andrew Carnie (2006). Syntax A Generative Introduction Blackwell
Publishing Ltd
Payne, T., (2006). Exploring Language Structure: A Student’s Guide.
Editors Jan Koster Harry van der Hulst Henk van Riemsdijk (2007)
Noun Phrase in the Generative Perspective, Mouton de Gruyter
Ling 103 Linguistic Foundations: Meanings of Language
This module focuses on the principles of semantics and pragmatics with
emphases on analytical procedures and applications to real world language
problems. Meaning in isolation and meaning according to the context and
according to the speaker's attention and the hearer's understanding will be
dealt with in this course. Linguistic semantics is the study of meaning as
conveyed through language. The utterances made by speakers of a language
are expressions of intentional and mindful activity. Communication through
language is a reflection of our modeling of the environment and our attempt to
understand reality with innate logical machinery for reasoning and inference.
We begin with the study of logic (natural deduction) and show how
propositional and first-order logical systems provide a natural means for the
formal interpretation of linguistic expressions. We then examine the semantic
of logical inference in terms of model theory and semantic types. The major
subject areas of semantics will be covered, including quantification and
plurality, anaphora and discourse, tense and aspect, ellipsis, and lexical
Leech, G. Semantics
Cutting, J. 2002 Pragmatics and Discourse.Routledge.
Anna Cardinaletti and Maria Teresa Guasti (1995). Syntax and
semantics. Academic Press.
Ling 104 Psycholinguistics
This course discusses the theories of learning and the major
contemporary issues relating to the psychological foundations of language. It
deals with the behaviourists’ views on language acquisition especially the
views of Skinner, Watson and Pavlov; the views of the cognitive psychologists
such as Piaget and the cognitive-innateness hypothesis of linguists-cum-
psychologists such as Chomsky, Slobin and McNeill. It examines the second
language learning theories of Krashen, Selinker and others. It looks into
human language processing including perception and production of speech
and writing as well as the instrumental and integrative motivation towards
language learning.
60    !     "
-=  <

Traxlermorton, T. and Gernsbacher,M. (2006). Handbook of

psycholinguistics.. AP, USA
Ling 105 Sociolinguistics
This course seeks to examine the development and growth of
Sociolinguistics as a field of study in the latter half of the Twentieth century.
The following topics will be addressed:
the definition and scope of Sociolinguistics;
the definition and interpretation of basic concepts of theoretical
importance in sociolinguistic research e.g. language-dialect, speech
community, linguistic repertoire, linguistic variable, social variable,
communicative competence, etc.;
the contributions of researchers such as Gumperz, Hymes, and Labov to
developments in socioinguistic theory.
Romaine,S 2000 Language in Society: an introduction to
sociolinguistics. Oxford University Press.
Milroy, L. and Gordon, M., 2003. Sociolinguistics Method and
Interpretation. Blackwell.
Ling 106 Language and Literacy
This course explores current debates in the rapidly changing field of
language and literacy, and examines the relevance of research and
scholarship to educational policy and practice. Its international focus and
emphasis on social perspectives will enable the student to gain a deeper
understanding of language and literacy in use, and to learn methods of making
his/her own analyses. Student will draw on concepts and methods from
several disciplines, including linguistics, anthropology and psychology as well
as educational research. The course will appeal to teachers and others
interested in language and literacy issues from an educational perspective.
Among the areas related to literacy are domains of literacy, academic literacy,
gender and literacy, historical aspects of literacy and social aspects of literacy.
This course features research and practice both within and beyond
Yemen. The aims of the course are to:
introduce current issues in the research field of language and literacy
familiarize the student with the relevant theoretical and methodological
enable the student to understand better the role of language in the
processes of teaching and learning, especially in relation to teaching and
learning about language
explore the relevance of research in the field of language and literacy
studies to contemporary issues in both global and local contexts
show the student how to use a range of methods for researching and
analyzing language and literacy
encourage the student to reflect critically on his/her understanding of
language and literacy through discussion with other participants in the course.
With an emphasis on social perspectives on language and literacy, the
course covers themes in language and literacy studies such as language and
social identity, the communicative processes of teaching and learning, literacy
practices, access to literacy, and the uses of language with computer
technology. Recent work is used to exemplify the different ways researchers
   !     " 61
-=  <

investigate language and literacy practices in various educational contexts.

The student will explore a range of language data, spoken, written and visual,
and try out analyses for himself, completing a project on a topic that
particularly interests him.
Whittaker,R.2009. Language and literacy.
Jones,W. 2007. Teaching English: language and literacy
A331: Postgraduate Foundation Module in Literature
This course will explore a range of recent theoretical approaches to the
study of literature, and how these impact literary research. It will expose
students to theoretical and critical issues related to literature. Using these
critical frameworks will sensitize students to the ideological nature of literary
discourse and the ways in which certain dominant ideas of nation, race,
ethnicity and gender are ratified or challenged. Thus this course develops
students’ ability to think, interpret and evaluate differing views and
Moon,P. 2000. Studying literature; new approaches to poetry and fiction
Makaryk, R (1997) Encyclopedia of Contemporary Literary Theory:
Approaches, Scholars, Terms
Hogan, P.2000 Philosophical approaches to the study of literature
A332: Graduate Seminars
The course is taught through tutorials (seminars). The tutorial groups
will meet once a week to work on contemporary issues (see list below), having
previously been given a handout with suggested topics for discussion and
recommended reading list. One or more students in the group will present the
chosen topic, which will be discussed by the group under the guidance of a
lecturer. The aim of this component of the M.A. course is firstly to introduce
major issues in linguistics, applied linguistics, literacy and English literature
which would complement those taught in the course component and secondly
to give students practice in writing academic papers and sustaining linguistic
The proposed course content will include:
1. Speech and writing
2. Grammar
3. Corpus Linguistics
4. Language and IT
5. Critical Discourse Analysis
6. Language Acquisition
7. Psycholinguistics and Sociolinguistics
8. Applied Linguistics
9. Literacy
10. English Literature
A333: Dissertation
The dissertation course requires students to carry out research in
linguistics or literature under the guidance of a supervisor. Students will use
primary and secondary information and design their research study
appropriately. They will hand in a complete dissertation consisting of 16000 –
18000 words at the end of the course.
A335 Theory and Practice of Literary Criticism

62    !     "

-=  <

This course included a discussion of the major theories of literary

criticisms and its influences on creative writings and literary development
including the development of English literary criticism theories. Reading and
evaluation of selected texts based on the literary theories discussed. The uses
and application of literary theories and criticism in learning and teaching of
literature in schools will be explored. The students will be able to:
a) Understand psychological, historical, biographical, formalist, feminist
and postmodernist interpretations of literature.
b) Apply various critical approaches to the same work of literature.
c) Understand how various schools of criticism reflect social and historic
A336 Literary Linguistics
This module will introduce students to some of the ways in which
linguistic analysis can be used to explore the language of literary texts. Topics
covered will include: nouns and verbs; sentence structure; vocabulary and
register; narrative and point of view; reporting speech and thought. The
emphasis will be upon a practical approach, and texts studied will be
predominantly drawn from contemporary literature. Students will also be
introduced to some of the recent debates about the value of literary linguistics.
Students who complete this module will have gained a good understanding of
the language of literature.
This course introduces the student to a range of analytic techniques for
a variety of text types, including prose fiction, poetry and drama. The student
will develop a vocabulary for linguistic description and a repertoire of
approaches to the analysis of literary texts. The student will also consider
some recent developments in the study of literary linguistics which came out of
the desire for social and contextual analysis in the study of language. Here the
focus is on the situation of production and the reception of texts and the
student will discuss approaches including critical discourse analysis, cognitive
poetics and text world theory, as well as various techniques of analysis based
in the study of pragmatic stylistics.
Leech,G., (1969). A Linguistic Guide to English Poetry. Longman
Leech, G, Style in Fiction
A337 Multicultural Literature
The Multicultural Literature course is an introduction to writing by people
both from around the world and those living as minorities within Western
culture. The curriculum concentrates on major novels, plays, poetry and
essays written by those traditionally held outside the Western literary canon.
The students will study the development of these literatures and the
corresponding social and historical circumstances that helped shape them, as
well as the social and political movements they helped to foster. This class will
make students more aware of the differences that culture, ethnicity, class and
gender have on the study of literature.
Students will use the literature as a starting point for enhancing their
reading, writing,
speaking, listening, viewing and critical thinking skills.

   !     " 63

-=  <

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64    !     "

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   !     " 67
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{ F.
 Studies in " ˧
Gemorphology   7 6
7!D  4
 Studies in Quantitative " ˧
Geography 6O
7!D  4
Studies in Ecnomical
 Geography : & >4S?$h " ˧
Agriculture & Grazing
&3 g3h
7!D  4
Geographical Studies
 in Urban and Rural c_ ]!6  " ˧
 Methods of Research
in Geography
!D xWE IQ( " ˧
 Geographical Texts 7!D ‰ S8 " ˧
Te Z6 x, ‡

70    !     "

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Studies in the 7!D  4
 Geography of Water " ˧
Sources b0 4 0
 .“  4
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Population Geography ]OA 7!D
7!D  4
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 Geography(Industry& &(K >4S?$h " ˧
Ž]4 3
 Studies in cartography  ˧
7! 2O
 Geographic  ˧
Information Systems 7!D
Te Z6 x, ‡

   !     " 71

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   !     " 73

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   !     " 75

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‫دارﻳﺔ‬.‫ﻛﻠﻴﺔ اﻟﻌﻠﻮم ا‬

9œ&. & +, 56F

:‚  ; 5  −
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Master Degree in Banking and Financial >o^8U D  )
< 7–3   & :J34
‚ −
:; 4= −
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   !     " 77

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Z6 Y L6& 5  Y L6& 5  5F VW
B 4& )X%>*  0 B &
{ F.
 Financial " ”
Management /?
>4S?$ >!i8
 Microeconomics " ”
7– .4G g3X
 Banking " ”
Management /?
Ã> 4S?$ " ”
 Elective Course c?q !/
 Elective Course c?q !/
Te Z6 x, ‡

78    !     "

2 >   <

: [\ z VW −]

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9œ=. = +,Z :46;= JK
Z6 Y L6& 5  5F VW
)X%>* Y L6& 5  L6&
B 4&  0 B &
{ F.
Investment and Ì7W03
 Advanced Investment " ”
Portfolio >n†?h
0 >4S?$
 Financial conomic " ”
 Financial and Banking " ”
Operations /? 7–3
>4S?$ >!i8
 Macroeconomics " ”
 Econometric ¤$ 4S?$ "‘ ”
 Elective Course c?q !/
Te Z6 x, ‡

   !     " 79

2 >   <

: )4* 07&
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8 6 B 4& L6& 07&
"  c?q /? ˜ J‡ "
 c?q  Í,( Eƒ 
)/23 •3 4
 c?q ˜34 J> 
 c?q –0 l> A? 
 c?q /?  ˆ  
” 6^0

B 4= Z U_ 9œ&. & +,  :46;&   − u;

−: 9œ&. & +,  :46;& 07= |},G
Financial Management ( Advanced ) =74& & B c – UT`T
, W!3  A d $N  J‡3 , aBb³33 0 .4U Y 4 FG !/0 r‚
ry  6  8o0 J‡3 O0 g { C$h 8/ 43 , ˜0 JOe '(3
4  0 43 , ˜0 °E(? gNq 9 >!>/? >/(3 >!>/? 8 0 4&G
>4S?$h &3™03 ;!, 0 A Rj3 B;3 , O0 l ,Ž g KX
b 3 !`t0 >‡3 g0 œ 8 3 , J  g0 œ .4G B; !/0 œ>3
< D,? en& 3 ;™ n†? 1 2 ] 9O6> ? $ ?0

80    !     "

2 >   <

Microeconomics ( Advanced ) =74= ?X; ) 4F )0A> UT`]

g34 J‡3 §?8U >!i83 , —Na?h g343 , ka?A0 —  !/0 œ>
< SB23 /6  . S n†?h O? h3 , ˆ X 43 , fO? g343 §?8U
Banking Management ( Advanced ) =74= 90u= B I UT`a
” 83 , !S0 i( Z[ 6  7! 0 R 23 l6 2 FG !/0 r‚
}¨3 .sE0 8n?bh NaA? 4 /( lq3 >^? rS0 gn&3 ,rS0
$N&3 ,c^? k(E ®q )i(? E`3 , c^? k(E 8o J‡3 Ž.sE0
, SSt?0 C$h A°  !/0 )?‚ )?‚3 ,co;!0 k(E >^? — (E
< NU — (E3 >^? — (E d ˆ!B3
Mathematical Economic ( Advanced ) ~) 4F UT`d
>!i( œ>3 ,  O, ¨K (& j>!  ! t?A>   J†6>
] ? J‡3 , j>! §n( g3(?> 3 , /[(0 §?(?h 6&  .&A6 j>!
>a( >‡3 , %†0 ”j3X >‡3 6?>¨ 3 X g33 4S?$h 
< ¡6i 3 •!DS
Investment and Portfolio (Advanced) : )„\4 * 91&. „\4 * UT`e
!/  E`3 , 1/6 3 SB2 . S n†?h 4 FG !/0 r‚
, n†?h 6& 1 2 ? b 3 !`t0 1Q 3 ,JX > [ >n†?h
iBƒ 4 g3(?> 3 , g0 œ BO? a?$N&3 ,  6/ K VA? 3
°E(? ? J  t? !`t0 ¿Bq JE 43 , ab( B;3 %†0 n†?h
< >n†?h !`t0

