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A Case Study
presented to the College of Arts and Sciences Department of

in partial fulfillment of the requirements in


Bitancor, Louise Jane C.

Delapiña, Marifel O.
Endrinal, Franklin C.
Glinogo, Ryza Joyce B.
Tado, Lara Ysabelle G.

Mr. Marc Roman Fernandez

S.Y. 2023-2024



PART I.............................................................................................................................. 3
RATIONALE..................................................................................................................... 3
PART II............................................................................................................................. 6
REVIEW OF RELATED LITERATURE AND STUDIES................................................... 6
Technology Ethics Education for Students.............................................................6
Artificial Intelligence and Academic Integrity..........................................................7
Causative Factors of ChatGPT on Students..........................................................9
Students’ Perspectives and Practices Regarding ChatGPT Use........................10
Grand Synthesis...................................................................................................11
PART 2.5........................................................................................................................ 13
Ethical Frameworks................................................................................................... 13
Ethical Principles Involved.........................................................................................13
Honesty................................................................................................................ 13
Academic Integrity............................................................................................... 14
Fairness............................................................................................................... 15
Transparency....................................................................................................... 15
Research Design....................................................................................................... 16
Respondents of the Study......................................................................................... 16
Research Instrument................................................................................................. 17
PART 3........................................................................................................................... 18
CASE STUDY ANALYSIS..............................................................................................18
Analysis of the Case Study Using the Ethical Frameworks Studied......................... 19
Respect for Academic Integrity............................................................................ 19
Transparency and Attribution............................................................................... 19
Critical Thinking and Learning............................................................................. 21
Avoiding Unethical Practices................................................................................21
Accountability and Consequences.......................................................................22
Potential Stakeholders.............................................................................................. 22
Students............................................................................................................... 22
Teachers.............................................................................................................. 23
Conclusion on the Case Study Analysis....................................................................23
APPENDICES................................................................................................................ 25



It is no secret that the level of technological advancement in the information age

has become incredible. People nowadays can conveniently accomplish many things
with the help of technology. One of which is the most known is the progression of
Artificial Intelligence or AI. ChatGPT is an AI generated website developed by OpenAI
based on the GPT (Generative Pre-trained Transformer) architecture (Hetler, 2023).
Although AI has already been developed many years ago, what made ChatGPT to
stand out is its architecture, which is designed to assist individuals through a
conversational or chat-like interaction, simulating human communication as if a person
is talking to you. Due to this archetype, many individuals were intrigued and attempted
to use the said website. However, things have turned differently as many people were
using it in immoral manner, such as taking advantage of the program and using it for
absolute comfort— specifically on writing essays or their academic requirements.

Nowadays, the use of ChatGPT has influenced a lot of students to use this for
their academic requirements or outputs. Aside from its bad effect on the students'
learning and performance, this act also results in “plagiarism” because the ideas or
even the actual output of ChatGPT has been taken by most of the students to have an
easier way to make their outputs which is an unethical act.

Moreover, since ChatGPT is one of the AIs that people often use today and the
ones who mostly use it are students, they use ChatGPT to make their tasks easier in
view of the fact that the AI can compose emails, do math, and can also do coding. Thus,
ChatGPT can also solve the common problem of adeptness in a certain field. In spite of
that, ChatGPT also brings downside or challenges. The AI is biased and the response is
aggressive. There is a possibility that it may be put to wrong use to spread misleading
information or fake news. The model may give unverified data based on the training


data. Therefore, checking information is essential and paying attention is needed.

Despite the fact that ChatGPT tonic the natural conversation, the model has an
absence in emotional brainpower for a human conversation that leads to difficulty in
understanding the response of the AI that also flusters the frustration and
misunderstanding to the users. Using ChatGPT requires reciprocating personal data
with the system that can cause future risk in terms of data protection and security. It is
really essential to double check the security measurement to be assured that the
information does not fall into wrong hands. Moreover, the users of ChatGPT become
more dependent on AI. Due to this users failed to look after their intrapersonal skills and
human interaction. The result of users becoming dependent on AI, “plagiarism” and
cheating become the main issue and the problem. It is necessary to stabilize and
ensure that the model is a tool used in a supportive way instead of totally replacing
human interaction.

