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(時間:45 分)

問題 1:Please write the correct meaning in English. (1x1point)

/49 点
1. あさごはん - 6.ビール -
2. ひるごはん - 7.レポート -
3. ばんごはん - 8.プレゼント -
4. パン- 9.ラジオ -
5. コーヒー- 10.にく

問題 2:Please write the correct meaning in Japanese. (1x1point)

1. milk - -
2. tea - 7.souvenir,gift -
3. Japanese rice wine - 8.flower -
4. music - allowance -
5. movie - 10.photograph,picture -

問題 2: Please translate English into Japanese. (7sx2points)

(1) I drank milk this morning.


(2) What will you do later?


(3) Do you drink something every morning?

(4) What did you do last Sunday?


(5) I will study Japanese every day.


(6) I will drink beer and Japanese rice wine.


(7) I study Japanese at the library every day.


問題 3: Please write the appropriate particle in the blank. (14x1points)

(1) このさけ__なに__つくりましたか。

What was used to make this Japanese rice wine?

(2) 田中さん__なに__はなしますか。

How do you speak with Mr. Tanaka?

(3.) このあたらしい パソコン__つかいます。

I will use this new computer.

(4.) がっこう__なんかげつ べんきょうしましたか。

How many months did you study at the school?

(5.) ちち__はは__はな__あげました

My father gave my mother a flower.

(6.) 鈴木さん__かいしゃ__くるま__もらいました。

Mr. Suzuki received a car from the company.

(7.) 先生__わたし__ほん__くれました。

My teacher gave me a book.

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