   !     " 81

2 >   <

FINANCIAL Economic ( Advanced ) =74& = & ) 4F UT`_

 )?‚3 ,   4!>U3   /B( JSB? 9 'Î !/0 œ>
.bB !  h 3 8n?bh A3 E>_ A; .6? 0 0 A
<A €\Q m3
Financial and ( Advanced ) uu=74= 90uu =. {uu= uu Z UT`h
Banking Operations
, >^? — (E y  /2 ? -3 q3 0 6  !/0 \Q œ>
:WEK3 H  >^? — (E 34 R 2 G , 6  €\Q  t?A0 34X3
— (E d c!« ? $B2h3 ]3 ? gNq 9 ­  ”/ J; –0 a6  [D2
®W0 c^? g4E? 6& JaA? [D? — (3 Ž !0  - — (E3 W0
Macroeconomics ( Advanced ) " ) 4F )0A> UT`k
®O Z[ 43 , QmŠ œ$3 O >4S?$h }D? !/0 œ>
< >4S?$h A3 , [E3 )t ?3 ®O c4S?$h ] ?3 , ®O ! 3
Econometric( Advanced ) z7 4F* UT`m
°E(?  at?3 R$  R a$B2 • ?q3 $N  pt,? )?‚
9 k )?>3 , >4S?$h A ¨K  aU J 9 >4S?$h !Q i
6bN !†; a  >4S?$h d8 / J 7 >W? bS h ˆ![ 8 ?h gNq
a‡3 >4S?$h }D?0 d 6O $N  œ> 3 < ¤/ xWE !¨X
< H bS G

82    !     "

2 >   <

Financial Analysis ( Advanced ) +74= ž= V UTT`

6b$ , Jq 6b$ ,  6  8o0  0 )b / 4 !/0 \Q g3(?>
$N  œ> 3 < g4 ? J‡3 ˜0 R7! Z 43 , a‡3 Ž c/( l7?
9 at?3 g X 4S 43 < ¿ E a  !m{23  6  8o0 4 ( d
& 0 |X >‡3 , g X k2 t?3 g X 4S d $N  J‡ gNq
.o^?W0 |X3
=74= Z.0un& 57G. ) 4F* Ÿ.o   UTT]
Feasibility Study and Projects Evaluation ( Advanced )
!/ 4T h , n†?h Jb >‡3 n†?h •3 !/0 \Q œ>3
)> /2  !m°2 ? J 3 4 /( (o 6/  )?‚3 , WWS >n†?h
< R>,0 9 4& d 9 J†X ”3™0 ?q3 , >4S?$h R>,0
Financial Markets ( Advanced ) =74= = L,  U
¢3!,3 ;!, R 1 2 B;3 6i(23 ˜0 ˆ A  !/0 )?‚
J6& B;3 < Ž K E  ˜0 ˆ A  t?A0 34X3 , J ? \Q  .6? 0
g32 B;3 , ˆ A at?A> ? 34X E`3 , c 8† ˆ A3 F3X ˆ A
< (A3 )aX €\e '™3 RE 6& )i(23 (A3 )aX

   !     " 83

  ? @!  A  >   <

‫ﺣﻴﺎء اﻟﺒﺤﺮﻳﺔ‬A‫ﻛﻠﻴﺔ اﻟﻌﻠﻮم اﻟﺒﻴﺌﻴﺔ وا‬

)01 2-S 56F
:‚  ; 5  −
>!WE ' X  &  }?A ª !   )
M.Sc. Marine Biology : >o^8U D  )
< >!W '  :J34
‚ −
:; 4= −
 1& ‰ S(0 6;C g ª 0 l/‡3 , >ª } W? (A $A  |^( •
<     Wbh
Wbh  a& ‰ S(0 u   ZAW , ª 6  ! ,$(  |^( •
:Q >,%=
 .C7 gNq &  .6?  &  Q$ .   [- ¡[D2
: ? E[?0 96j
.6? 0 &A  !/0
 >EU Ž
>?qh Ž
 Ž 3!`X  }?A0 
 ” 6^0
—C,> >?q •!q3 , >EG 4  pSt? h+ 9 g+ JO 4 Ž
<•!qX h^0  VN[ R‹ a?(? 

   !     " 85

  ? @!  A  >   <

  4 0 4& d 9 >?qh !/0 >‡ 3 ?qh K!7 Z[ ¡[ 2 Ž

<Ž€84 s&  ›j  Q n; B?t0  h+   T ?
< ¤ I85 12sE0 .&A0 4 0 Z[ œ2 Ž
JS7 J;  Z[ œ> G d4 dS7   !/0 *>2 )?> Ž
<&A  3 !/3 d>?q 9>!/3 >EG !/ 
Z[ X )A/ q d 9 Ž 3!`X ! ” j  |C/> Ž
< O3 )A/ ’+ JE$ 9 €!$G )?>3 Žd7™0 r™03
: >?qh  !/0 Ž
JS7 J;  d>?q d4 9>!/ ¤4 g+ J;  Z[ œ> Ž
 I8! 96j aA>2 !/0 X  !/0 d 9 ¤4
)A/ JE$ 9 g+ JO a?6A2 )?> xW g+ JO .!/0 & Ž}?A0  
<g+ J; !/ R Z(?> n ,¤4 JS7 J; > 
:ŸM W( %& d4 dS7  $A0 *>2 )?>
Fish Reproduction Biology „ S  0@%4 ;,, : t*.
:M.S z VW
:Ÿ{> n; $A Ž Z[ œ>
„ S  0@%4 ;,, :46;= JK
Z6 Y L6& 5  Y L6& 5  5F VW
B 4& )X%>*  0 B & { F.

 Advance Fish Biology /? —n    " œ V

K   (O2 g3h
 Fishing technology " œ V

86    !     "

  ? @!  A  >   <

/? [ƒ )& " œ V
 Elective Course c?q !/
 Elective Course c?q !/
 Pre-requsit course 8A !/
Te Z6 x, ‡

:[\ z VW

:Ÿ{> n; $A Ž Z[ œ>
„ S  0@%4 ;,, :46;= JK
Z6 Y L6& 5  Y L6& 5  5F VW
B 4& )X%>*  0 B &
{ F.
&n O(>4
 Fish Population " œ V
Dynamics O6A
 Fish Nutrition and
—n >\D3 >\D2 " œ V
c!W ]  Y
 Animal Marine " œ V g3h
Ecology /?
 Elective Course c?q !/
 Elective Course c?q !/
 Pre-requsit course 8A !/
Te Z6 x, ‡

   !     " 87

  ? @!  A  >   <

Fish stock assessment % 6 .X3& 5),7G : t >@

:M.S z VW
:Ÿ{> n; $A Ž Z[ œ>
% 6 .X3& 5),7G :46;= JK
Z6 Y L6& 5  Y L6& 5  VW
B 4& )X%>*  0 B &
{ F.
 Advance Fish Biology /? —n    " œ V
K   (O2
 Fishing technology " œ V
/? [ƒ )& " V g3h
 Elective Course c?q !/
 Elective Course c?q !/
 Pre-requsit course 8A !/
Te Z6 x, ‡
:[\ z VW
:Ÿ{> n; $A Ž Z[ œ>
% 6 .X3& 5),7G :46;= JK
Z6 L6& 5  5F X= VW
)X%>* Y L6& 5  L6&
B 4&  0 Y B & { F.
 Population Dynamics " œV
O6A &n
)> /2 ˆ!` v†
 Methods of Stock
]3ot0 " V
88    !     "
  ? @!  A  >   <

]  Y
 Animal Marine Ecology " œV
/? c!W
 Elective Course c?q !/
 Elective Course c?q !/
 Pre-requsit course 8A !/
Te Z6 x, ‡

Marine biology )01 2-S ;,, : t \@

:M.S z VW
:Ÿ{> n; $A Ž Z[ œ>
)01 2-S ;,, :46;= JK
Z6 L6& 5  5F X= VW
)X%>* Y L6& 5  L6&
B 4&  0 Y B & { F.
 Marine Invertebrate
>/7h "‘ |V
K   (O2
a Fishing technology " œV
[ƒ )& g3h
 Advanced " V
oceanography /?
 Elective Course c?q !/
 Elective Course c?q !/
 Pre-requsit course 8A !/
Te Z6 x, ‡

   !     " 89

  ? @!  A  >   <

:[\ z VW

:Ÿ{> n; $A Ž Z[ œ>
)01 2-S ;,, :46;= JK
Z6 Y L6& 5  Y L6& 5  5F VW
B 4& )X%>*  0 B &
{ F.
>/7h — 3 Y
 Ecology and behavior " | V
of Marie Invertebrate >!W
 Advance Fish Biology /? —n    " œ V
—nX   A7
 Advanced Physiology  | V v†
of Fishes /?
 Elective Course c?q !/
 Elective Course c?q !/
 Pre-requsit course 8A !/
Te Z6 x, ‡

Marine fishery )01 % 6 )& : t  

:M.S z VW
:Ÿ{> n; $A Ž Z[ œ>
)01 % 6 )& :46;= JK
Z6 Y L6& 5  Y L6& 5  5F X= VW
B 4& )X%>*  0 B & { F.
Management and >!WE J  A .4G V
 conservation of  g3h
coastal zone a& ÂB3 ‰

90    !     "

  ? @!  A  >   <

B³  3 V
 Functional Biology of 
Plankton nba ‰
/? [ƒ )& " V
 Elective Course c?q !/
 Elective Course c?q !/
 Pre-requisit Course 8A !/
Te Z6 x, ‡

[\ z VW

:Ÿ{> n; $A Ž Z[ œ>
)01 % 6 )& :46;= JK
Z6 Y L6& 5  Y L6& 5  5F VW
B 4& )X%>*  0 B & { F.

>/7h — 3 Y

 Ecology and behavior " | V
of Marie Invertebrate >!W
&n O(>4
 Population Dynamics " œ V
V v†
 Corals and Coral /? 8! V L 
Reefs ‰
 Elective Course c?q !/
 Elective Course c?q !/
 Pre-requisit Course 8A !/
Te Z6 x, ‡

   !     " 91

  ? @!  A  >   <

−: )01 2-S  :46;& 07= |},G

: 01 ,- / UT
i( )O‡ ?   6 3 ¤X • ?W0 fK3 FG !/0 \Q r‚
abiotic factors 2 N J  d N&B?3 ,c!i( Z8  ; c!WE YE
%& o;!> ®6  Z8  <JSB? 9 W8 %& ,aBb³33 >ª !WE 6i8X Z;!23
Z8 o >3 < B?t0 >!WE R^6 &n3 2\ 4!B Y3 YE 6i8X )> /2
,/E[?3 c!i( Z8 d JO? FG   ;h 43 ®/ ”N`h /E[?
< J/ \Q  a  7! 3 /6& .5q Z[ [ > c\
Animal Marine Ecology :
Animal marine ecology aims at describing and illustrating the
fundamental concepts and general processes in marine ecosystem . In
theoretical part, the interactions between the abiotic factors and the structure
and function of marine ecosystem are reviewed in details. The practical part
focus on assessment of ecology of the different groups of marine organisms.
The practical exercises are supported by field excursions and case studies. The
integration of theoretical and practical aspects of marine ecology will give the
student an in –depth, experience- oriented their knowledge of this scientific field.
: „?^ ),l W¡, U]
b6O3 , b>oB ª 6 3 , 6be (bO . 7!  FG !/0 \Q r‚
YE %& !/0 \y K-   0 6? 23 < nbe YE a?$N&3 >!WE   E3
Z[ Z[>3 < 2E(3 8  nba Y >oB BS3 f(S?3 , >!WE
< Z8  €\Q ¿  |™ 16& .3(
Functional Biology of Plankton :
The purpose of this course is to provide profound understanding about
life of planktonic organisms. Physical , chemical and biology processes will be
explained in relation to their ecology. Lectures based on marine environment,
taxonomy, and eco-physiological characteristics of phytoplankton and
zooplankton .Students will be request to summarize and submit presentation
(seminar), about their understanding of the subject.