Furthermore, the unethical use of ChatGPT by college students is very prevalent

now and needs immediate attention. Hence, this study will focus on students’ unethical
use of ChatGPT, an AI application. As stated above, ChatGPT comes as one of the
forms of generative AI that allows users to enter prompts and immediately get what they
want. It provides information and assistance to its users including students who are
using it for their academic requirements like essays, research projects or activities.
However, the problem arises when some of the students simply 'copy and paste' the
generated answer provided by ChatGPT, resulting in unethical behavior such as
"plagiarism" or cheating. Although, according to WIRED (2023), ChatGPT is 'plagiarism
free' in the sense that it does not copy and paste its answer from other sources,
however, it is plagiarism in disguise to some students who do not use it ethically and
responsibly. In other words, copying and pasting an answer generated by ChatGPT
without proper citation or credit, and attribution is considered plagiarism. Unfortunately,
students rely on this tool in writing their papers which compromise their academic
integrity. Generating essays, research papers and any other academic requirements on


ChatGPT without attribution undermines the learning of the students as well as their
critical thinking and acquisition of knowledge.

For these reasons, a case study about this topic will be done in order to deeply
understand different scenarios involving the students' use of ChatGPT and provide
better solutions to mitigate their unethical act. This study also aims to help students
learn how to ethically use technological advancements like ChatGPT without
compromising their own growth.



This part provides an in-depth analysis of literature and studies from both local
and international sources. This covers topics that the researchers believe are essential
in strengthening the study's significance, including synthesis of the art and a gap
bridged by the study. All necessary information is further discussed to provide a better
comprehension of the study.

Technology Ethics Education for Students

Today's issue in technology ethics arises at a critical point. The importance of
information technology is such that these ethical issues may threaten the fabric of the
society. Today's undergraduate students have grown up with technology. It is expected
that these students would understand the ethical issues arising from common
information technology issues. Students spend considerable effort and time browsing
technology; sometimes, they use technology (e.g., online resources) to facilitate their
homework and answer questions without noticing the dependency (Peslak, 2007).

Artificial Intelligence has made significant gains, leading to the development of

unusual technology such as Open AI's ChatGPT. To this day, ChatGPT is one of the
most used chatbots that has been made; it must follow the principles of responsibility
and ethics. Having said that, the fact that ChatGPT can produce a human-like answer
and react like a human has made it a very useful tool for students and instructors.
Nevertheless, AI is becoming more widely used in educational settings. Responsible
and ethical use of artificial AI in education goes beyond securing technical accuracy; it
also involves considering the potential social and ethical implications for its
implementation concerning personal privacy and bias.


The ethical and responsible use of Open AI is a very complicated and

multidimensional issue that calls for a nuanced and interdisciplinary approach (Mhlanga,
2023). Despite the rapid development of artificial intelligence, more is needed about
what ethical principles should be in guiding the development, design, and deployment of
ethical and trustworthy AI in education. There are substantial ethical guidelines and
open communications with beneficiaries such as instructors and students. (Brendt et al.,
2020). The knowledgeable behavior equipped with self-awareness and empathy at the
fore is argued to intrinsically motivate artificial intelligence developers to develop more
trustworthy and responsible AI (Dhanrajani, 2018).

Open AI, a well-known example of artificial intelligence, has become increasingly

popular in education contexts. To prevent possible harm, its use must follow ethical and
responsible guidelines; therefore, using it requires a complex and multidisciplinary
approach. Today's users are most likely the students who have grown up immersed in
technology and are also expected to understand the ethical issues of peripheral use.
There is still a lack of ethical principles in guiding. Nevertheless, efforts must be made to
establish ethical guidelines and open communication for students and instructors. The
said ethics and responsibility were no longer applied in any aspect of education.
Students become more dependent on artificial intelligence, which affects the emotional
brain power for a human conversation, leading to difficulty understanding. Users set
aside the ethics of being responsible for using AI, and most were used to making
shortcuts in tasks. It is appropriate to maintain the validity of the AI and keep the ethics
in place between the responsible users.

