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Artificial Intelligence: Its Impact on Education

By: Isaac Rodriguez

In today's era of education, the growth of Artificial Intelligence has expanded an enormous
amount. There are many perceived negative connotations when it comes to the use of these
resources, but students are still using them as a tool for educational growth.
According to Doug Hensley, a Public Relations specialist for Texas Tech University, the
opportunities for AI in education are endless. There are risks when it comes to allowing students
access to such resources, but it is up to the users to determine if resources such as ChatGPT are
used as an educational tool and used ethically as well.
“Because it’s a tool, its neutral,” said Hensley. “The technology is neutral, so it can be used for
good, or it can be used for not so good.”
Although instructors and professionals would prefer the use of AI resources as a tool, across the
country students are starting to learn how to exploit these resources for their own benefit. AI
software, for example ChatGPT, can write a whole paper for students effortlessly within seconds.
While the number of students using AI engines continues to grow, the ethical concern of its use
remains the same. Some students are aware that the use of these software to complete their class
work isn’t ethically right, but that isn’t enough to stop them from using it.
For Seth Satterwhite, a senior at Texas Tech University studying Plant and Soil Science, he is
one of the rare students that hasn’t used AI for schoolwork. However, in his exposure to students
using AI programs such as ChatGPT, he said it’s used to cheat more often than it’s used as a tool
for education.
“I think ChatGPT is used to cheat all the time,” said Satterwhite. “But I also think it provides a
good route for learning, it’s probably used more for bad than good. I think it has its benefits and
its declines.”
Satterwhite also said that instructors should be aware of AI’s potential and capabilities of being
used in negative but also positive ways. He stated that instructors should try to guide students
how to properly use these resources for educational purposes because these software are
inevitably going to be used by students regardless.
The train for AI is here, and people need to be aware and hop on. It’s important to acknowledge
the potential it has for education and the risks it comes with, because if you don’t you might be
left behind in this age of education.
“There was a time when calculators were coming online, and people didn’t want students using
calculators to figure out answers to mathematical problems,” said Hensley. “There's going to be a
point sometime down the line where AI is going to be naturally incorporated into every
classroom setting.”
Students and instructors are both aware of the pros and cons AI has to offer for educational
purposes. Both sides mostly agree that we should encourage educational institutions to mix AI
into classrooms. However, it is important that instructors observe how students are using these
resources and ensure they're using them ethically.
“In a classroom setting, the best way to approach it is to acknowledge it's out there and give
students an opportunity to interact with it and to use it to develop their skills,” said Hensley.
Source Page: Word Count:548

Doug Hensley
Public Relations Specialist
Adjunct Instructor, College of Media & Communications

Seth Satterwhite
Texas Tech Student (Sr.)
Plant and Soil Science Major

Supplemental Sources:
“How ChatGPT and similar AI will disrupt education” -
“Artificial intelligence is already changing how teachers teach” -
“Artificial Intelligence and the Future of Teaching and Learning” -

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