92    !     "

  ? @!  A  >   <

: )01 )79* , . / Ua

&n?h — A JW? ˆ!`3 ,  YE — A >!i8  7!  FG r‚
; A $N  )aB ; A Jq0 43 , >!WE YE  >!WE >/7N
R a 2 />!`3 X a +3 >!WE >/7N 9 B?t0 R^0 d
>!WE .W k ¬ H  7 .o6?0 &n?h 4 3 *b!B3 dCB0
ª  %& N
V^?3 / i N0 J^A2 ˆA0 \Q 9 6  Z8 J6,>3 < ]A8¶3
< >5?t0
Ecology and behavior of Marie Invertebrate
The aim of this subject is to learn the theory of behavioral ecology and
analysis the social behavior of marine invertebrate approach to understand
the interaction between the major groups of marine invertebrate such as
defense and response-stimuli system to the predators and preys relationships
as well as the social behavior . The importance of marine invertebrates to the
marine life and human have to be discussed.
The practical part work include field observations and lab. Experiments.
: )01 )79$ ;,, Ud
!ai0; >/7N 2 X 7! 0 FG Z[ 1 ? !/0 \Q r‚
< ª >X  B3 I (3 6( 3 , >\D?3 ^AB3 , . =>23 , -
St,? !Qi03 YE  > ?3 / i N0 ®6  Z8 J6,>3
< >ª 5?¯ V«3 / Q, aBK  >!WE >/7N
Marine Invertebrate Biology
The aims of this course is to acquise the fundamental knowledge on the
biology of marine invertebrate such as morphology life history, feeding,
growth, maturation, metabolic activities . The practical work will include field
observations, environmental distribution, morphological character of different
marine invertebrate groups. Lab. experiments and identification for requested
samples have to be carried out.

   !     " 93

  ? @!  A  >   <

: +74= 1 5Z Ue

WE )& ”!7 f?¯ 9& /?  aB '[&G FG ˆA0 \Q r‚
 3 c  i8 96j a( $N  4 R >  3 b>oB3 b6O3   
: gNq 9 k3
;! 4 , b>oB3 b6O3    WE )& 9& Rj 
4E?0 $N  , WE €0 b6O 3 b>oB ‰ - , WE ] $  [23 8 ?O?
0 .!Q³ , >!WE § h , >!WE ?, [W0 ' h3 WE d
$N  ,YE i( , WE ?8G , >!WE ' h , >!WE &/ Z3!, o3
,B B ,] !O 34 J† b6;  E 3 4 ,  E[ > 
< = <<<<< ] OA ,d3C(
.4 9 .?¯ Rj  %& Kq 4 J6& !/0 \e ®6  I85 Jt?>
<WE )&
Advanced oceanography :
Introduces geological, chemical, physical and biology oceanography.
Topics include plate tectonics and evolution of ocean basins, physical and
chemical characteristics of sea water, atmosphere-ocean coupling, two- and
thee-dimensional oceanic circulation, waves and tides, sedimentation,
marine organisms, biological-physical coupling, biogeochemical cycles. Field
trips or special topics (required) introduce oceanographic methods and
provide application of concepts.

94    !     "

  ? @!  A  >   <

: % 6 .X3& 57G L0E U_

Methods of Stock Assessment :
This subject aimed at studying methods of stock assessment, including:
Analytical models, holistic models, surplus models, estimating of growth
parameters ( VBGE) .Analysis of growth using time series of L/F data, Elefan
I, Shepherd method, Powel-Wetherall method, Battachary,s method, Gulland
& Holt plot and Munro method.
Mortality, Gear selection and recruitment indices:
-Total Mortality from catch-curve; Age structure catch curve.
- Total mortality from mean length : Beverton & Holt.
- Natural mortality : Paulys M empirical equation . Ricker and Evanov
- Gear selectivity : Trammel mesh selection, Gillnet selection. Baranove
& Holt model, multiple mesh size.
- Estimation of probabilities of capture from length converted catch.
- Recruitment Patterns:- Length-structured VPA
- Length- age VPA
Yield per – recruitment and Prediction:
-Bevertone & Holt yield per – recruit model.
-Biomass per – recruit.
- The relative yield per – recruit.
- Thompson &Bell yield – stock prediction

: Z„o %=) Uh
Population Dynamics :
the dynamics of age distribution ,per recruit assessments of numbers of
fish, numerical assessments of stock parameters and units, population
equilibrium : Density- dependent and density- independent mortality, the
Ricker curve, the Beverton and Holt curve, the virtual population technique,
variation in fishing mortality due to variation in fishing effort , combining
mortality estimates, migration, fish tagging and marking.

:U)01 )& ;,,%G )& 7G Uk

J6,2 Rj  9 >S0 (/2 9& 6  7! 0 '!mG FG !/0 \Q r‚
pbSq3 , >^? >!WE >S0 4  gND? ˆ!`3 >µ3 .4G 9& 6& /
6 3 >!i(  aB03 , >S0 gND? Jb33 ˆ!`3 >^? O6A >S0
O6A ] [/ Kq —nX — 3 4[Kh 6  1?$N&3 S Jb3 )6S?
<Ž.!^e3 >\D?3

   !     " 95

  ? @!  A  >   <

<   E[ aSbSq3 a6& %& r! ?3  †> S Jb3 Z;!23
< O6A &n gND? ª ^2C3
< j>! h4 0 t? .?¯ >!W Y  O6A &n O(>4 43
< B?t0 S Jb3 ˆ!`3 J6& O(>4 J‡3
bS h JW? t? B?t0 S 6i8X 3X JW? ˆ!` 43
< †> >^? 4[Kh 6& %& .![A < >5 h4 03
Fishing technology :
Introduction to the management, conservation and exploitation of
fisheries resources and commercial importance.
General characteristics of fisheries; harvesting methods .
Understand the theory and practice of functional fishing gear design and
its operational technology in relation to fish behavior ( including schooling
,feeding migration ,and orientation)
Modern commercial fishing gears (structure ,physical characteristics,
operational feature, function , and selective properties) Exploitation strategies
of fish populations from selected ecosystems and simple population dynamic
Dynamic analysis of fishing gear . Basic methods of fishing system
engineering including statistical analysis, simulation and optimization of fishing
capture process.

: „ S )ˆY=. )ˆYG Um
,Q 2 EA83 —nX '\¨ 4S3 ” 8 4 )?> !/0 \Q gNq 9
g/?8 >B;3 , 8? •!q3 & B?¯ >3\D2 > ?A 96j YE i( ª ?83
2 (bO d b\D $N 3 , b\D OE,  b\D > ?A0 96j $[
OE, %& YE }D? }m{23 ,CB0 1`E23 a?Y %& .6? 0 k23 >\D?
,  b\D > ?A0  §?8h3 , >!WE YE  ] !O –(& .343 b\D
b\D 4 3 >3\D? E[?03 , ^?(0 YE /E[ 96j b\D ] ?3
$N&3 c!WE ”o?h   E[ '\D3 , E[ '\D ,—nX  „BO23

96    !     "

  ? @!  A  >   <

(235 b\D J> W? >B; !>/2  >    (O? t?3 < 6( >\D?
—nX >\D2  ]4 03 Q !O3
Fish Nutrition and Feeding:
The aim of this topic is to study natural foods , their resources,
systematic and abundance .The productivity of an ecosystem at lower and
higher trophic levels; trophic energy transfer efficiency as the basis of the
food-web, between small auto-and heterotrophic organisms and their main
predators, from the copepods up to the fish .
Effect of environmental changes on pelagic food-webs, global carbon
cycle , and fisheries. Effects of the changes in the bottom of the food chain to
the production of higher trophic levels.
Nutrient requirements. Feeding habits and adaptations; diet
formulation; natural foods in mariculture ، feeding and growth. Improvement of
the utilization efficiency of proteins, carbohydrates , and minerals in plant
ingredients by applying the advanced food biotechnology .
Nutrition requirements and feeding of fishes under commercial
situations , implication of fish nutrition to the environment and conservation.

: +74& „ S ;,, UT`

 [2 4 gNq 9 —nX . 9& 6  7! 0 '!mG FG !/0 \Q r‚
. =>23 !mO?3 , ' &X fb³33 Y3 , —nX . =>23 ,—nX ›>™23
’( § ( J ! 43 ,'\D 1?$N&3 6(3 !6 3 , 3X O6A J !0
 .!m°0 > 3  E[ J 3 ,!mO? !>/2  t?A0 ˆ![3 <—nX 
< „Y  —nX fO2 7!  %& ;{?3 <!mO? — 
6& !>/2 J6  —nX 9 .4ƒ ” 8 VN[ ?q ®6  Z8 96 ?>
(  R6 6  ZX 7!  9& N 7 , 6& 4 / 96j aj! ?3
<   0 J‡3
Advance Fish Biology :
Fish evolution, morphology, life histories; including fish, taxonomy,
physiology and ecology. Reproduction, early life, age and growth, feeding.
Process of maturation, methods to determine spawning, biotic and abiotic

   !     " 97

  ? @!  A  >   <

factors affecting spawning behaviors. Emphasis will be integrating knowledge

of functional and physiological design to understand how fish function and how
thy have adapted to diverse environments. Graduate students will select
respective fish species, make a" synopsis" for the species, and give a short
presentation based, on the synopsis. Students will learn not only the basic
knowledge of fish species but also how to collect and analyze the information.
: +74= „ € ),l /UTT
 $[3 O6A  6^? Y 9& /? Rj  '[&G FG !/0 \Q r‚
,€0 ?8G  .!m°0 J 3 , —n¸ & ( $N 3 — A3 ,YE i(
Y3 , >!WE YE  CB03 *b!B $N&3 ,>/7N3 —nX R> 23  23
%& ;{?3 c!WE YE i( 96j —n¸ !D R> ?3 >\D? > ?A0
—n¸ >  B³ 3 ,WE  >   6^? %& YE }D?0 }m{2 7! 
>!WE ' X d YE $N  9 §n8 t?3 , YE }D?0 a 0 „Bª O23
>!WE YE %& '  uA23 , >!WE YE 96j >\D0 !>323 œC7h J†
¿  43 , &/ YE  6«3 >!WE Ï` , J† Ab Y 6i8 96j
< /E[? YE !Qi0
Advanced Eco- biology:
Advanced topics in community ecology and ecosystem energetic. Niche
specificity competitive interactions. Ecological processes that affect
productivity, abundance and distribution of fish and invertebrate resources,
includes prey-predator relationships, bioenergetics, trophic ecology and
zoogeography. The influence of environmental factors on the population in the
aquatic ecosystems. Fundamental knowledge of functional and physiological
design to understand the functional adaptation of fishes to divers
environments. Give examples from marine ecosystems to illustrate general
principals of general ecology. Fucusses on the ecology of major marine
ecosystems such as sea shores and benthic communities and on aspects of
applied ecology.

98    !     "

  ? @!  A  >   <

: +74= „ S ;,,69 UT]

4  t?A0 ˆ![3 X %& Z[ r! ?> !/0 \Q gNq 9
 [23 !mO? B³33 < O6A )A  B?t0 ' &X3 .oa¸ >  B³ 
, <—nX A  v >X ] ?3 c X ] ? 4 %& ;{?3 <—nX
'\D3 ,—nX  cD g4E?3 ,8 !e B³33 ,'nS 4¨ )& 43
^AB B³ 3 , 6(3 $[ c  g ª W?3 ,  >h ª 6 3 ,) e3
<—nX  ;!3 .!^e3 >\D? 4 k\;3 —nX d gS2N
] ?3 B[ O8O k\;3 (^ ^AB B³  9& Rj  43
!>D?0 a 0 „BO2 —nX AX >! B³  9& N 7 —n¸ YE
*AW? a3 ,E8 u- a 3 —n¸ O8O0 * .oa 43 < YE
>  NE/?A0 ,& LU *AW? , >z!  SU .oa 43 ,b6O
Advanced Physiology of Fishes
Principals and methods used to study bases of physiological functions of
fish systems and organs. Reproduction and development of fishes. Emphasis
on osmoregulation, ion balance , endocrinology and gas exchange. Nutrition
and digestion, metabolism, bioenergetics and growth physiology. Physiological
principles and methods of communication, feeding, migration, and orientation.
Some topics on genetic physiology and gene analysis will be introduced.
Buoyancy and equilibrium mechanism. Body thermal physiology with
approach to the functional adaptations of fish to diverse environments.
Comparative approach to considerations of mechano-senstitve
Lateral lines, touch, echo location), chemo sensitive systems (olfaction,
taste, pheromones). Photosensitive system (vision, infrared detection, UV

   !     " 99

  ? @!  A  >   <

: >;0& 'n. ;0& UTa

43 , 8!0 V , Y3  [?3 !D R> ? 4 !/0 96 ?>
R 7O? 1?$N&3 ]!0 ,?8 43 , 8!0 V , '(3 ]!0 ^A7
>µ3 !mO? 43 <]!6 ’O JOe '( 9& N 7 ,•!qX >!WE ' U
  0 t?h /E[? Z8  43 ; 8!0 V , Y  c  ” (?
< a?>µ3 8!0 V , 4S .4  6 
Corals and Coral Reefs :
A course in the biogeography, evolution, ecology, and physiology of
corals and coral reefs, and the application of this information to the
management of coral reefs. Emphasis will be placed on processes such as
dispersal, the evolution and operation of mutualisms, calcification,
reproduction, and the maintenance of diversity.