Artificial Intelligence and Academic Integrity

According to Schroer (2024), artificial intelligence allows machines to model or
even improve upon the human mind's capabilities. From the development of self-driving
cars to the proliferation of generative AI tools, AI is increasingly becoming part of
everyday life. Due to the capabilities of artificial intelligence to help people, especially


students, in their everyday tasks, it has been overly used, violating ethical principles and
academic integrity. Academic integrity is defined as a commitment to six fundamental
values: honesty, trust, fairness, respect, responsibility, and courage (International
Centre for Academic Integrity, 2021). In terms of this integrity, artificial intelligence
presents both advantages and disadvantages when using it. While it can help identify
and deter dishonest behavior like plagiarism, it can also be used to create an academic
output that results in plagiarism.

In a recent study, the researchers conclude that the available detection tools are
neither accurate nor reliable, and have a main bias towards classifying the output as
human-written rather than detecting AI-generated text (Weber-Wulff et al., 2023). This
indicates that artificial intelligence does not accurately identify whether an output is
plagiarized. ChatGPT has the potential to streamline pedagogy and research, but it
poses various challenges, such as allowing cheating on exams and homework, which
puts students' problem-solving skills at risk. Also, ChatGPT creates text that looks like
human text, so cheating can be difficult to detect (Mosaiyebzadeh et al., 2023). Artificial
intelligence helps students create their tasks, which could be considered plagiarism and
cheating if they copy all of it without using their own knowledge. According to Rajabi et
al., in 2023, students are likely to use ChatGPT, but there is a need for specific
guidelines, more classroom assessments, and mandatory reporting of ChatGPT use.
Therefore, specific rules and guidelines are needed to regulate the students' usage of
ChatGPT and prevent the violation of academic integrity.

Artificial intelligence, like ChatGPT, has various advantages and disadvantages

to academic integrity. However, its disadvantages seem more visible because of the
improper use of the students. The usage of ChatGPT becomes unethical because of its
abusive use; students tend to copy all of the suggested outputs from ChatGPT.
Therefore, the strict regulation of the student's actions would mitigate the unethical


result because students will not have any confidence in fully copying the answers in
ChatGPT if the teachers strictly impose rules on this issue.

Causative Factors of ChatGPT on Students

ChatGPT's wide range of applications makes it essential for use in education. It
gives students opportunities and helps them enhance their learning experiences.
ChatGPT lets students adjust during learning, making it faster and improving their
experience. Tlili et al. (2023) stated that the majority of its respondents indicated that by
providing users (teachers and students) with a foundational understanding of a range of
subjects, ChatGPT effectively increases the likelihood of academic success. According
to a study by Jishnu et al. (2023), there are four reasons why students use ChatGPT:
novelty, academic content creation, information seeking, and convenience. Students
cited time reductions, access to a wide range of knowledge, individualized instruction
and feedback, and the ability to clarify concepts in writing as advantages of ChatGPT.
(Ngo, 2023). This platform provides its users with a more convenient space as well, and
because of its adaptability and availability, the platform helps students learn more
quickly while also lowering stress levels. It offers students chances and helps them
improve their educational journey (Jishnu et al., 2023). ChatGPT assists students with
essay writing, promotes problem-solving, and offers supportive comments on their work.
The students have favored the application of ChatGPT in education. Positivity toward
utilizing this technology in a learning setting is influenced by the tool's utility, social
presence, legitimacy, enjoyment, and drive. (Tiwari & Bhat, 2023). However, with all the
stated benefits for students in using an AI-generated application, ChatGPT, there were
problems that students encountered with ChatGPT, and it is most likely that there was a
failure to evaluate the credibility and quality of sources, correctly cite sources, and
correctly substitute words and employ idioms (Ngo, 2023).

