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Handy (a): easy to use or to doSYNONYM useful

 a handy little tool

located near to somebody/something; located or stored in a convenient place

 Always keep a first-aid kit handy.

able to use your hands or tools to make or repair things well

 to be handy around the house

come in handy

1. (informal) to be useful
o The extra money came in very handy.

Focal (a): central; very important; connected with or providing a focus

 The Student Liaison Officer acts as a focal point for student political


branch out
phrasal verb

branch out (into something)

1. to start to do an activity that you have not done before, especially in your
work or businessSYNONYM diversify
o The company branched out into selling insurance.

In good hands: managed or cared for with great attention:

You’ll be in good hands with her – she’s a terrific lawyer.

Arena (n): a place with a flat open area in the middle and seats around it where
people can watch sports and entertainment
Ramp (n): a slope that joins two parts of a road, path, building, etc. when one is
higher than the other

Blizzard (n): a snowstorm with very strong winds

Heatwave (n): a period of unusually hot weather

 A long summer heatwave had caused most of the crops to die.

Salinity (n): the fact of containing salt; the amount of salt contained in something

CAM 11

Test 1
fiddle (about/around) with sth
to touch or move things with your fingers because you are nervous or bored / to
make small changes to something to try to make it work
premises (n) /ˈpremɪsɪz/: the building and land near to it that a business owns or
beforehand (adv): earlier; before something else happens or is done

Test 2

Refurbishment (n): the act or process of cleaning and decorating a room,

building, etc. in order to make it more attractive, more useful, etc.
Amplify (v): amplify something to increase something in strength, especially

Test 3

Binoculars (n) /bɪˈnɒkjələz/: an instrument, like two

small telescopes fixed together, that makes objects that are far away seem nearer when you
look through it

Shabby (a): (of buildings, clothes, objects, etc.) in poor condition because they
have been used a lot

SYNONYM scruffy

Discern (v): to know, recognize or understand something, especially something that

is not obvious

SYNONYM detect

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