: ^Z ¢Wl . )01 V-,6 B I UTd

!& 1ª 8OG 4 9& N 7 >!WE J  A Y 4 !/0 \Q 9 re
%& r! ?3 , a& ÂB3 .![A3 „4G B;3 a ˆ!`3 ,aa 2 ? J;,0
4 0 %& ÂB =>2 9& .–?¯ .\E83 ,aSbSq3 aE;!2 3  A /[(0 Y
/[(0  Ab! m ª 03 ,J A /[( 1 2 ? ŽJ;,0 NO,03 ,  E[
/[(0 ¾ ? 9 p/(2 3 >o2 ? J 3 ,)OW?3  iW03 ,  A
,bS0 %& ÂB3 , b0 4 0 .4G L!23 , >!WE 4 0 %& ÂB3 ,  A
YE i( .4 rQ3 ª 3 ,J  A .4G 5& b0 4 0 %& ÂB3
J  A %& J>4 0 J6&3 E$!3 ,J  A %& ÂB3 .4G 3 ,® A
<   9&  ,?h3 7!D   0 i8 Jb3 t?
Management and conservation of coastal zone :
The aim of this course is to study the costal zones environments and to
look at the possibility to layout the problems that face the costal zone and the
methods for solution in addition blow to costal manage and conserve the
costal zone the principal of costal zone ecology, structures, processes and
properties. Brief history of the natural resources conservation. problems facing

100    !     "

  ? @!  A  >   <

the costal zones. Major pollutants at costal zones, including prevention and
control. Factors that increase and decrease different kinds of pollutions at
coastal zones. Conserving marine resources and managing aquatic resources
sustainable. Conservation and monitoring of crustacean and fin fish fisheries
at coastal zones. The principals and goals of the management of coastal
ecosystems. The conservation policy and management of coastal zones.

:  g1 b^= UTe

g3(?> (  J‡3 R‹ ˆ!`3 6  xWE Z3 ^a( & j 
R ,V^? )6S23  6( 8E ?q3 uEj3 JO,23 f(S23 Ë!7G !/0
QE?& ˆ!`3 bS U ˆ![?3 >0 E?&3 3!B V ?3 !> [2 %& ;{?
< /m 0 }¨ /m 0 7! 0 t? (/2 œ> 3 <xWE  bS U JW? 
pt?3   0 t? (/23 a?,$(3 xWE !>/? 6  ?O lb!`3
! 3 u[t?3 8E  !3 1OL3 †WE 9?0 9> O2  ?O3 }E ? ] (73
< ¾ WE !>/? 6  )/? Z3 lb!`3 <6>/?

   !     " 101

 7   <

‫ﻛﻠﻴﺔ اﻟﺒﻨﺎت ﺑﺎﻟﻤﻜﻼ‬

MWES £) 56F
MWES £)  :46;& ; :   ; 5 
MWES £) : J34
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 D !/0 o
ˆA0 >oO8h D !  !/0
B 4&
6  4&G
cEG  Kindergarten > <<”<<<: 
!2 * M.S
cEG  Basic of ¢<<<<: 
Childhood JB[
cEG  Learning <Ì8<<: 
Theories ) ?

   !     " 103

 7   <

*B8 )&
cEG  Childhood ¢<]<”<<<: 
Psychology JB[
Method of
 Scientific xWE ”<V<<‘<: 
cEG  D
}¨ Readings in >ª o^8U  <I8<ˆ<<: 
ŽV Aƒ > 
 Total ” 6^0

: [\ VW
ˆA0 )
” 8 Z6 ˆA0 )$ VW
D !/0 o
ˆA0 B 4& D !/0
1 ?
cEG  Psychological
4LU3 ]<<<<: 
œ/ [\
and )> /?3
cEG  Educational ]<<)$<ˆ<<: 
&Evaluation c C

104    !     "

 7   <

cEG  of Childhood
5q ¢<À<92<<: 
Kindergarten I!3 <9 << <:
cEG  Curriculums 
&Programs > ¢<<I
 Learning R2<œ3<<"<: 
Aids 6 ?
cEG I85
}¨ Statistic
Program bS U |<I<<: 
 Total ” 6^0

. ! / EOQR S$; T %1* 0*; 0 ; AK J6

gB`X >! pSt? 4  )Q 9 .40 €\Q  2 :MWES £)  = ZI T
%& N 7 B?t0 1E8 3 1& 83 1?¬3 4&U ¡(  %& r! ? %& 6 0 E[ f/2 G
¡Q3 Qo ? >BO •3 j3 6ª  aBK  Qo ? pbS-3 nA )Q
E[ œ23 B?t0 „a3 gB`X > 6  a& ] O2 ] Z ? †0 . S
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&n?h A°0 34 3 ,  B[ >!i8  X Á4E0 3 , NU )/
<.!OE0  B[ !2  > C3

   !     " 105

 7   <

,) ? 6& )QB %& ˆA0 \Q  Z[ r! ?> : 54 )0A> a
AB(3 > C „/E[23 , y [E2!0 > /3 , ) ? >!i83
12>!i83 1(8 $3 vA8U 6( /6 ?0  !/0 )?‚ : VW DW> 5Z d
 B8h3 > D3 / 3 ;!3   AB3 6A 1SbSq3 1?4 IQ(3
, [ ?03 .!OE0  B[3 a03 4N0 JE$  J !  Ž $NqX3 &n?h3
  O  .“ 0 > / ¿  4 %& o;C R ,a& .!m°0 J 3
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, 17Q3 c C xWE  E` ˆA0 \Q g3(?> :  g1 <= e
B;3 , xWE O, >‡ 3 , €4&G B; 3 xWE u[¯3 , 1SbSq3 , 12$Nq3
,„B(S23 ¾ WE ” 8 ˆA0 g3(?> n; , O,0 l ?0 c C V4X !
R‹ 343 ,Q?q ˆ!`3 ( 3 , > C ¾ WE  }D?03 )S?3
< 1?>¥ 3 xWE 9?  lm ? 3 1??; B; 3 xWE !>!/2 3 , 8E
This course will focus on : MWES £)  )‚ Xb>c Y 20F _
knowledge and concepts of psychology & childhood that are related to
theories and professional issues
, >!i(  aB ,ˆA0 \Q  Z[ r! ?> : iW Šc. {;,4 h
AB( >!i( )Q3 ,’B( 4LU3 1 ? 6&  Q343 ,aSbSq3 a?Q3
< >!i8 JO a 0 4/?8h 3 , a( rN?qh 3 1E, 133 , †> n0 
œ/  aB ˆA0 \Q  Z[ œ> : iW . , ! 5),74 . j7 k
, c C3 ’B( )> /?3 œ/ g+  †> Q«h3 ,c C3 ’B( )> /?3
34   ¨!0 BS3 , >4!B ˆ3!B R Z(?2 6 2 f$  4&G  €343
<E?qh '( B;3 Q}> 3 JSW? E?q3 , œ/

106    !     "

 7   <

73  s • ž3 : c!i8 g3X 9>o 9 !/0 ] O?> : VW H  G m

aSbSq3 !0 .5-3 .5t f>! 2 173 5- Q3 Ia(0 “(& )Q  X

  )A/23 a`3s3 !0 .5t WWS }> 0 )m aBb³33 a& 83

J6,> v† 'o3 6 ? [,8X3 34X 3! &!73 1Ab )QB F 6 ?

ZX ¾  gNq 9 j3! JB` FG3 R Q\B(23 5- • ?ƒ JK 2 Š

a?/ Ð3  !0 k? ) ?3  B[ g^6 d6?a0 ” 6+ d .bA Q«h3

/>!`3 a& 83 aB>! 2 !OA 0 )m 1?¬3 12 [q3 1B>! 2 :”3!,0 V 

)??t83 34X3 ]^ R> 23 1?$G  t?A0 34X3 )> /?3 \B(?3 u[t?

<17Q3 ÑS/ ¢,( gNq 9 JB[ !23 a& 83 aB>! 2 S/

x> Ia(0 ˆA0 \Q  Z[ r! ?> : MWES £) <=0 . <= T`

j3! [,8X Ia(3 , )>/ Ia(6 :a3 ? 4/?8h3 ,B- Ia(03 c/?3

€“(& ' j  i(; Ia(0 fK33 ,Ž 83!03 >!6?h3  6,3 R??  1SbSq3

.403 , ) ?03 ) 0 9 JO a?¬3 a?¨K3 , ¾N† „h+3 6 ? rQX '

<J,3 43W0 c C I853 I85 ›[S  > Z[ r! ?> n; , 6 ?

) ?   (O2  aB %& r! ? FG ˆA0 \Q r‚ : 4 V? , TT

. S j3! JB[ a?¬3 < 6 ? 6 ? “(  6 ?   ¬3 Q [23

B; 6& FG ˆA0 ˆ![?>3 < j3!  !0 6bN0 6 ? Jb  ” 8 3 Kq

< †> gS2h Jb3 ¬ g3(?>3 <) ?   (O2 gNq 9 }OB? ) 2

   !     " 107

 7   <

Jq4 WWS xWE ˆ!`3 < 6 ? 6  !> [? a/2 ? -3 :8C8U;

<pSt? g+     %& g SW xWE ;!ƒ

ZX ˆA0 \Q gNq Z[ I > :(SPSS) ?-* <=>H T]

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I85 t? Rb$ 3 $X %& 6? > }AB2 Q}AB? a a?33

< ŽSPSS bS h

108    !     "

 / > ! B$  <

‫ﻛﻠﻴﺔ اﻟﻄﺐ واﻟﻌﻠﻮم اﻟﺼﺤﻴﺔ‬

.šX Z` :567 :t*.
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u3 !03 WS /ª ?0 AB(3 7/†3 &n?h J  %& r! ? <
< E[ n0 ; A   

   !     " 109

 / > ! B$  <

• ?A  NO,0 >W? xWE ^a( a  aB lE[23 )a7 <
<a 3 3X >&!
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110    !     "

 / > ! B$  <

:VN[ )/?
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   !     " 111

 / > ! B$  <

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B¥S E :46;= JK
x,> Z6 L6& 5F X= VW
)X%>* Y L6& 5 
L6& B 4& Y 07& 07&
cEG  Family Medicine-1 1 FMD
cEG Child health-1 2 FMD M.S
cEG Adult Health-1 3 FMD
Tk Total x, b&
cEG  Family Medicine-2 4 FMD
cEG  Child Health-2 5 FMD
]−VW [\
cEG  Adult Health–2 6 FMD
cEG 8 Maternal Health +* 1} 7 FMD

112    !     "

 / > ! B$  <

18 Total x, b&
cEG  Community Medicine 8 FMD
y 4b&
cEG  Surgery -0o 9 FMD

E g\
cEG  Emergency 10 FMD
cEG  Women Health 11 FMD
Tk Total x, b&
  y 0
cEG  (Thesis/ Research
project )
U:46;& D=Q
_` Total x, b&
Courses description
Course No/Code: FMD1 Credits: 2 Hours
Title: Family Medicine – Part One
Credit Hours
Ser Practical Teaching and
Topic (Training) Total training
No Theory credits methods
Hospital Health / week
1 n to family
medicine - -
Portfolio for
2 medical each trainee
record - In-job
Primary 2 2
- Lectur
3 Health care es
- -
Quality Group
4 discussion
nt in PHC

   !     " 113

 / > ! B$  <

- Family tree, Family function, Impact of the family on disease and
impact of disease on the family

- Medical records and referral, establishing and maintenance of family

medical record in PHC centers

- Definition/Elements/Principals of Primary health care

- Concept and Procedures for developing quality management system

in PHC

- One day at least per week for implementing family medicine

principals in PHC center

  07& |},G : 