ChatGPT applications give convenience to students. However, it also has

disadvantages in terms of academic performance and morality of the students. In a


classroom setting, it is the responsibility of both the teacher and learner to use this type
of application ethically. Some implementations were suggested when it comes to the
use of ChatGPT to help mitigate the omission of improper use of this AI-generated
application. Implementing strict regulations on using this application is a great way to
help the students not become more dependent on this type of application.

Students’ Perspectives and Practices Regarding ChatGPT Use

Perception is subjective and varies based on our experiences, upbringings,
cognitive bias, and many more. Students have mixed feedback about ChatGPT, seeing
it as both a positive and negative feature of machine learning. Many thought of it as one
of the most significant educational tools, if at times the most unreliable too. Some are
worried because it may encourage cheating and kill the motivation, creativity, and
critical thinking of students. At the same time, some reasoned out that ChatGPT is an
excellent breakthrough in today's education and that professors should try to embrace it
(Chen, 2023).

There are two types of students: those who are there to get good grades and
those who really want to learn. Several Filipino students were asked about their takes
on using ChatGPT for school work. The majority of the reasons for students who agreed
that it is a good tool pointed out that it is helpful for brainstorming and idea generation
(Antivola, 2023). Students like ChatGPT because of its benefits, including the promotion
of personalized learning; it generates prompts for formative assessment feedback; it
has a variety of language capabilities; and it enables interactive and adaptive learning
systems (Baidoo-Anu, 2023). They are tempted to use it because, through ChatGPT,
they can save time and energy to complete the task efficiently without a hassle. This is
where it touches on the ethical dilemma that some students encounter every day. It is
hard on the part of the teacher to know whether or not the students are learning
because the responses of the said chatbot might not truly represent the true level of
understanding that the students really have (Cotton, 2023). Some students, in general,


also recognize the downside of using it for academic purposes. Some students agreed
that ChatGPT is inaccurate, exhibits logical errors and contradictions, and sometimes
makes up information to justify its false data (Ngo, 2023). This is something that
students need to be wary of, especially when writing academic papers that are to be
published and cited by others. ChatGPT is still developing, and using it for academic
papers raises concerns about integrity and trustworthiness—violating the values of

The innovation of ChatGPT is one of the greatest milestones in knowledge

engineering. Understanding the students' perspectives and practices regarding
ChatGPT use will help us understand why such a website is being misused and abused
in academia. The absence of critical thinking and high-order analysis when using the
website is where the unethicality starts. As a student, it is crucial to understand that
studying is not easy or convenient. Copying and pasting what the chatbot says or the
ideas it creates is incorrect in many ways. As ChatGPT continues to develop, it is
important to be mindful of the ethical implications and integrate the good practice of
using AI to maintain the integrity of scholarly research and educational experiences.

Grand Synthesis
Technology has certainly changed the day-to-day lives of individuals. It has
impacted different aspects of life and redefined living (Raja & Nagasubramani, 2018).
Undoubtedly, technology plays an important role in every aspect of life. Moreover,
several manual tasks can now be automated with ease, thanks to technology. Many
complex and critical processes can be carried out with ease and greater efficiency with
the help of modern technology. Thanks to the application of technology, living has
changed, and it has changed for the better. Thus, in education, technology had a
significant impact. It made the student's lives more convenient than before. With the
emergence of AI, students' lives will now be more accessible. However, not all
convenience is good. Several studies show that using AI tools, particularly the


ChatGPT, on one's academic requirements can compromise students' learning and

affect their academic integrity. This simply means that the easier students can access
and use the ChatGPT for their academic works, the more likely they rely on it to make
their lives easier, leading them to use it unethically. Additionally, the above-mentioned
sources stated that experts believed that since students find ChatGPT convenient in
making their academic requirements, it will further encourage them to use it consistently
and unethically. Students may be tempted to 'just' copy and paste the generated
answers given by the ChatGPT for their academic requirements and submit them
without really understanding the material. They became so dependent on ChatGPT that
they forgot the essence of education. Furthermore, it has been proved that these
challenges significantly impact individuals when using ChatGPT, such that it can
encourage individuals to use the said AI unethically. In the life of the study currently
being conducted, there is also a high probability that these challenges will greatly
impact students.


