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Nowadays, every organizations have large group of employees working on different

projects. So it is necessary to keep details of each employee and keep record of all
their actions and duty. These employees works leaves attendance should be kept
record of but keeping in papers makes it more complex to handle daily activities.

In order to resolve this problem and help people to get rid from keeping in
documentation it can be rather in databases. For this we came along with a cloud
based solution "Grow Teamly" mobile app project that will allow users to create
their user id and added in that team so that they can actually see what are most
important tasks and works for them and can be stored all the records. Now, No
worries of remembering tasks, keeping notes on paper. Instead just login into this
organization app and there you go. Our mobile app will help you out to store your
important events of employee and attendences of all the employee and their why to
leave in Grow teamly app.

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