Courses description
Course No/Code: FMD2 Credits: 12
Course No/Code: FMD2 Credits: 8 Hours
Title: Child Health – Part One
Contact and Credit Hours
Practical Total Teaching and
Ser. Topic training
No (Training) Credit
Theory methods
Health hours/
Hospital center week
Child growth
2 and
- Lectures
health - Group
3 discussion/
problems of
journal club
children 2 6 6 8
- Case
4 - Medical
diseases in
children consultation
5 diseases in
6 Vaccination

114    !     "

 / > ! B$  <

- Assessment of normal neonate/umbilical care, breast feeding/ important
neonatal problems (colic/jaundice/sepsis/fever/respiratory distress/
cyanosis/neonatal convulsions)
- Assessment of growth and development of infants and children /Failure to
- Common presentation in the outpatient clinic (febrile child/upper respiratory
tract dehydration/Otitis media/parasitic
- Important cardiac problems in children: (Rheumatic fever/the cyanosed
infant/congenital heart diseases "VSD and ASD"/ Innocent murmurs)
- Vaccination: concept and importance, EPI schedule in Yemen, Observe and
perform vaccination for children, interpretation of vaccination indicators at
PHC enter
- In-job training of at least one day at hospital and one day in health center

Course No/Code: FMD3 Credits: 8 Hours

Course No/Code: FMD3 Credits: 8 Hours
Title: Adult Health- Part One
Contact and Credit Hours
Ser Practical Total Teaching and
No Topic (Training) credit training methods
Health hours
center /week
1 and heart
3 asthma and - Lectures
respiratory tract - Group
infection discussion
Diseases of the /journal club
2 6 6 8
liver and - Case
digestive presentation
system - Medical
Headache, consultation
epilepsy and
5 psychiatric
Diseases of the
6 muscle-skeletal

   !     " 115

 / > ! B$  <

- Developing clinical guideline for management of hypertension/ Diagnosis and
management of IHD, heart failure/interpreting ECG /Rheumatic fever

- Developing clinical guideline for management of DM/complication of

DM/Diabetic foot/follow up of patient with DM in PHC

- Developing clinical guideline for management of bronchial asthma/


- Hepatitis/ liver cirrhosis/Peptic ulcer/irritable bowel/constipation/dysphasia

- Headache/epilepsy/

- Osteoarthritis/bake pain/osteoporosis/rheumatoid arthritis/connective tissue

diseases/ gout

- psychosomatic disorders/depression/ Approach to patient with mental illness

- Psychiatric consultation (Skills)

Course No/Code: FMD4 Credits: 2 Hours

Course No/Code: FMD4 Credits: 2 Hours
Title: Family medicine Part (2)

Contact and Credit Hours

Ser Practical and
Topic (Training) Total
No Theory credit training
Health methods
Hospital hours
Strategic - -
1 planning in PHC Portfolio
centers for each
2 Infection control trainee
Evidence based - In-job
3 2 2
family practice training
- Lectures
- -
4 Medical audit

116    !     "

 / > ! B$  <

- Strategic planning: situational analysis/setting objectives/develop
the plan/develop standards and indicators/evaluation

- Infection control: Persona; safety procedures/environmental

safety/waste disposal/guidelines for infection control/cleaning and
washing procedures/sterilization

- EBP: Search for evidence/ develop questions and search for

answer/critical appraisal

- Medical audit: regular record audit/ discussion and

reporting/evaluation of family medial record system and infection
control procedures

Course No/Code: FMD5 Credits: 4 Hours

Title: Child Health – Part Two
Contact and Credit Hours
Practical Teaching and
Ser Total
Topic (Training) training
No Theory credit
Health methods
Hospital hours
problems in
children - Lectures
- Group
2 journal club
of ill child 2 2 2 4
- Case
3 Nutrition
- Medical
4 consultation

   !     " 117

 / > ! B$  <

- Screening of Common problems in children:
Anemia/RTI/Diarrhea/common symptoms of childhood diseases

- IMCI: implementing the national guideline for IMCI

- Nutritional assessment of infant and children/ malnutrition and obesity

- Down syndrome. Cerebral palsy/ hereditary blood disorders/ Genetic

counseling of important childhood diseases

- Psychosocial problems (Autism/ADHD/nocturnal enuresis/ learning


- child mal-treatment (physical abuse, sexual abuse, neglected child,

emotional abuse)

Course No/Code: FMD6 Credits: 4 Hours

Title: Adult Health – Part Two
Contact and Credit Hours
Practical Teaching and
Ser Total
Topic (Training) training
No Theory credit
Health methods
Hospital hours
Diseases of
1 system and
- Lectures
- Group
2 Dermatology
journal club
3 Hematology 2 2 2 4
- Case
Diseases of
4 presentation
renal system
- Medical
Diseases of
5 respiratory
tract system
6 Psychiatry

118    !     "

 / > ! B$  <

- Peripheral neuropathy/cerbrovascular accidents(stroke)/ spinal cord
conditions/ Parkinson's disease/intracranial tumors/ thyroid
disorders/parathyroid disorders/adrenal gland disorders/pituitary
gland disorders.
- Skin infections/Acne/urticaria/psoriasis/eczema and
dermatitis/herpes zoster
- Anemia/Leukemia/lymphoma/bleeding disorders
- UTI/renal stones/kidney tumor/hematuria/urine
- Pneumonia/tuberculosis/ca of lung/COPD/occupational lung
- Major psychiatric disorders(schizophrenia/manic depressive
illness/paranoid state)
- disruptive disorders(Oppositional definition/conduct
- Psychiatric consultation (Skills)

Course No/Code: FMD7 Credits: 8 Hours

Title: Maternal Health
Credit Hours
Practical Teaching and
Topic (Training) training
No Theory Total
Health methods
Antenatal care
1 and normal
2 Family planning - Lectures
Common - Case
3 problems during presentation
pregnancy - Self study
2 6 6 8
4 Pre-eclampsia - Group
Vaginal infections discussion
5 - Medial
and PID
Dysfunctional consultation
uterine bleeding
and menstrual

   !     " 119

 / > ! B$  <

- Importance and elements of antenatal care/maternal record/high risk
pregnancy/vaccination during pregnancy/normal labour
- Family planning methods: mono and combined
contraceptives/IUCD other method/condom and other recent and
traditional methods
- Pre-ecalmpsia- eclampsia syndrome, hypertension induced
- Common problems during pregnancy: hyperemisis/ectopic
pregnancy/bleeding during pregnancy/acute abdominal pain/
constipation/UTI/ anemia/drugs during pregnancy
- Vaginal infections and discharge/ trichomoniasis/pelvic
inflammatory disease
- Dysfunctional uterine bleeding/dysmenorrheal/amenorrhea

Course No/Code: FMD4 Credits: 2 Hours

Course No/Code: FMD8 Credits: 2 Hours

Total and Credit Hours

Practical Total Teaching
Ser (Training) credit
Topic and training
No Theory hours
Health methods
Hospital /
1 Biostatistics
2 Screening
al methods
- Lectures
4 - Seminar
communicabl 2 2
- Self study
e diseases
- Exercises
6 indicators of

120    !     "

 / > ! B$  <

- Descriptive statistics/inferential statistics/vital statistics/use of SPSS
- Concept and criteria for screening/ Sensitivity/specificity, Predictive value
positive and predictive value negative
- Principals of epidemiology/Epidemiological measurements/ surveillance
and outbreak investigation
- Epidemiology of communicable diseases: malaria/leprosy/
Tuberculosis/schistomiais /leishmaniasis and vaccine preventable diseases
- Steps of scientific research/prepare proposal/critical appraisal
- Demographic profile/health indicators/ socioeconomic indicators of

Course No/Code: FMD9 Credits: 6 Hours

Title: Surgery
Contact and Credit Hours
Practical Teaching and
Ser Total
Topic (Training) training
No Theory Credit
Health methods
Hospital hours
1 secrotal
Breast - Lectures
mass - Case
Neck presentation
swelling - Self study
2 6 2 6
Common - Group
surgical discussion
problems - Medial
in PHC consultation

   !     " 121

 / > ! B$  <

- Hernias/varicocele/epididmitis/

- Breast mass/axillary swellings

- Neck swellings/ salivary glands swellings/ lymphadenopathy

- Common surgical problems in PHC: Abscess/sinuses/ulcers/acute

abdomen/peripheral ischemia and gangrene/varicose vien/anal and rectal
problems/hematemisis and melena/ renal colic/biliary colic/infection
control procedures for minor surgery.

- Eye diseases: Trachoma/allergic onjtivitis/cataract/glaucoma/eye

trauma/retinal detachment and hemorrhage/use of fundoscopy/ low
vision/assessment of the vision

- ENT: Tonsillitis/Sinusitis/Foreign body extraction/deafness/allergic


Course No/Code: FMD10 Credits: 5 Hours

Title: Emergency Medicine
Contact and Credit Hours
Practical Teaching and
Ser Total
Topic (Training) training
No Theory credit
Health methods
Hospital hours
1 Chest pain
Burns and
2 - Lectures
- Group
3 emergency
journal club
in children 1 6 2 5
- Case
4 emergency
- Medical
in adults
5 Coma
6 Poisoning

122    !     "

 / > ! B$  <

- ABC resuscitation
- Differential diagnosis and management of patient with chest pain

- Management of burns and fractures

- Common emergency in children: respiratory distress
/epistaxis/allergy/convulsions/fever/abdominal pain/Approach to
manage critically ill child
- Common emergency of adults: multiple
trauma/stroke/drowning/suicide/ Head injury
- Coma: ABC/differential diagnosis and management/evaluation

- Poisoning: drug poisoning/food poisoning/chemical poisoning/snake

bite/alcohol poisoning

Course No/Code: FMD11 Credits: 5 Hours

Title: Women Health
Contact and Credit Hours
Practical Total Teaching
Topic (Training) credit and training
No Theory
Health hours methods
center /week
Cancer in
- Lectures
2 transmitted - Group
journal club
3 Menopause 1 4 4 5
- Case
4 Infertility
5 Osteoporosis
- Medical
Psychiatric consultation
6 problems in

   !     " 123

 / > ! B$  <

- Ca of cervix/ Ca of breast/Ovarian tumors/Uterine tumors/ Cancer of
external genitalia/Cancer of digestive systems/Reticuloenothelial
system malignancies
- STDs: HIV/AIDS, Gonorrhea/syphilis/ Other STDs in women
- Menopause: physiology and medico- socio-psychiatric problems/
- Infertility: primary and secondary infertility
- Dysmenorrhea

Course No/Code: FMM1 Credits: 6 Hours

Title: (Thesis)
Credit Hours
Ser Practical Teaching and
Topic (Training)
No Theory Total training methods
ces/ internet/ field
1 prepar 12 6
work in PHC

- Prepare proposal
- Seminar
- Ethical requirements
- Data collection
- Data management
- Writing the final report
- Presentation

124    !     "

 / > ! B$  <

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   !     " 125

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x,> Z6 Y L6& 5  L6& 5  5F o VW
L6& B 4& )X%>*  0 Y 07& !/0
5Z  =
cEG  Basic Epidemiology 1 MPH
? ,
cEG  Research
Methodology 2 MPH
2-c M.S
cEG  Biostatistics 3 MPH
B c
cEG  Health Management 4 MPH
 Self-Learning w³ 5G SDL

]T Total x, b&

   !     " 127

 / > ! B$  <

cEG 6
Epidemiology of
Specific Diseases
? ,
2-S 5Z
Microbiology/ )0^b&
cEG 6 Parasitology and 6 MPH
Immunology W.
cEG 6 Public Health Clinic 1 7 MPH

cEG 3 Global Health . 1 8 MPH

21 Total x, b&
cEG 6 (Thesis/ Research
U:46;& MPP
y 0

48 Total x, b&

128    !     "

 / > ! B$  <

Range and the work of the graduates:

Will create graduates of this program to work in health institutions
(primary care centers, hospital management, and health departments ..... etc).
They can also do a search of scientific health, strategic planning, health
education and public health, health and project management.