PART 2.5

Ethical Frameworks

Picture 2.5.1 Ethical Frameworks

Ethical Principles Involved

Honesty has a significant connection with the unethical use of ChatGPT since the
users would be put in an ethical dilemma about whether they should be honest in doing
their work, only get more information from the AI and avoid copying and pasting it, or
the opposite. Honesty is an ethical principle defined as being accurate and transparent
in one's words, actions, and intentions. It is an action or intention with no dishonesty,
manipulation, or deceit. Honest people speak openly and directly, providing facts
honestly. Therefore, the users of ChatGPT who deliberately copy the work provided by


this AI have done dishonest and manipulating actions since the desired audience of the
work will most likely believe that it was initially made by the user, which makes them
victims of manipulation, deceit, and dishonest action. Therefore, the unethical use of
ChatGPT, their 'copy and paste' work, violates the honesty principle since they intend to
submit the work and take the credit as the output's owner or maker, which is an act of
manipulation and dishonesty. Honesty has a big connection with the unethical use of
ChatGPT since the users would be put in an ethical dilemma about whether they should
be honest in doing their work, only get more information from the AI and avoid copying
and pasting it, or the opposite.

Academic Integrity
Academic integrity refers to the ethical values of honesty, fairness, and
accountability in academic activities. It is the ethical norms that should be followed in
academic writing, such as correct citation of sources, avoiding plagiarism, and adhering
to academic rules and requirements. When students do not cite their sources and take
the work of others like ChatGPT, they violate this principle. Therefore, as students’
usage of ChatGPT for making their academic requirements has been normalized,
students should also be informed about the academic integrity principle to have a
culture of trust, honesty, and quality in education, resulting in a community that values
originality and respects knowledge.

Trustworthiness is defined as dependability, honesty, and responsibility. It refers
to a student who can be trusted to act honestly and fulfill their obligations.
Trustworthiness is a characteristic of developing and maintaining a good image because
it helps people believe in honesty and credibility. With the ChatGPT application being
rampantly used by the students, this certainly causes different unethical behaviors.
These unethical behaviors resulted in a negative connection between the students and
their environment, especially towards their trustworthiness. The study shows the


deficiency of this AI application, which may lead to a decreased level of trustworthiness

among students in terms of their performance and the test of their knowledge. Students'
dependency on this unreliable application can result in untrustworthiness of the
student's level of understanding because they can easily ask an AI to answer different
inquiries without the knowledge of what the app is explaining. This study also shows
that the ChatGPT application does not give accurate information and does not give
sources that will make the whole article make sense to the student.

According to the Merriam-Webster Dictionary, the word "fair" is marked by
impartiality and honesty, free from self-interest, prejudices, or favoritism. This is
something that only some students in this world could experience in this case because
only some have access to ChatGPT or any other AI tools. Although ChatGPT is still in
its developing stage, it is undeniable that it is a great tool for students to help them carry
their academic burden. The word "unfair" is overrated, but it is unjust to negatively
evaluate a student solely based on the work that he or she strives to come up with
rather than something generated by a bot. However, it is not something to be boastful
of. Moreover, it is also unfair for those who use them because teachers cannot correct
their mistakes, especially when they do not own the mistake. This is important because
only our mistakes can help us become better students. That is why it is important to
integrate fairness in education; not only is it ethical, but it also helps establish the
students' sense of upright collaboration among each other.

Transparency is the short term of being true, open, and accountable.
Transparency also helps everyone to show respect and value. Therefore, using
ChatGPT does not have any transparency. ChatGPT, an instructed tuned text generator,
impressed many due to its fluid prose. This says that OpenAI cannot always provide


true information, is not accountable to any sources, and sometimes provides information
that confuses the users, not being open.

