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Strengths and Weaknesses

1. What are your strengths?
2. Can you tell me about your strengths?
3. What strengths do you have?
4. What are your weaknesses?
5. Can you tell me about your weaknesses?
6. Do you have any weaknesses?
7. What are you doing to improve these weaknesses? / What have you done to change
these weaknesses?
Vocabulary and structures:
- I am good at + Ving: Giỏi việc gì
- my strengths are...: Điểm mạnh của em là
- I have ability to + V: Em có thể làm điều gì
- I can+ V: Em có thể làm gì
- handle stress: xử lý stress
- work under pressure: chịu được áp lực
- my attention to detail: chú ý tới chi tiết
- a great team player: làm việc việc nhóm tốt
- keep a team together: dẫn dắt đội nhóm
- get things done on time: hoàn thành việc đúng hạn
- keep the deadline: hoàn thành đúng hạn
- computer skill: kĩ năng máy tính
- quick language learner: học ngoại ngữ tốt
- detail-oriented: chú ý chi tiết
- build relationship and maintain them: tạo mối quan hệ và duy trì mối quan hệ đó
- have experience in: Có kinh nghiệm về
1. I believe my strongest trait is my attention to detail. This trait has helped me
tremendously in this field of work.
2. I've always been a great team player. I'm good at keeping a team together and
producing quality work in a team environment.
3. After having worked for a couple of years, I realized my strength is accomplishing a large
amount of work within a short period of time. I get things done on time and my manager
always appreciated it.
4. My strongest trait is in customer service. I listen and pay close attention to my
customer's needs and I make sure they are more than satisfied.

Với weaknesses thì đơn giản nhất là phủ định strengths, thêm not vào trước. Nếu đã chỉ ra
điểm yếu, thì đừng quên chỉ ra cách khắc phục.

1. I think my limitation is I am not a detail-oriented person. Sometimes I may not pay
attention on small details. To improve it, I have been created a focused space to
minimize distractions.
2. I believe that I need to improve my language ability as I am not a quick language
learner. It takes me double time to get a skill compared to other people.

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