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Worksheet No.
1 (Work Ethics)

Student Name: Marjulen T. Cunanan Date: April 9,2023

Work Immersion Adviser: Margarita Section: STEM 1201 ST. PETER CHANEL

Learning Target/s:
a. define work ethics
b. explain the importance of work ethics

Guide Questions:
1. What is work ethics?

Workplace ethics are the moral principles that an organization as a whole and the individuals
that comprise it are required to respect in order to comply with all applicable local, state, and federal
laws. Ethics are the cornerstone of a strong, encouraging company culture and a crucial tactic for a
firm to develop intimate relationships with its customers. Workplace ethics are the moral standards
that an organization's members uphold in order to abide by local, state, and federal regulations.
Workers may also find it challenging and unpleasant to remain at jobs where a strong work ethic is
lacking for an extended period of time.

2. Why do we need to learn ethics in the workplace? What do you think is its importance?

It's crucial to realize that moral conduct at work can encourage productive employee actions that
promote organizational development, just as unethical conduct there can spark negative media
attention that promotes organizational failure. Workplace connections are improved and cooperation
and respect are reinforced through ethics.

3. As a Marist student, how will you value ethics in your future workplace?

As a Marist student, I will uphold ethics in the future by treating others with fairness and respect.
To build a workplace with a strong ethical foundation, all employees, from senior executives and
decision-makers to entry-level workers, must collaborate. Regardless of your position, you must always
act fairly and justly, especially if you have been given the power to lead.

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