Research Design
The researchers utilized the correlational research design in this study to assess
the relationship between the ChatGPT and unethical use among college students at the
Holy Name University. With the correlational design, the study will explore the unethical
use of ChatGPT, as some students simply copy and paste the generated answer given
by the said AI. The researchers will examine the factors such as plagiarizing,
compromised learnings, undermining the purpose of education, and academic

In the study, the researchers examined the ethical implications of the

inappropriate use of ChatGPT, particularly in the context of the students' academic
integrity. The study will focus on understanding the factors influencing students'
unethical use of AI, specifically ChatGPT. The independent variable of the study is
exposure to the unethical use of ChatGPT among college students. Consequently, the
dependent variable is the erosion of the students' academic integrity, measured by the
increased academic dishonesty, compromised learning, and the use of ChatGPT in
making academic requirements.

Respondents of the Study

All of the college students at the Holy Name University, regardless of their
programs, are the study's primary target population. Students who have access to the
AI application "ChatGPT" are urged to take part in this study. A survey-style
questionnaire was used in the aforementioned case study.


Research Instrument
In this study, the researchers used questionnaires as a research instrument. To
gather the data needed, the researchers used a researcher-made questionnaire to
answer the specific problem of the study.

The questionnaire consisted of three (3) parts with a total of twenty (15)
questions that enabled the researchers to find out the answers needed in the study. The
researchers used Likert Scale to specify the level of agreement and frequency of the
respondents to the questions.



This part is all about the case study analysis entitled “What if the devil is my
guardian angel: ChatGPT as a case study of using chatbots in education.” by
Ahmed Tlili, Boulus Shehata, Michael Agyemang Adarkwah, Aras Bozkurt, Daniel T.
Hickey, Ronghuai Huang & Brighter Agyemang

There is nothing in between good and bad; it is either improved to be good or it
remains bad forever. However, what if the wrong thing presents itself as being right? A
case study entitled "What if the devil is my guardian angel: ChatGPT as a case study of
using chatbots in education" (Tlili, 2023) examines the case of ChatGPT usage in
academia. The study focuses on analyzing the case in three stages. The first stage is to
analyze the public sentiments about using the said AI-powered chatbots. Many were
optimistic about it, and some showed concern, stating that "it has not fundamentally
evolved the way humans learn." In the second stage, ChatGPT is viewed through the


following lenses: educational transformation, response quality, usefulness, personality

and emotion, and ethics. It is viewed that ChatGPT has a lot of potential in the
educational system, and improving its quality will help increase its veracity and
authenticity. Finally, the third stage of the study tackles the investigation conducted on
user experiences through ten educational situations, focusing mainly on the
unethicalities of using it in the school setting. The results of this case study provide
various illustrations of how ChatGPT could be responsibly incorporated into students'

Analysis of the Case Study Using the Ethical Frameworks Studied

Respect for Academic Integrity
Academic integrity provides an ethical structure that ensures honesty and
credibility in the education process. In this study, honoring academic integrity implies
that if an individual uses ChatGPT, they must use it ethically. Whenever students use it,
they must be honest, transparent, and respectfully treat others’ intellectual property.
Academic integrity protects educational achievements from plagiarism, unauthorized
cooperation, and data manipulation. For ChatGPT, respecting academic integrity means
using it responsibly, citing sources correctly, and treating it as an instrument of honor for
researching ideas. Among other things, this study has discussed how the integration of
chatbots into education reflects ethical intentions while maintaining its identity as a
reliable channel for knowledge acquisition that adheres to the principles of academic
honesty and credibility, for example, through upholding academic principles and values
which make such learning effective or ineffective will remain meaningful without losing
focus on what makes them different from each other even if these aspects may seem
similar at first glance try explaining any differences between them clearly.

