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Hi Lia!! How are you?

We are currently in London! We arrived two days ago and oh my god, this place is so
beautiful!! The weather is amazing, it’s sunny but at the same time with some nice
wind. And the people here are really nice; I actually made a friend yesterday. Oh and
we are staying in a gorgeous five star hotel that is close to the center of the city so
it’s perfect.

We´ve already ridden the London Eye and let me tell you it was the scariest thing
I’ve ever done, we´ve also walked and seen Abbey Road and taken pictures in it! Let
me know if you want them. We haven’t visited any castle yet, or gone to Hyde park
but I’m looking forward to it.

And today we are going to travel in a hop-on hop-off bus across the city, and it’s
going to be fun, we are going to see the Big Ben and all!! Let me know if you want

Anyway, that’s all the news.

Hope you’re doing okay, please reply and tell me how everything is going at home.

Bye, love you.

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