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Assessment Form

Date: 06/03/2024

David Tudor Lauren

4 years and 1 month (49 months) Keyworker
Pre-School Classroom
DOB: 06/02/2020
Start date: 11/09/2023
In nursery: 5 months

March 24
Carried out by: Lauren

Communications & Language Personal, Social and Emotional Physical Development


David's communication skills are very David's social skills are developing David is a very active little boy and
limited due to English being his and he will happily engage with loves being outside where he can run
second language. Whilst David is in peers with a familiar activity for short and explore the outdoor areas, he
nursery he will speak some single periods of time. David has built shows interest in throwing, kicking and
words in his home language during relationships with his peers and the sharing the ball between himself and
play however can say "yes" and "no" key workers within the room. David his friends, David will walk across the
in English. David can understand and will follow some of his friends around benches balancing himself and
listen to simple instruction on his own the pre school classroom and join in stepping over the gap to get to the
terms. David can understand with activities and play once another other one and then will jump off when
instructions such as "get your coat." child has created a game or shown he reaches the end. David can
"can you find the.." "Go to the toilet." interest in something. David will independently feed himself using a
choose his own activity on his own fork and spoon and serve his own
terms. food during meal times. David is
beginning to use one-handed tools
and equipment e.g. scissors, pencils,
pens. David is beginning to show a
preference for dominant hand using
his right hand but will hold the pencil
in a palmer grasp to develop
manipulation and control.

Literacy Mathematics Understanding the World Expressive Arts and


David enjoys joining in with David will join in with the In nursery we celebrate David enjoys to express
group song time if he is actions to finger rhymes, different holidays for himself through different
familiar with the nursery attempting to count his different cultures which the art activities, he likes the
rhyme/song. David will fingers along with a staff children learn about use his imagination when
copy the actions to member, copying their different things from he is painting using
familiar songs on his own actions. David has around the world. David different tools to paint with
terms. David engages well counted from 1-10 with a takes an interest in things such as a paintbrush,
with phonics time, he will staff member during an that he isn't familiar with. cotton balls, stamps. David
look at the pictures of the activity, copying their David will listen to stories enjoys activities such as
objects and recognise words as they counted read by an adult about exploring different
them. David will sit well together. David is able to different families and materials like flour, water,
and listen to stories read complete insert puzzle and cultures. David will play edible sand (blended
by an adult or will enjoy to jigsaw puzzles, looking at with the toys we have in cereal) where he can see
look at books by himself at the picture, shape and size nursery such as the and feel the different
the pictures. of each puzzle piece to fit multicultural wooden textures, he will use the
them together. people and the toys to stomp them
multicultural dolls in the through the different
home corner, dressing materials such as animals
them up in their item of and dinosaurs stomping
clothing. the cereal, he enjoys
sensory and messy
activities. David will use the
instruments to move and
shake them, banging on
the tambourine and
shaking the bells to music
or just to make the noise.
Overview (Including links to the Characteristics of Effective Teaching and Learning)

Overall, David learns best in nursery by playing and exploring and active learning, he likes to learn by doing.

Child’s strengths and interests Activities and strategies for future Information from other agencies or
development settings

Dinosaurs. Messy play. Water play. His Develop use of the English language
friends. Cars. Trains. Animals. with single words. Use objects of
reference and visual prompts to
develop his use of single words. Using
phonics flashcards to encourage
David to sound and learn more single

Parent Name Date Signed Parent Signature

Adina Tudor 06/03/2024

Parent Comment


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