Transparency and Attribution

As stated in the study, in OpenAI, ChatGPT, the main attribute was to make the
user's work easy and effortlessly perfect. It helps the educator with their learning aid


and helps students assess tasks. Furthermore, chatbots like ChatGPT are great at
generating learning content and always show the importance of keeping the accuracy of
this content in mind. It emphasizes that it enables the users, students specifically, to
create or answer quizzes, test questions, and learning material. Additionally, the key to
achieving perfect reflection papers, essays, and paperwork was the help of OpenAI.
Then, it also helps the users with research papers for citations and explanations.
Regardless of its functions to its users, users must know the importance of giving credit
or proper attribution if they share information or ideas with others. Also, ChatGPT users
must understand the content instead of just copying it without thinking, reading, and
learning about it. It is like giving credit when credit is due and making sure to really
understand the things you are learning.

In order to follow the principles of ethical use, users must act in accordance with
being honest and must have enough integrity. Users, specifically students, are prone to
plagiarism and cheating, which can affect students' attitudes and laziness. Therefore,
copied and pasted information from OpenAI was mostly likely biased and sometimes
fake. The information presented by ChatGPT needed to be more accurate and specific.
Due to this, participants doubt the truthfulness of the AI. Following that, another ethical
concern in using AI was reducing students' critical thinking, which resulted in being
dependent on the Model. As per Assistant Professor of Instructional Technology, AI
creating fake and plausible information can rely heavily on answers without being fully
aware of the correctness. Analytical thinking when using OpenAI would be advisable. In
addition, developers in the USA have ethical concerns, saying there are possibilities in
exposing personal privacy. The average amount of information was given due to an
unconscious communication process, which concluded that transparency in any
scenarios provided in the study could not be spotted since transparency was composed
of openness, truthfulness, and accountability, which was never found in any aspect of
the study.


Critical Thinking and Learning

In the first stage of the case study, the positive feedback about ChatGPT showed
twice as much frequency as the negative ones. However, it was determined that those
who sided more on the negative side demonstrated deeper and more critical thinking
than those with positive sentiments. Moreover, this type of thinking is what users should
be applying and projecting when using ChatGPT. Users must remember that this
website is not a key to academic comfort but a tool to help its users grow their
intellectual capacity. Rather than being dependent on its output, users need to use this
as a kickstart to analyze what answers they really want from it. In scenario no. 10 of the
third stage of the study, it is argued that ChatGPT can manipulate users because of its
biased algorithm, data, etc. Just this idea alone is very alarming; hence, as a user, it is
important to recognize the lapses that ChatGPT provides. Furthermore, this could only
be done with high-order analysis and learning. Through this, students can become
independent learners prepared with the skills to really navigate and conquer the barriers
in their education, which was stated in the study as the essential characteristics they
should have in the responsible use of ChatGPT.

Avoiding Unethical Practices

The study of ChatGPT's usage shows that its users' unethical practices have
been widespread. They tend to use it to make their outputs and make their life easier by
letting AI do their work. The study has pointed out many issues in AI, such as its ethical
problems. Some of the ethical concerns raised by participants in the study include
encouraging plagiarism and cheating, the tendency to breed laziness among users
(particularly in students), and being prone to errors such as providing biased or fake
information. They have also pointed out the inaccuracies and vagueness of ChatGPT
on topics of relevance based on experience. Another ethical challenge for users in this
study was the ChatGPT's likelihood of reducing students' critical thinking. The unethical
practices of using this AI may exist because the users are abusing the use of ChatGPT.
They make it as their maker of outputs instead of just being the helper of making these.


The unethical practices lie with the users, which is why there is still a chance to mitigate
this problem by making users avoid abusing the usage of ChatGPT. The users, most
students, should only use this AI to help them have more information about their work
rather than doing the 'copy and paste' method.

Accountability and Consequences

Accountability and consequences are mutually exclusive. Accountability entails
accepting accountability for one's behaviors, and actions have consequences. This
study disclosed that when using ChatGPT, students should be more cautious, and
regulations for using this app must be implemented. Whenever a student performs an
unethical use of ChatGPT, they must take responsibility for their action as this shows
decency in accepting the consequences of their indecent acts. Students can become
more accountable and make better decisions in the future by understanding and
accepting the consequences of their actions.

