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Methodology, Data Collection, and Analysis in Bank Muscat

Methodology used:
Bank Muscat uses the mixed-method approach that includes qualitative and
quantitative methodologies for establishing a project. This method gives an
extensive overview of the company's activities and areas of advancement.
The process involves a few important stages:

1-Research design: this stage is created to lead the information gathering and
evaluation methods. This involves establishing the project goals, creating
inquiries, and choosing suitable data-gathering tools.

2-Data collecting: the data collecting method involves direct and indirect
resources. Direct data is obtained using questionnaires and reports. Meetings
have been held with major players, such as workers, leaders, and clients, to
get knowledge of the way a company operates and barriers. Questionnaires
were handed out to a group of staff and clients to gather observations and
comments. Circuitous information, like bookkeeping records, advertise
investigate, and company papers, were accumulated to back the coordinate
information and allow assessment an extra framework.

3-Data Examination: After collecting the information, a combination of

quantitative and subjective information investigation strategies was used.
Qualitative data, including participants interview responses and survey
question responses, were analyzed using thematic analysis to identify themes,
recurring patterns and problems. On the other hand, quantitative data
including participants’ survey question responses and financial measures
were analyzed using statistical analysis techniques to generate meaning and
establish patterns.

Data Collection/Information Collection Strategies and Sources

The taking after strategies and sources were utilized to collect information:
1-Interviews: face-to-face and phone interviews with workers, directors, and
clients – were conducted at Bank Muscat. Interviews given important bits of
knowledge for understanding the organization’s forms, client encounters, and
2-Surveys: online surveys were sent to a sample of Bank Muscat employees
and customers. Surveys contain questions on customer satisfaction, employee
attitudes, and suggestions for improving service quality.

3-Observations: conducted direct observations of the Bank Muscat branches

and customer service centers to receive a firsthand view of the organization’s
processes and the way customers are received and served.

4-Secondary Data: Cash related reports, industry considers, inward files, and
client input data collected from complaint logs and social media were a few
of the assistant data sources utilized in this consider. These sources
complemented the collected basic data and given additional establishment
information and setting.

Data/Information: Analysis of the collected data and information also brought

to light several gaps, challenges, and areas for improvement for Bank
Muscat. The analysis showed the following:

1- Customer service issues. Various cases prove that the level of customer
service is very low. In some cases clients have to hold up as well long, or the
benefit quality shifts between distinctive branches. Thus, it would be sensible
to progress staff preparing and execution monitoring.

2- Innovation Integration: The holes in innovation integration were decided

amid the investigation. The company had the potential to execute a run of
advanced arrangements to make the client encounter smoother, progress
operations, and coordinated the systems.

3-Employee Engagement: Moreover, a few individuals of the staff were not

locked in in the organization, as the inspiration was low. Therefore, in the
identified aspects, employee engagement through the help of training, career
development, and constant feedback was possible.

4- Product Innovation: Finally, the analysis of the market-determined the

possibility of the product development through the introduction of new
services to keep up with the newest tendencies.

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