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Good morning, teacher. My name is Bảo Trân, studying at Hoang Le Kha for the
gifted. I have pursued the major of Math in class 11T for 1 year. In my leisure time, I
take an interest in watching movies, immersing myself in good songs, and sometimes
hanging out with my friends. And now, I would like to tell you about :…
1. Talk about the advantages of self-study

In today's educational landscape, self-study has emerged as a vital component in

students' learning journeys, offering a range of merits. One of the primary benefits is
the flexibility self-study provides, which enables them to take charge of their own
learning process. It helps students become more involved and dedicated to their
studies, leading to enhanced academic performance. Moreover, self-study can be a
cost-effective option compared to other educational methods. With an abundance of
free or low-cost resources available online, students can access high-quality
educational materials without incurring substantial expenses. What's more, self-study
provides opportunities for students to engage in self-reflection and self-awareness. As
students navigate through diverse learning materials independently, they gain more
profound insights into their strengths, weaknesses, and areas for improvement. In
conclusion, the advantages of self-study for students in developing social skills are
undeniable for well-rounded development and future career endeavors.

2. Talk about the influences of cyberbullying

In today's digital age, cyberbullying has emerged as a harmful issue with various
profound consequences. One of the key influences of cyberbullying is the erosion of
self-confidence and self-esteem in victims. This stems from constant harassment and
negative messages online, which result in feelings of isolation and loneliness.
Moreover, cyberbullying can also have a significant impact on a person's social
relationships. As a result, victims may withdraw from social interactions, both online
and in person, out of fear of further bullying or judgment, which leads to a
deterioration in their support network. Cyberbullying not only affects individuals but
also has more extensive effects on a social level, especially on the alleviation of trust
and communication within communities. Cyberbullying can create a culture of fear
and distrust among individuals, leading to a breakdown in social cohesion. In
conclusion, cyberbullying has far-reaching influences on both individuals and society
as a whole, so actions must be taken to address and prevent this destructive behavior.

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