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Survey Questionnaire

Please provide the following demographic information:

1. Name:________________, optional
2. Age:
[ ] 20-25
[ ] 26-30
[ ] 31-35
[ ] 36-40
[ ] 41-45
3. Gender:
[ ] Male
[ ] Female
4. Occupation:
[ ] Teacher (College/University)
[ ] Local Government Employee
[ ] Student (College/University
[ ] Business Owner (Retail)
[ ] Other (Please specify
Current State of Electronic Wallet Adoption:
1. How frequently do you use electronic wallets for transactions?
[ ] Once a day
[ ] Few times a week
[ ] Few times a month
[ ] Rarely or Never
2. Which electronic wallet platforms do you currently use?
[ ] GCash
[ ] PayMaya
[ ] GrabPay
[ ] Paypal
[ ] Other ( please specify)
3. Overall, how satisfied are you with your experience using electronic wallets?
[ ] Very Dissatisfied
[ ] Dissatisfied
[ ] Neutral
[ ] Satisfied
[ ] Very Satisfied

Impact on Customer Satisfaction:

1. What factors influence your decision to use the e-wallet? (Select all that apply)
[ ] Convenience
[ ] Security
[ ] Accessibility
[ ] Peer Influence
[ ] other (please specify)
2. Have you encountered any issues or challenges while using electronic wallets? If yes,
please explain.
[ ] Yes

[ ] No

3. How likely are you to recommend using electronic wallets to others based on your
satisfaction level?
[ ] Very Unlikely
[ ] Unlikely
[ ] Neutral
[ ] Likely
[ ] Very Likely

Relationship to Transactions Experience:

1. How would you rate the speed and efficiency of transactions when using electronic
[ ] Very Poor
[ ] Poor
[ ] Average
[ ] Good
[ ] Excellent

2. Do you feel more secure using electronic wallets compared to physical cash or cards
for transactions?
[ ] Strongly Disagree
[ ] Disagree
[ ] Neutral
[ ] Agree
[ ] Strongly Agree

Barriers to adoption:
1. Have you ever used an electronic wallet transaction?
[ ] Yes
[ ] No
2. If you have not used an electronic wallet, what are the main reasons for not adopting
it? (Select all that apply)
[ ] Lack of awareness about electronic wallets
[ ] Concerns about security and privacy
[ ] Lack of trust in electronic wallet providers
[ ] Limited acceptance by merchants or business
[ ] Insufficient knowledge of how to use electronic wallets
[ ] Preference for traditional payment methods (cash, card, etc.)
[ ] Other (Please specify)

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