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How to answer 20 general

questions in English.

Teacher Fadwa
Where are you from?

Answer example

I live in Casablanca, which is the

largest city in Morocco. I was born
and raised in this charming city.
How old are you?

Answer example

I am 22 years old.

(always use the verb to be)

Do you have any siblings?

Answer example

Yes, I have one sister and two

brothers, and I am the eldest.
What do you like to do in your free time?

Answer example
In my free time, I enjoy reading
books, going for walks in nature,
and spending time with my friends.
I also like to cook new recipes and
listen to music.
Have you ever traveled abroad ?

Answer example 5

I've traveled abroad to Spain, France, and Italy. In

Spain, I explored Barcelona, enjoying the rich
history. In France, I visited Paris and saw the Eiffel
Tower while savoring delicious cuisine. In Italy, I
toured Rome, admiring the beautiful art. Each
trip was unforgettable.
What’s your favorite food?

Answer example

My favorite food is pizza. I enjoy

its delicious combination of
cheese, tomato sauce, and crispy
Can you describe your hometown?

Answer example 7

My hometown is a vibrant urban center with

modern architecture, diverse culture, and a lively
What's your favorite book or TV show?

Answer example

My favorite TV show is Friends, I

admire its humor and memorable
What’s the weather like today?

Answer example 9

The weather today is sunny with a few clouds. It's

quite warm with temperature around 25 degrees
Celsius. There's a gentle breeze blowing, making
it a pleasant day.
Do you have any pets?

Answer example
Yes, I have a pet dog named Max.
He is friendly and brings so much
joy to our family. We love taking
him for walks in the park and
playing fetch together.
What’s your dream job?

Answer example 11

My dream job is to be a photographer. I love

capturing moments and telling stories
through my photos.
What’s your favorite sport?

Answer example
My favorite sport is soccer. I love the
excitement of the game, the
teamwork involved, and the thrill of
scoring goals. Playing soccer is not
only fun but also a great way to stay
active and healthy.
What's the best place you've ever visited?

Answer example 13

The most remarkable destination I've had the

pleasure of visiting is Santorini, Greece. Its
beautiful views and relaxing atmosphere
made it an unforgettable experience."
Do you have any plans for the weekend?

Answer example
Yes, I'm planning to go hiking with
some friends on Saturday and then
have a barbecue in the evening. On
Sunday, I'm thinking of catching up
on some reading and maybe
watching a movie.
What’s your favorite color?

Answer example 15

My favorite color is blue. I find it calming and

peaceful, like the ocean or the sky on a clear
What's your favorite type of music?

Answer example

My favorite type of music is jazz. I

love the improvisation and the
smooth rhythms. It always puts me
in a relaxed mood.
Do you prefer city life or country life?

Answer example 17

I prefer city life. I enjoy the convenience of

amenities and the diverse cultural experiences
that cities offer. Plus, there's always
something new to explore and discover.
What's your favorite season?

Answer example

My favorite season is autumn. I love

the cooler weather, the colorful
leaves, and cozy sweaters.
Where will you travel next vacation?

Answer example 19

For my next vacation, I'm planning to visit

Thailand. I'm excited to explore its beautiful
beaches, vibrant culture, and delicious
Why are you learning English?

Answer example

I'm learning English to communicate

better and access more
Good luck!

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