Title of the course: Basic epidemiology Course Code MPH 1

Total credit hours: 6 hours
The intended learning outcomes ILOs:
By the end of this course; student will be able to:
1. Recognize the concept and uses of epidemiology and
appreciate the issues to be considered before undertaking an epidemiological
2. Define and be able to make use of measures of disease
frequency, measures of association and measures of public health impact.
3. Identify the principles and relative merits of different study
designs and be able to choice and use of different study designs to address a
particular epidemiological question.
4. Appreciate the principles of disease screening.
5. Describe principles and uses of public heath surveillance.
6. Identify and apply methods of an outbreak investigation

MPH 1: Basic epidemiology: the syllabus:

1. Introduction to epidemiology: Definition, evolution and uses
2. The epidemiological approach
3. Causation and the epidemiologic triad
4. Epidemiology and disease: Natural history and spectrum of
disease, chain of infection
5. Epidemic disease occurrence
6. Frequency measures used in epidemiology, measures of
association and measures of impact
7. Common research designs used in epidemiology
8. Disease screening
9. Public health surveillance: components, uses, sources of data,
Design and conducting surveillance, Evaluation of a surveillance system
10. Investigation an outbreak: objectives, Steps and application of
analytical skills

   !     " 129

 / > ! B$  <

1) Intersemester evaluation (50 ): two assignments (20 ) +
Intersemester exam (30)
2) Final writing exam (50)

Title of the course: Research Methodology Course Code

Total credit hours: 3 hours
The intended learning outcomes ILOs:

By the end of this course; student will be able to:

1. Translate a study hypothesis into a practical study design by

clearly indicating the study objectives
2. Choose and implement the appropriate study design to address
specific research questions
3. Describe sampling procedures and be able to undertake
calculations for sample size and power requirements
4. Design an appropriate questionnaire and implement this with an
efficient data collection procedure and data management
5. apply certain computer programs (SPSS or EPI INFO) for data
6. Prepare a detailed protocol that is of sufficient standard to be
7. Develop skills for writing a scientific paper
8. Develop skills for criticizing a research article

DPH 2: Research Methodology: the syllabus:

11. Steps of scientific research

12. Research question and hypothesis
13. Study design: cross sectional/ case-
control/cohort/experimental designs
14. Population and sampling: sampling methods/sample size
15. Data collection: variables and confounders/methods/ Bias
16. Design a questionnaire
17. Data management: Data entry/data analysis
18. SPSS program application
19. EPI INFO program
20. Work plan
21. Ethics in research
22. References format
23. Writing a research protocol
24. Writing a scientific paper
130    !     "
 / > ! B$  <

25. Critical appraisal

1) .Intersemester evaluation (50): two assignments (20) + Intersemester
exam (30)
2).Final writing exam (50)
Title of the course: Biostatistics Course Code MPH 3
Total credit hours: 3 hours
The intended learning outcomes ILOs:

By the end of this course; student will be able to:

1. Appreciate the role of statistical methods in epidemiology and clinical

sciences and in their own disciplines.
2. Recognize the basic statistical concepts
3. Apply the scientific methods for organization and classification of
4. Apply measures of central tendency, dispersion and relative position.
5. Develop skills in presenting data on computer using appropriate
displays, summaries and tabulation
6. Define probability and its application conceptually including standard
normal distribution
7. Select and use an appropriate statistical test of significance: x test, t
test and chi square test
8. Apply and interpret methods for estimation population parameters by
using confidence interval
9. Select apply and interpret the results of regression methods for the
analysis of case-control and cohort studies, using appropriate computer

MPH 3: Biostatistics: the syllabus:

26. Role of statistics in Medicine and public health: terminology and

27. Sources of data
28. Types of variable
29. Organization and classification of data: frequency distribution
30. Measures of central tendency: mean, median, mode
31. Measures of dispersion: range, mean deviation, variance, standard
32. Measures of relative position
33. Data presentation
34. Introduction to inferential statistics: probability and normal

   !     " 131

 / > ! B$  <

35. Estimation of population parameters: confidence interval

36. Testing hypothesis: z and t test of one sample mean,
difference between two sample mean
37. Testing hypothesis: chi square test
38. Regression and correlation
39. Multivariate analysis: analysis of variance
40. Multivariate analysis: Logistic regression
41. Interpretation of computerized data analysis
1) .Intersemester evaluation (50): two assignments (20) +
Intersemester exam (30)
2).Final writing exam (50)

Title of the course: Health management Course Code MPH

Total credit hours: 6 hours
The intended learning outcomes ILOs:

By the end of this course, the student will be able to:

1. Know the principles and functions of management
2. Acquire skills in organization, planning,
3. Acquire skills in implementation of health activities
4. Manage health teams, facilities, and resources
5. Monitor, evaluate, and improve the quality of health programs
6. Effectively use information technology in management and
7. Recognize the non-governmental health organizations: local
and international

MPH 4: Health Management: the syllabus:

42. Concepts, principles and functions of management

43. Planning : needs assessment, strategic planning,
Objectives, work plan
44. Implementation: Coordination, delegation, supervision.
45. Team and resources management
46. Monitoring and evaluation
47. Performance, quality improvement
48. Communication principles
49. Information management
50. Health organizations
51. Introduction to health economics

132    !     "

 / > ! B$  <

1) .Intersemester evaluation (50): two assignments (20) + Intersemester
exam (30)
2).Final writing exam (50)

Title of the course: Disease Epidemiology Course Code MPH 5

Total credit hours: 3 hours
The intended learning outcomes ILOs:
The intended learning outcomes ILOs:
By the end of this course; student will be able to:
1. Identify the etiology and risk factors to the communicable diseases
2. Describe the global, regional and local epidemiology of
communicable diseases of public health concern
3. Demonstrate the preventive and control measures of the endemic
communicable diseases in Yemen
4. Describe epidemiology, and health hazards of non communicable
diseases and behaviors of public health concern
5. Describe the prevention and control guidelines for certain non-
communicable diseases
DPH 5: Disease Epidemiology: the syllabus:
52. Malaria
53. Schistomiasis
54. Tuberculosis
55. Vaccine preventable diseases
56. Arboviral infections
57. Viral hepatitis
58. Leprosy
59. Cholera/Shigellosis
60. AIDS/ Sexually transmitted diseases
61. Leishmaniasis
62. Parasite Infestation (Giardiasis/Amebiasis/Nematode
infestation: enterobiasis vermicularis/Ascaris lumbricoids/Anckylostomiasis)
63. Juvenile tapeworms infestation: Ecchinococcus
64. Epidemiology and prevention of cardiovascular diseases:
Hypertension/ Coronary heart diseases
65. Epidemiology/ prevention and control of diabetes mellitus
66. Epidemiology of cancer
67. Accidents
68. Tobacco smoking
1) .Intersemester evaluation (50): two assignments (20) + Intersemester
exam (30)
2).Final writing exam (50)

   !     " 133

 / > ! B$  <

Title of the course: Microbiology/Parasitology and Immunology

Course Code MPH 6
Total credit hours: 6 hours
The intended learning outcomes ILOs:
By the end of this course; student will be able to:
1) Apply research skills in medical microbiology and parasitology
2) Describe the principles of molecular biology
3) Apply concepts of immunology for the control of infectious
4) Apply the general laboratory methods for the microbiological
and parasitological diagnosis

MPH 6: Microbiology/Parasitology and Immunology: the syllabus

69. Advanced general microbiology/virology/parasitology
70. Advanced systematic bacteriology
71. Advanced general mycology
72. Food microbiology
73. Advanced systematic mycology
74. Introduction to molecular biology
75. General laboratory methods
76. Basic immunology
77. Immunology of infectious diseases
78. Advanced systematic microbiology
79. Advanced systematic parasitology
1) .Intersemester evaluation (50): two assignments (20) +
Intersemester exam (30)
2).Final writing exam (50)

Title of the course: Primary Health Care Course Code MPH 7

Total credit hours: 6 hours
The intended learning outcomes ILOs:

By the end of this course; student will be able to:

1. Define PHC and explain the concept of PHC

2. Describe the elements of PHC
3. Explain the principles and strategies for achieving health for all
and by all
4. Identify obstacles to the implementation of PHC policy
5. Describe the National Health System crisis and justify the need
for Health System Reform

134    !     "

 / > ! B$  <

6. List the strategies for HSR and identify the phases of implementing
7. Explain the concept of District Health System
8. Recognize the concepts of the reproductive health and safe
9. identify the different components of the antenatal care
10. Apply principles of counseling in family planning services
11. Describe methods of contraception, their
indications/contraindications and side effects
12. Describe the components of child care
13. Know the procedures of perinatal care
14. Apply IMCI approach to manage common child illness
15. Assess the nutritional status of children and apply the suitable
interventions to maintain normal growth and prevent malnutrition
16. Know the principles of vaccination, and practice immunization
according to national schedule
17. Acquire knowledge and skills needed to implement a school health

MPH 7: Primary Health Care: the syllabus

80. Definition and concept of PHC/ Elements, Principles, strategies of
81. achievements and obstacles in implementing PHC
82. Health System Reform
83. achievements and obstacles in implementing HSR
84. Reproductive health and safe motherhood
85. Antenatal care
86. Essential obstetric care
87. Postnatal care and neonatal care
88. Reproductive health indicators
89. Concept and counseling for family planning
90. Combined oral contraceptives/ Progesterone only oral
Injectable contraceptives/ Norplant
91. Other methods: female sterilization/ vasectomy/ condoms/ vaginal
period absientinism/ lactating amenorrhea
92. Intrauterine device (IUDs)
93. Integrated Management of Childhood Illness (IMCI)
94. Nutritional assessment
95. Nutritional interventions
96. Vaccination: principles, schedule
97. Vaccination: EPI program
98. School health

   !     " 135

 / > ! B$  <

1) .Intersemester evaluation (50): two assignments (20) +
Intersemester exam (30)
2).Final writing exam (50)

Title of the course: Global Health Course Code MPH 8

Total credit hours: 3 hours
The intended learning outcomes ILOs:

By the end of this course; student will be able to:

1. Identify the concept of health promotion

2. Deal with the social determinants of health
3. Identify the international health regulation
4. Deal with the health problems of international concern: climatic
changes, refugee health, and disaster management.
5. Recognize the principles of demography and determinants of
population growth
6. Identify and demonstrate in the prevention and management of
the harmful effects of the different environmental hazards
7. Assess the occupational hazards, and apply preventive and
management procedures for them

MPH 8: Global Health: the syllabus:

99. Health Promotion

100. Social determinants of health
101. International health organizations
102. International health regulation
103. Travel Health
104. Climatic changes and its impact on health
105. Refugee health
106. Disaster management
107. Demography
108. Water and sanitation
109. Air pollution
110. Waste management
111. Infection control
112. Occupational hazards

136    !     "

>   <

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   !     " 137

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B 4= Z aa Z6 Z
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Bl +,Z  JK
x,> Z6 Y L6& 5  Y L6& 5  5F X= VW
L6& B 4& )X%>*  0 07& 07&
> D a
cEG  English Language ‘" 
Skills >o^8G
Design and
)6S23 'S 
cEG  Analysis of , ]   V« "" 
Experiments ŽE8
cEG  Special Topics Kq & j  "‘ 
cEG  Advanced
/?0 YE )&  
xWE ^a(
cEG  Research " 
Methodology 6 
cEG  Seminar (6 " 
 Total ” 6^0

   !     " 139

>   <

4 !/   JSB \Q gNq Z[ œ>3 :[\ z VW
.6?  &  R$  Ž >?qG3 >EG SST
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!/ !/
Elective c?qG - Elective c?q
 course in  course in ´>
Zoology )&  Botany )& 
]  E(
!/ !/
Elective c?qG - Elective c?q
 course in  course in ´>
Zoology )&  Botany )& 
]  E(
xW - xW -
E?O e`h E?O e`h

140    !     "

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   !     " 141

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142    !     "

>   <

07& |},G
Design and Analysis of Že`` uu- :'uub4 Vuu. 5 uuG <
Experiments ( Bio 500)
, '4X3 ›A0 ˆ!` ,Ib?( J‡3 R6 E(0 ˆ![3 V^? )6S2 4
ˆ![3 b ,  ˆ![ , 8 3 2E( (  R‹ Á4E , E>!^? & 6^0
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H  7 ,c{; R!0 B?t0 hn ?h , .>    0 3 ,  0 “(& d
<JW?    I5 t? 4 9&
Research Methodology : (Bio 505) Že`e - :  g1 b^= <
9 R[?A ,6  xWE ^a(3 />!` /6ª ?3 NL N4 !/0 \Q !7ª >
< WWS 6  *X l73 †W ”3™ c{ / 6  xWE )a7 x E eNq
Library Research: (Bio 507) Že`h - :4%= g1 <
 /6 ? E?O 4 %& (E !DS xW )>/? / %& Z[ Z>2
< JW?3 xWE ˆ![ 1o? • i N0 17 1?,$( )?>3 ,   E Rj 0  
Special Topics :( Bio 509) Že`m - :} Z,r,= <
 K!7 Z[ '[&G a( r‚ .  &  /? .?¯ & j 
<.  &  †>  [? !qŠ %& a7 o;C )?> !†; 3 ” j   /6 ?0
Seminar: (Bio 510) UeT` - :U   7- e
Rj  } ‡3   E    g+  6   ,(6 Z[ !
gS2h a VA?;h VN[3 !/0 œ  6& /  a6>/23 ( 
<a(& ”73 aj!&3 ¾WX ?;  N

