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The use of technology has now contributed a lot specifically in the field of

education. The rise of AI has been rampant enough to be noticed. One of it is ChatGPT.
Due to its widespread appeal and capacity to produce responses that resemble those of
humans, ChatGPT is gaining the trust of numerous learners and instructors, making it a
reliable companion. ChatGPT provides a lot of things or services. From creating topics,
answering a homework, and even formulating or answering equations, ChatGPT can do
it. But along side its capabilities, just like other things in this world, ChatGPT has its own
pros and cons.
One positive effect of using ChatGPT is that homework are made easier.
Traditionally, students would search the internet and their textbooks for pertinent
information for their assignments. In contrast, ChatGPT facilitates assignment
completion and saves time. ChatGPT provides explanations and examples in response
to questions typed by students for assignments. It gives pupils a different approach to
responding to assignment questions. Additionally, it provides academic words, phrases,
and sentence patterns that are pertinent to a specific context, which enhances students'
writing abilities and academic vocabulary.
While the tool provides unquestionable benefits in terms of time savings and
focused information access, it also has the potential to erode key academic ideals.The
lack of academic integrity is a major concern when it comes to using ChatGPT.
Educators have legitimate concerns regarding the potential for ChatGPT to serve as a
convenient method for students to present AI-generated content as their original work.
Such action would not only constitute a flagrant breach of academic honesty but also
rob pupils of the invaluable learning experience that accompanies the struggle with a
topic and the development of their own ideas. The prompt and effortless responses
offered by ChatGPT may foster the development of a superficial comprehension of the
academic content among pupils. By simply depending on the model's outputs, people
may restrict their capacity to cultivate their own intellectual skills, instead of actively
engaging in critical thinking, analysis, and independent investigation. Although ChatGPT
has the capability to provide alternate methodologies, it may also curtail students'
creativity and critical thinking by presenting information and prospective answers in a
pre-determined manner. This could prevent people from pursuing innovative concepts
and cultivating their distinctive perspective in their scholarly endeavors.
It is crucial to bear in mind that technology, in and of itself, does not possess any
inherent moral value. The potential for harm with ChatGPT only manifests when it is
utilized improperly. In the end, the difficulty of striking a proper equilibrium between
leveraging the advantages of ChatGPT and ensuring academic honesty is a task that
educators and students must collectively address. To ensure that technology
breakthroughs in higher education promote rather than harm the quest of knowledge
and intellectual progress, it is crucial to prioritize open communication, intelligent
adaptation, and responsible use of AI.

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