Potential Stakeholders
In the case study, students have different perspectives on using ChatGPT. The
study's result could affect students' perspectives towards using ChatGPT because it
shows AI's negative and positive sides. The results show that ChatGPT is inaccurate,
which will cause students to avoid getting a lot of information from it. It also shows that
this AI cannot express emotions, which is why it cannot make reflection essays.
However, from the result of the case study, students would also think ChatGPT can
provide them with model answers that can stimulate their understanding of various
subject matters. It would help them get more ideas in making their outputs, so their view
of it could still be positive.



According to the Assistant Professor of Instructional Technology, ChatGPT is

used for two purposes: as a learning aid and for instructional design. Also, the OpenAi,
ChatGPT, can be useful for both students and teachers to gather knowledge and should
be included in their curriculum by presenting an outline. In addition, a participant, a
teacher, mentioned the capability to lessen the instructional workload of a teacher and
present students with instant feedback. Nevertheless, despite the usefulness, other
users encountered many challenges with the accuracy of their responses. Moreover, the
provision of the answers says the opposite of the previous answers on the same topic,
which concluded that it has its own limited ability to provide certain information.

Conclusion on the Case Study Analysis

As the case study "What if the devil is my guardian angel: ChatGPT as a case
study of using chatbots in education" is being explored and understood, the more
evident ethical issues have on educational technology. The importance of honesty,
credibility, and integrity matters when one is engaged with chatbots. For example, what
else can students do aside from copying and pasting another student's work? All these
factors together make up the framework that defines ethics while using chatbots like
ChatGPT. When academic integrity is maintained, trustworthiness and honesty are
upheld between questionnaires towards robots for chats, creating an atmosphere where
transparency and attribution are practiced. This, therefore, means attributing to others
their ideas or work, hence enhancing originality and respect for technological tools.

⁣Moreover, encouraging critical thinking and learning will give students an

excellent opportunity to interact with chatbots intelligently, thus enhancing their
education. ⁣Furthermore, this would mean that educational institutions require teachers
who consistently provide them with the means of attaining success in a world
increasingly using technology to gain knowledge and generate information while
maintaining its academic mission and commitment to intellectual growth. ⁣Therefore,


preserving the integrity of the educational process necessitates diligently avoiding

unethical practices like unauthorized collaboration or plagiarism. ⁣By adhering to ethical
guidelines, students are encouraged to act responsibly by understanding the
implications of their actions when choosing how to engage with educational technology
in ways that meet moral standards. ⁣Hence, institutions of higher learning illustrate their
dedication to integrity and guarantee trustful relations and ethical experiences fostered
throughout education. ⁣Herein lies an important reminder about educational technology –
understanding what accountability means and what it takes when decisions have ethical
consequences. Ethical use of technology is imperative as it shows the possible
outcomes of unethical practices. This results in a commitment to ethical behavior that is
mindful and responsible. These are foundations on which schools build integrity, ethical
choices, and better learning environments. Education in ethics also implies that children
should be taught how to value transparency, honesty, critical reasoning, and responsibly
use resources through their interaction with chatbots and other educational
technologies. They will only make appropriate decisions as responsible digital citizens
who value intellectual growth and practice good morals online. This is the only way
educational institutions and individuals can tap into the benefits of chatbots in education
without violating academic norms or undermining accountability, thus promoting a
knowledgeable society with cultivation for learning that never ends.


Attached herewith is the Turnitin report of our case study. Turnitin is one of the most
trusted AI and Plagiarism checkers (Scribbr, 2022). However, a writer, Kristi Hines said
that AI detectors and plagiarism checkers are not always accurate (2023). Still, we, the
researchers, used Turnitin to validate the authenticity of our case study, showing that it
was based on our thorough research and knowledge. Through Turnitin, we aim to
showcase the originality of our work and highlight its foundation in our academic
pursuits. This tool helped us validate the credibility of our study through an inspection
that ensured our conclusions were derived from our personal investigation and
academic exploration. In utilizing Turnitin, we, the researchers, underscored our
commitment to academic integrity and the rigorous pursuit of knowledge.

The references of the study will be attached to the final submission of the case study.


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