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Worksheet No. 2
(Workplace Rights and Responsibilities/Confidentiality in the Workplace)

Student Name: Marjulen T. Cunanan Date: April 9, 2023

Work Immersion Adviser: Margarita Gallardo Section: STEM 1202 ST. PETER CHANEL

Learning Target/s:
a. identify rights and responsibilities of an employee
b. explain the importance of protecting confidentiality in the workplace

Guide Questions:
1. What do you think are the benefits of learning the rights and responsibilities of
an employee?

It is critical that all employees are made aware of their rights and responsibilities in order to
provide a safe and healthy workplace for them as well as their coworkers.

1. Is personal accountability an essential aspect in a workplace? Explain your answer.

Accountability is essential in the workplace because, when people feel responsible for their
actions, they are more likely to carry out their duties properly and efficiently. Workplaces that emphasize
accountability may inspire more dedication and happier employees.

2. As a future employee, how will you keep confidentiality in your workplace?

The first guideline of business etiquette is maintaining confidentiality in the workplace. By

safeguarding their data, you uphold your obligation under the law to prevent the leak of confidential
information as well as a duty of civility to your clients, customers, and staff.

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