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1/18/2022 Opt Out

1. Why save? 2. Not sure it’s for you? 3. Confirm opt-out 4. Opt-out complete

4. Opt-out complete
You'll receive confirmation of your opt-out shortly.

We'll also let your employer know that you've opted out and they'll arrange to refund any contributions you've already paid.

Opt-out confirmation details

Your email confirmation will be sent to

If this email address is incorrect please update your email.

Receive as email

Alternatively you can receive confirmation of your opt-out as paper.

If you'd like a copy of this screen for your records you can print this page.

Please tell us why you're opting out

We don’t keep personal data relating to this survey and your answer will be completely anonymous. You can choose one or more of
the following options that apply to you.

I have other financial priorities

I already save into a pension

I plan to rely solely on the State Pension when I retire

I don’t trust pensions

I have other sources of income for my retirement

NEST isn’t the right pension scheme for me 1/1

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