   !     " 143

>   <

Animal Taxonomy :( Zol 508) :Že`k - :,- |G <

,8 W 6  6A? & $ ,f(S? & 6^0 >!i( *X 4
H  7 8  f(S? †>3 6>/ B?t0 & /3 ˆ![ %& r! ?
9& N
< œ(X3 Z2!3 fb [ 9 d  4  f(S? ›2B %& r! ?
Cell Biology and Tissues:( Zol 543) :Žeda - :b6>S. Q ;,, <
œX m  .4n b6O E[ ,aBb³33 > - ,¨¸ SB 4
 16i(23 ( }E ? ,(DNA) 8 f& 2 ,  3!O Y>o3 c -
Ë 'o3 i  ”t( ^A(3 c - c ?W0 ,. ( b 1 (bO
^A8X €\e   fb³ 3 >S >N- ,.}EO 6 E >N- , O3 B?t0
<„} W? >!i( *X3
Advanced Ecology :( Bio 573) Ueha - :+74& / 5Z k
%&  }¨ J  !m ,&n 683 & 6^0 pbSq  /6 ? 4
%& k !m3 4 03 “(  343 $[ h ‡3 R6?^0 ?8G , &n 68
H 7 , B?t0 ” 8X d $N 3    ” ( 4!7 d $N  , B?t0 &n
< 6?^0  }D?3 &n  . 34 4 9&
Advanced Genetics: (Bio 554) Žeed- :+74& @, 5Z <‘
&(0 ^?N m  )i(? , /(?0 m  “(  ,!B[ 4
 6a0 V^? ¿  ,Ž 3X (`w0 (3 (`w0 ( c - A/8h3
r$L d8 $ ,JQ?3 ] AA ,oL3 ¡L}Q ,)223 §} V« J† m 
9> O?3 )i(? , >3 (  6 • ?A %& Y>o m  ,*B>!$ V«3
H  7 ,>![B3 >}?OE3 3}B  3!O0 m  4 6 m 3 b6O
<   3!O §q > - m 3 6O m  4 9&

144    !     "

>   <

Advanced Entomology : (Zol 517) ŽeTh - :+74& ‰l 5Z <"

R a&B23 !, Y ,!X a?$N&3 ™W E[ ¬X 4
!mO? , b\D ? h3 6je n>o8X , ™ —  , YE k2
H 7 ™ ' & fb³3 ,17 » 2 c\ uW0 „$N&3 ™ . 343
<k  t?A0 f(S? ›2B3 ™ f(S2 4 9&
Advanced Parasitology :(Zol 510) ŽeT` - :+74& W 5Z <
œC7h  $N  a?8/3 JB[?  $N& ,JB[?   aB   /6 ?  4
, ab & R B[   E $N  ,]  ­&  y,0 •!qX $N 3
¬X 4 , B[ j &(0 ,B[ pt,23  6 0 ˆ![
3X 9 .4ƒ §n8 4 l>!` 9& Q!G3 B[ &n?h3 >4S?$h
H 7 , B[ SB03 ]>3
B[ KU §N&  E?0 ˆ![ 4 9& N
< B[ KU 3/3
Advanced Invertebrates : (Zol 561) Že_T - :+74& )79$ 5Z <
, a?O8O3 >!/7N  ;! , >/7N  . ª  %& r! ?
H  7 ,>/7N  .![A3   0 .4 ?0 ¿>X !Qi
!mO? 4 9& N
< e 9 •!qX (bO3 a( n7 >/7N $N&3
Advanced Vertebrates : (Zol 571) Ž ehT - :+74& )7W 5Z <
$N& 4 ,e  3 (6 YE  B?t0 >/B JL !S
9 .?¯ †X ES  a^ 8/ 4 ,•!qX (bO3 a( n7 >/B
4D ,  >/B  .oaX ¿ E ]/0 ›>™? , >/B B?t0 & 6^0
H  7 ,>/B 9 .?¯ §n8  )S
a?'N3 >/B  fO? 4 9& N
< B?t0 YE  '/E3 » 

   !     " 145

>   <

Advanced Microbiology : (Zol 520) Že]` - :=74& 7F 2-S <

43 ,a?>\D23 Q 683 a?^A73 /$ ' X Z;!2 ˆA0 \Q xWE>
R „$N&3 ¿ E a E /$ ' X $N& k\;3 , /$ ' X f(S2
' X d e/?8 ˆ!`3 m  !/0 l ?2 Rj  ˆA0 J6,> k\;3 ,Jb 
%& H 4n?& b  f(S? ˆ!`3 •3  . ,Q343 a& 83 NE , /$
<(3 ®O, Z;C
Advanced Plant Physiology (Bot 571) ŽekT ´> :+74&  ;,,69 <
6i8X ‰ q3 JW0 ” 8 , B³ 3 Z;C : 2E( -  /? 4
 g/?8h3 J/(3 9>ot?3 , ›?( ” 8 ,c X uD 3 > X , >3!D
J†6?3 *B(? ,  /E[? a?¬3  2E( 8 !e3 n>o8X ,  $! 2E(
H 7 ,E(  ] Q 3 (3C( E;!0 ¿> , b
6( O8O 4 9& N 
< a& .![A3  [? 3
Advanced Animal hysiology (Zol 591) ŽemT - :+74& ,l ;,,69 
,]  ' & fb³3 )&  .!7 ?0 †>   0  /? Rj  4
J/(3 -3 VS&X   A7  Y>o3 c - B³  JO? %& o;C R
Jb A c  ]o2h3 !mO?3 ) e3 c3 a3 &(03 'nS 4D3 c -
H 7 ,c! fO?3 )A
<­X3  (   A7 9& N
Taxonomy of Flowering Plants (Bot 521) Že]T´> :)0µ G> |G 
ˆ!` , JSB B(S2 œ %& >!Qo 2E( d 6A/? $N  4
'6O – ›>!,? t? R , )A/? †> h^0 , 6A/? 
<f(S?  2E( 7!D )& – > 

146    !     "

>   <

Ecology of Yemen Plant : (Bot 511) UeTT ´> :  G / 
, B?t0 YE 7;  96  .™?(0 2E( R> 2 %& r! ? %& !/0 oª;!>É
< Kq . S  _ 3 & 96 y 4!B(> ? 2E( %& o;C R
Ecology of Yemen Plant (Bot 512) ŽeT] ´> :  ) 4F* G ‘
3 c4S?$h 434!0  8 9 >ª 4S?$h ¬X  2E( !S
2E( €\e B?t0 8 O0 JS7 ˆ!` %& r! ? , &(S 3 E[ t?h
< B?t0 &(S  „hn ?3
Language Skills :( Bio 590) Uem`- :),Y ^= <"
)Q{ B?t0 SSt? '!/ gNq 9 Z[ f>! 2 FG !/0 \Q r‚
B; 7! 3 , B?t0 ' X  & ”!7  (2N3 6  > D W[S0
Jb 3 7,O ,œaB ,n^ 0 ,R!0 6  Q4S 9 a!t?
<Ž B?t0  
Plant Taxonomy : (Bot 530) Uea` ´> :> |G <
,2E( 6  6A? & $ ,f(S? & 6^0 >!i( *X 4
H 7 2E( f(S? †>3 6>/ B?t0 & /3 ˆ![ %& r! ?
r! ? 9& N
< ” 8X3 œ(X3 Jb  9 d  4  f(S? ›2B %&

   !     " 147

>   <

:2 % :  56F

:G( 34  2 % :46;= :<=>H 5 
< W? '6O
<>  }¨ '6O
<>  '6O
< b>oB '6O
: ) "S M,7 N.O UT
'6O pST  F3X   .h 4 %& NK Z[ ] O> ] −
:9 y rC   c 3  _  9
<Ž'6;    ;  !q <
<Ž !2−'6; C ;  !q <V
<'6O )A$ /7  Z[?>3 ,'6O pSt? $N   a  !q <§
u ?0 1 3 ˆ 7 n7  6;C   u ?0 1  ] O> ] Z 
< H 6;C ‰-
<xWE3  1Q°? >o^8U D ]W? ? ] 
]     ?0 €4 ? 4ž )A/  aBL ]W? ? ] 
     ›b  '6O )A$  }?A0 4 R T 
< _
 n; ,Ž×× ); )$C  }?A0 I8! !/ '6O )A$ /> 
Ž×× ); 33 ×× ); !/ 4n?& O    )A$ /7   

148    !     "

>   <

 ¢C,>3 ,•!q A$ 3 )A/ *B8 9 I85 FG /?6 ;? !/6;

:ŸM ;?h !/0
< _   .6? 0 !/0 œ2 ] <
<F3X    !0  a?4 Z[ lE $ ] O> h <V
<Z[ xW ” j 6 K  !/0 €\Q ] O2 ] <§
8W? ] O23 , >o^8U D3 !  D I85  *>? D <
< H > >o^8U D ] O2 Z[ G3 , >o^8U D I85 !/
:  [-
::46;& 4= T
B 4= Z T_ );* Z6
B 4= Z m U567 4† )4* Z6
B 4= Z _ :46;&  
B 4= Z aT M¶c
:– . 567  º ', l . )Xb>c Y  BZ6& Z6 ¹  ·G „  *
' s r  ,6

   !     " 149

>   <

U2 " JK   Q =,7= ]

Ž.6?  &  >EU &A 
2 % :46;= JK
Z6 Y L6& 5  Y L6& 5  5F L6& X= VW
B 4& )X%>*  0 B & { F.
Advanced '6O
٣ Analytical  );
Chemistry /?0 W?
Advanced }¨ '6O
٣ Inorganic  );
Chemistry /?0 > 
٣ Advanced Organic  );
Chemistry /?0 > 
Advanced '6O
٣ Physical  );
Chemistry /?0 b>oB
T] Z6 x, ‡

2 % :46;= JK

Z6 Y L6& 5  L6& 5  5F VW
B 4& )X%>*  0 Y B &
{ F.
٣ Thermodynamic of
>!  );
٣ Optional Course 1  c?q !/ ×× ); v†
٣ Optional Course 2  c?q !/ ×× );
٣ Optional Course 3  c?q !/ ×× );
١ Seminar xW .38  );
Ta Z6 x, ‡

150    !     "

>   <

Ž.6?  & ‘ >?qh &A 

: 2M !/0 9 !/ JO  3 ¾Nm
[\ VW X=
Z6 5F
B 4& )X%>* Y L6& 5   0 Y L6& 5  B &
{ F.
 Advanced Environmental
/?0 YE '6; " );
Physicochemicals b6; >oB *X
 Separation methods  );
Principles JSB ˆ![
'6O  .?¯ Rj 
 Chosen Subjects in  );
Analytical Chemistry W?
‰Nt?h ˆ!` '6;
 Advanced Extraction  );
Methods Chemistry /?0
>!i( b6; /E[2
 Chemical Applications of  );
Group Theory & 6^0
'6O  .?¯ Rj 
 Chosen Subjects in  );
Inorganic Chemistry >  }¨
/ E;!0 '6;
 Advanced Heterocyclic  );
Chemistry /?0 A8^?0 }¨
 Advanced Organic
/?0 c  ”([Kh  );
 b>oB ˆ![
 Physical Methods in  );
Organic Chemistry >  '6O
'6O  .?¯ Rj 
 Chosen Subjects in  );
Organic Chemistry > 

   !     " 151

>   <

[\ VW X=

Z6 5F
B 4& )X%>* Y L6& 5   0 Y L6& 5  B &
{ F.
Chosen Subjects in '6;  .?¯ Rj 
 Natural Products  );
Chemistry  E[ ^?(0
Chosen Subjects in '6O  .?¯ Rj 
 Organometallic  );
Chemistry 8  
'6O  .?¯ Rj 
 Chosen Subjects in  );
Stereochemistry ¨!B
/?0 !aO '6O  );
Catalysts and }¨ ›[X3 oB '6;
 Heterogeneous Surfaces  );
Chemistry A8^?0
'6;  /? 4
 Advanced Study in  );
Quantum Chemistry )O
Structures and ‰ q3 Z;!2
 Properties of High  );
Polymers   !6E0
&(S '6O
 Advanced Industrial and  );
Applied Chemistry /?0 /E[?3
Advanced Fertilizers
/?0 .6X '6;  );
 Advanced Biochemistry /?0 >  '6O  );
Chosen Subjects in '6O  .?¯ Rj 
 Medicinal and  );
8hS3 E[

152    !     "

