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Guidelines on Using AI Tools

To ensure academic integrity and promote transparency, it is essential to acknowledge

the integration of AI in all your academic submissions. When incorporating verbatim text
from AI sources, i.e., including text generated by an AI system, such as ChatGPT,
without making any changes to the wording or content, it is crucial to treat it like any
other direct quote, providing proper citation. Also, you should clearly outline a complete
description of any additional AI applications utilized in your assignments.


"The AI model, ChatGPT, provided valuable insights on the topic of climate change"
(OpenAI, 2023).

Bibliography/References entry:

OpenAI. (2023). ChatGPT: Artificial Intelligence Language Model.

What is ChatGPT and generative AI?

ChatGPT and similar technologies are artificial intelligence backed chatbots that can
mimic human conversations and writing (O’Brian, 2023). ChatGPT is a Large Language
Model (LLM) that learns the statistical structure of language, such as patterns of word
usage, to generate answers based on probability distribution over word sequences
(Ramponi, 2022). ChatGPT is trained to compose the answer based on the most
appropriate words or sequences to follow in a given context. It can be utilized for
various purposes such as content drafting, language translation, assistance for writing
and storytelling, programming assistance, education and learning, etc.

What are the limitations of this tool?

• Not always correct: AI responses generated with ChatGPT are only sometimes
correct and can be biased as it uses information that are spread on the internet
and it lacks evaluation tools to validate correctness of data.

• Not up to date: The information used to train ChatGPT is outdated (up to 2021),
potentially lacking recent developments beyond that timeframe.
• Non-executable Code Support: ChatGPT lacks the capability to execute or run
code directly and it just can offer code snippet.
• Not a Web Search Engine: ChatGPT is not as functional as search engines like
Google and it lacks direct internet access or real-time web information retrieval.
What rules do I have to follow when using AI tools such as
In case of any AI usage, it is crucial to acknowledge the integration of it in all academic
submissions. Using ChatGPT or similar content creating tools and presenting it as your
own original work is a violation of university discipline policies. However, assignment
guidelines may explicitly permit other appropriate uses of these tools.

Examples of using ChatGPT in ways that violate academic integrity or ethical standards:

• Submitting generated content as original work. Submitting content generated

by ChatGPT as your own original work, without proper acknowledgement.
• Cheating on assignments or exams. Using ChatGPT to answer or create
solutions for assignments or exams is considered cheating and can result in severe
disciplinary actions.
• Misrepresenting collaboration. Presenting work generated with the help of
ChatGPT as your own individual effort, without acknowledging the use of AI
assistance or collaboration, is an academic misconduct and goes against
academic integrity principles.
• Violating assignment guidelines. If assignment guidelines explicitly prohibit the
use of AI language models like ChatGPT, you are not allowed to use it.
• Bypassing learning and understanding. Solely depending on content generated
by ChatGPT, without actively participating in the learning process, attempting to
grasp concepts, or cultivating critical thinking skills independently can prevent
educational progress and hinder the desired learning outcomes.

Examples of Usage of ChatGPT and Similar Tools [OpenAI, 2023]:

It is essential for you to understand the proper usage of ChatGPT while following the
academic integrity guidelines.
Following are proper applications of ChatGPT as a source of educational support rather
than a learning blockage and academic misconduct:

• Education and Learning Assistance: ChatGPT can boost learning by providing

explanations, offering design questions for practice, sharing additional resource
and supplementary materials, and clarifying complex topics to enhance
• Recommendations and General Queries: ChatGPT can provide
recommendations, answer general queries, and offer insights on a wide range of
• Writing Assistance: ChatGPT can help with writing tasks, including emails,
providing “suggestions” for content, and improving overall writing quality.
• Project Guidance: ChatGPT can guide you in projects by suggesting steps,
defining tasks, and breaking down complex projects into manageable components.
• Programming Assistance: ChatGPT can help in programming-related tasks by
explaining programming concepts, assisting with debugging, and modifying codes
for optimizing them.
• Summarizing Materials: ChatGPT can summarize course materials (or any other
context) for faster and easier grasp of the overall content.
• Language Translation: ChatGPT can assist in language translation tasks by
converting text from one language to another, enabling communication in different

What happens if I use AI in my assignments in a way that

violates ethical integrity?
Turnitin provides AI match score as well as similarity match score.

If an assignment gets detected to have more than 30% of AI match, or the instructor
identifies that there was usage of AI in an academic violating way, it will be identified as
academic misconduct. Corresponding student will receive grade 0 for that assignment
and will be reported to the university.


[1] O’Brien, M. (2023, February 1). Google has the next move as Microsoft embraces OpenAI buzz. Britannica.

[2] Ramponi, M. (2022, December 23). How ChatGPT actually works. AssemblyAI.

[3] Wu, G. (2022, December 22). 5 Big Problems With OpenAI's ChatGPT. MakeUseOf.

[4] OpenAI. (2023). ChatGPT: Artificial Intelligence Language Model.

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