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Preguntas sobre el TED talk:

1) a. Who is the speaker of the TED talk? b. In what ways do you think flamenco serves as a
bridge between different cultures and communities?

a. Alice Blumenfield

b. Flamenco often involves collaborations between artists from different cultures, bringing
together musicians, dancers, and singers to create unique performances that showcase the
diversity of their respective traditions.

2) What do jazz and flamenco have in common?

Both flamenco and jazz are known for their improvisation and use of complex rhythms and

3) How does the speaker describe flamenco's relationship with language?

The dancer has to listen and interpret what the musician is playing and the musician needs to
understand when to follow the dancer with the music.

4) What is the lesson that Alice learned from the bad experience that she explains?

Studying the physical aspects is important but you have to learn the language and become
fluent in the parts of flamenco in order to successfully preform it.

5) How does Alice connect poetry and flamenco?

Memorizing the parts of the dance but not the language behind it is like memorizing a poems
words but not the language behind it.

Reflexión personal:

1) What new concepts or ideas did you learn about flamenco from the TED talk?

The TED talk taught me that flamenco is more than just a dance. It has a strong emotional and
spiritual bond with the people who perform it and watch it too. The speaker said to truly
understand Flamenco, you need to know its language and culture rather than just learning the
steps of the dance routine.

2) How do the emotions and artistic expression of flamenco relate to your own life experiences?
I understand how flamenco music and dance express strong emotions because I've felt a lot of
different feelings myself. It lets me use my own emotions to create art that's meaningful, just like
writing or painting can do for some people.

3) What inspired or caught your attention in the TED talk and why?

I liked how she related back to a mistake she made in her own life then gave us the lesson she
took from it.

4) How do you think you could apply the lessons from flamenco in your own life or environment?

To be good at Flamenco, you need to work hard and stay focused on learning the moves. If we
use this discipline in our own goals, we can do well in life and feel satisfied with what we

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