>   <

:Ž‘‘ ); xWE  <

:07& |},G
:UeTT 5" =74& 14 2 % T
ˆ!` ,. [?3 B?¯ œ$ .oa t?Œ †> ˜M JW? ˆ!` 4
< jB?3  E( 7!3h E ,GC3 ICP3 HLPC ! 23!O JSB
:Ue]T 5" =74& ),• :– 2 % ]
,    > & }¨ b6; N&B2 , > & }¨ b6; N&B2 O8O
< >3 8 '6;
:UeaT 5" =74& ),• 2 % a
FG 3 −g/?8 Ž : bo Z2C .4& N&B2 , [- .! $[ $N&
, O>A>} Z2!2 .4&G Ž ,83COU p$8 d^A; 3 d3C8 3 ] !;
< 83 3e N&B? ,.A;U ,go?qh
:UedT 5" =74& ?)XW 2 % d
b>oB }D? O(>4 4 ,Q} ‡ ˆ!`3 aB(S23 >3!D 4
;! 4 ,] O0 mNm3 b(m3 >4  6i8X  ]o2h ,f(S .&$ ] 8$3
< A8^?0 }¨ >oB N&B?
:UeT] 5" V1  )0l %=) e
)QB0 , Y>o d • /3 ?3COh JW0 , ?3COh }¨ 4 0 83
<JW6 >! O(> >3!;03 >3!O0

   !     " 153

>   <

:UehT 5" g1 B.> _

   /6 ? E?O 4 %& (E !DS xW 3 !>!/2 )>/? Z[  />
 VN[3 !/0 œ  W a?,$( )?>3 ,!/0 œ Q?· ? Rj 0
<JW?3 xWE ˆ![ 1o? • Ì N>3 ,)A/
:Ue`T 5" =74& / 2 " h
Y (& %& W? '6O ˆ!` lE[2 , YE %& Q}m{23 m 0
<'_- '6O3
:UeTa 5" VW L0 ? ",)XW D S k
ˆ![ , ;!3 >! O(> d  , W? JSB ˆ!` f(S2
<JSB ˆ!`3 Z  J†h (/23 JSB Z E?q IQ( , 7! 23!O
:UeTd 5" 14 2 %  B4» yr,= m
E;!03 8 >X !>/? /? J‡ ˆ!` ,b0 }¨3 b0 u   ]o2h
< B?¯ œ$ .oa t? b6O
:UeTe 5" +74& —$34 * L0E 2 " T`
, N oa^?3 ˆ![ ,Jb – Jb3 ,ZK – Jb ‰Nt?h Á4E
‰Nt? %& /E[? ,A3 >40 8 0 ,aK q3 St?A0 ” 83
<>  E;!0 ¿  ‰Nt?3 .4(3 (6† ]4 0
:Ue]] 5" Z, b& )0A ? " 7G TT
& 6+ J† ,Jmn? & 6+3 Jmn? “(& ,aB>! 23 & 6^0 >!i8 & $
E;!0  \ d u!  d 2  & 6^0 >!i83 Jmn? t? ,Jmn?
o?QU >‡ , [ 0 & 6^0 >!i83 c E g^0 >!i8 4 , b6O
< b6O E;!0  Y>o
154    !     "
>   <

:Ue]a 5" ),• :– 2 %  B4» yr,= T]

}¨ E;! ,]3 E '6O /? 4 , >  }¨ '6O  b>o7 ˆ!`
b  '6O , ES b6O W /? 4 , 8   6«3 / > &
<> & }¨ b6; E;!0
:Uea] 5" =74& 6>b4& :– 7l "0& 2 " Ta
]35 / E;!0 aE, A8^?0 }¨ / E;!0 6A2 & $
E;!0 , / >4  E;!0 ,d (> O3 9>>}E '6; ,d>4?(E3 ]2 E3
< E[  ? , A8^? }¨ !†; 3 d2 %& > ?W0 E;!0 ,/ µN?
:Ueaa 5" +74& ,• x}* Td
] !; . d u3! 9> O2 ,•!q FG & 6+ J> ‡3  B & 6^0 gq4
.!/?A0 ] !O 8 8 t? , >oB >  E;!0 N&B23 >!i8 :•!q3
>!i( :•!q “(& 3 ] !O . d u3! 9> O2 , 7 ; ( fL O3
,] OA3  B B fL ; , $  & 6^0 ,/ ›?73 ˆN¨G ,N&B?3
<f>33!O0 t? ”([Kh ,.?¯ ”([K N&B2 ,Jmn?0 }¨ ”([Kh
:Uead 5" ),• 2 %  ?)XW L0 Te
ˆ 73 b!0 LX : >  E;!0 ( >W? b>oB ˆ![ t?
, ?O f` ,9> E3  E c ’`(D0 c3 ( d8! f` ,] 7[3 ^AB(E
< E *;G L , / o>3!O>3 b  ]3 ,?8 ,b  ]3
:Ueae 5" ),• 2 %  B4» Z,r,= T_
—N7X j!7 ,] !O 8 83 8 2; ,(>!>M ,(>C>( ,(O
N&B? ,¼3!2n^A g/?8U ,®73COU gN U : >  N&B?3 Y>o
, 7!3  E3 b6;3COU >  N&B? , O>A>}E3 O>3COU
r! ? , b  b>oB 6  ,>N>U , >oB >  E;!0 N&B2

   !     " 155

>   <

!DS  Q(?0 (/?  )i(3 4 0 ,9>} B , Y>o '3  6i8X ,Y>o
Jb A  N&B2 J6,2 >4  }¨ E>\0  b6O N&B? ,Ž Y>o
, ES 4 0 %& ?E†0 fL O ,.oBW0 N&B? ,Ž ! bA 3 8 >X
< Kq .>L r3!³ :‡ b6O N&B?
:Uea_ 5"  b4& 2 "  B4» yr,= Th
> / ,> (23O ,aS7 B;3  E[ ^?(0 Z;!2 %& r! ?
<(8 †B3 J73 O ,d  6e ,(8 †8U ,> 8 7NB ,./ 0
:Ueah 5" >=,• 2 %  B4» yr,= Tk
(E , >  E;!0 R /?8U }¨3 /?8U ]4 0 J&B2 B; %& r! ?
%& /E[2 ,oB ,N&B? u3 , 8   E;!6 b6O u3!3
<&(S oB3 c  Z;C  >  >oB / 0
:Ueak 5" –0W 2 %  B4» yr,= Tm
 *8^?0 }¨3 *8^?0 JOª ,?3 9> O? ,a& 83 ./ 0 E;!0  }O
< }O >  E;!0 } ‡ , >  E;!0
:Ued] 5" =74&  0^% 2 % ]`
, 34o0 !aO /E[ Z;!2 ,?3COU g W03 ¼!aO Z[/ œ
J6T3 J;Í2 , b6;3!aO (/? t? b6;3!aO N&B? Š §?(?
< b6;3!aO $[ J> ‡3 4 $  >Nq ,]4 0
:Ueda 5" 6>b4& :– ‘ S. XWl 2 " ]T
•0 .  Y>o d • / ,›[X '6O !aO )QB0 , >! , K-
o?U ,›[X Z;!23 7[0 ,W[A IA(3 b>oB o?U ,  ›[
<  ›[ %& oB3 b6O

156    !     "

>   <

:Uedd 5" 5% 2 "  =74=   ]]

d $N  , b6O u3! †> )QB0 ,bo E† )O '6;  i(
< E>!^? Rb$ 3 >!i(  $ ?
:UeeT 5"  0 & —,. "0G ]a
,!6E A8G , B†O0   !6E Z;!2 ,!6E f(S23 Z;!2
hn?  , >3!;0 Y>o^ b6O N&B? ,!6E . $3 O8O0 ‰ -
<!6E b6O N> ? 43 3
:Uee] 5" =74& 74. Z 2 % ]d
4 ,8  B3 E0 '6; 4 ,aB(S23 ËEKX Z;!2 4
< [ 3 &(S aO( '6;
Ueea 5" +74& B S 2 " ]e
- 4 03 b6O .6X 9> O2 ,.6X K- W[S03 )QB0
§N 3 (3C( .6X3 B B , 8 0 .6X &(K  t?A0
<.6X &(K 6&   [2 ,D3 9q0 >B( b6O
:Ue_T 5" =74& ),l 2 % ]_
>3 ( µX3 >3 ( & / ,a6& O8O3 (235 Y>o
/?0 /E[? , >  ¬X3 a6& O8O3 (?B ,a6& O8O3
,)6A?3 c  uE†? ,c  oBW? , >  ¬X3 a6& O8O3 ,n>o8¶
<c  i( X 8 >X
:Ue_] 5" >*.  2 %  B4» yr,= ]h
, 3}B 4 0 , >}?OE 4 0 , >  4 0 ,>N0 4 
<!>t? }$/& ,]`w 4 

   !     " 157

C)<  "

‫ﺑﺮﻧﺎﻣﺞ اﻟﺪﻛﺘﻮراه‬
<=>H P.  . )¼ UT
JQ{23 4&U C  BA7 € ?; I8! )>/2  .4>3 .4  <
6& xW 9 ^?A>  J; V ? %& 9>4/ d> C dSSt?0
<R6?^0 > $ - €!> [23

> C 9>40 o6? !  '( FG C  BA7 € ?; I8! ¡ A> <V
SSt?0 4 O 4&G3 ,–  E[?3 †> a ? Z; > B?t0
H 7 , > C n0    .'BO 
†WE3 6  8O0 o>o 2 9& N
16$ o > n R6?^0 A°6  u3 , Kt O3   ^
<12 6` l/ž3

r‚ , ^     0 i( rQ  43 0 HhnO?
:FG C  BA7 € ?; I8!
> C     }?A0 4 µ 9 .>o?0 4&X E¨ E2 −
<& NQ° %& g SW
lb!`3 IQ(0 "  C h+   SSt?0  6  'BO 4&G −
E> n Nh )/ )yA;3 "*B( )& , > C .4U ,*>?

   !     " 159

C)<  "

<) ? 
A°0 ?  E2 J 9 > C    g+  d†  4&G −
< B?t0 > C
*>2 YQ ' &{ ! 3 (`    C ; A$ )&4 −
< ! 3 (`     .!³(?0 O3 O d ;™ −
u[q rQ3 f( 9> ) ? H /73 C g / !> [2 %& J6  −
< (`  6(?
6  u[- Rj  ,12hn?  9& f,O 3ƒ3 JE/?A0 ˆ7Š 42 −
<? h E2 %& .4/

:{G),4 . <=>H V% UT−T

<=>H 07&   +A>

¤ JSB i8 <

<=>H B=

 ( R3 , 4 g S7  (6 ? ¡84 W;  ( ¾Nm <¾

< 4 g S7 (6 ? %& W;

160    !     "

C)<  "

<=>H V%
˜‹ 9 &A 4& EA8 &A 4&
I85 ( 
I85 & .6? 0 !/0
%<  ‘ >EU !/0 
%<   * >?qh !/0 
% <  − 3!`X 
− " − **v0 Z>? 
− − − J, E?qh 
%""  ” 6^0

<x† 3 v† ¤ JSB >?qh !/0 •  Z[ ?·*

I85 & 96j J, E?qh3 v0 Z>? & ZA‡ h **
<);C 1   h3 ˜‹h
  +A> U]
"" & .4S    . 0 WbN ZA :   B= –UT−]
:ŸM %&  . :S8
< 4 g S7 Ž  }?A0   € ?; .0 %&X  Ž 
< 4 g S7 Ž }?A0    .0 ¡84X  ŽV
 1 ZA‡3 J, ]W?h €?   Z[ Q > € ?;  Ž
<Ž.6?  &

   !     " 161

C)<  "

:M,7 N.O U]−]

H K /?0 ] O> ]Ž−−
3 (6   •  9 }?A0 4 %& N
d(6 }¨ d/?0 g E$ 9O6>3 ,H   9& J/> h & g 6 y rC  
< 9& J/> h & g 6  .&A0 A>? Ye ' & 9 EA?(3
H K /?0 ] O> ] Ž−−
  3 , > C SSt? }?A0 4 %& N
O3 )A/ K 2 %& '( •!q SSt? }?A0 4 %& JK /?0 g E$
Q?3 4  ¾Nm 9& >o2 h ? ;?h 4 0  `3™ *^0 /7 3
g q JE$ a> ] ;? 4  ¾Nm 9 !†; g 3 , ca6? (A gNq
3 ›8 ¡[ >3 Z[ 6;C g 0 96j Jq2 h 3 I85  ca6? (A
<€ ?; I8!  (A ¤ h 96j a?4 . ZA‡ h3 ,Z
   *+ Q4ž ? jB0 8W? /?0 ? ]Ž−−
<  6  xWE3
9 ' & mNm 9 8 O ( JE$ 9 St, /0 /?0 ? ]Ž−−
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