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Student's Perspectives and Practices Regarding ChatGPT use.

It is amazing to think about how people in academe from earlier years can write and produce their
academic papers precisely, concisely and coherently without the help of Artificial Intelligence.

Artificial Intelligence may come in different forms. AI in the form of chatbots, specifically ChatGPT, is a
very useful website on the part of students who use it. Students have mixed feedbacks about ChatGPT,
seeing it both as positive and negative feature of modern learning, according to the survey of The New
York Times. Many thought of it as a the most powerful tool in eduction, if at times most unreliable too.
Some are worried because it may it may encourage cheating and that it might kill the motivation,
creativity and critical thinking of students. While some reason out that ChatGPT is a great breakthrough
in today's education and that professors should try to embracing it (Abella, 2023).

It is always

A number of Filipino students were asked about their takes on using chatGPT for school works. Majority
of the reasons for students who agreed that it is a good tool reasoned out that it useful for
brainstorming and idea generation. However, according to the a professor, chatGPT is still in its
developing stage, hence, it is inaccurate and sometimes it make ups information to justify their false
data. A student also said that it lacks human sensibilities meaning its content could provide discomfort
for users( ,2023). Utilising chatGPT for assistance is not a bad practice at all. We use AI in our daily life
the moments we access to a cellular data. It just the absence of critical thinking and high order analysis
of using the website that makes it unethical to use it.

These discussions are important since this will really help address concerns about chatGPT to avoid
abuse and misuse. It encourages everyone to be a responsible student and user of AI because this will
also help us to improve the education system and promoting good quality of education of these
Bad side:
They argue that it is a great tool for writing but since it is a website programmed to cater curious
individuals, the human intervention there is what makes chatGPT unreliable in this case, because we
humans make mistakes what else this website. A particular student noticed that it tries to justify wrong
data which can make us believed on it.

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