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Context: Vocabulary
The USA – Still the Promised Land?

task 1a match sth. zu etw. passen Those shoes match your dress perfectly.
task 1a share sth. etw. teilen; etw. I’ll share my book with you if you’ve
gemeinsam nutzen forgotten yours.
task 1b access sth. auf etw. zugreifen How do I access my bank account online?
task 2c motive Beweggrund; Motiv What was the murderer’s motive for killing
the man?
Words in Context: A country like no other
l. 3 shared values gemeinsame Werte Despite coming from different countries, we
have many shared values.
l. 4 individual individuelle Freiheit; Individual freedom is important but we
freedom Freiheit des should also think about what is best for the
Einzelnen majority.
l. 4 the Founding die Gründerväter Benjamin Franklin is considered to be one of
Fathers the Founding Fathers.
l. 5 self-governing autonom; We set up a self-governing student
selbstverwaltet committee at our school.
l. 5 social barriers soziale Hürden; Social barriers stop groups of people from
soziale Barrieren mixing freely with other groups.
l. 6 collapse zusammenfallen; Three people died when the tunnel
zusammenstürzen collapsed.
l. 7 ultimately schließlich; We all discussed the problem but ultimately
schlussendlich our manager made the final decision.
l. 7 world power Weltmacht The world power’s environmental policy had
a global influence on climate change.
l. 9 freedom from Schutz vor religiöser In a democracy, people can enjoy freedom
religious and und politischer from religious and political persecution.
political Verfolgung

l. 10 play a major role eine wichtige Rolle Nelson Mandela played a major role in
spielen bringing democracy to South Africa.
l. 13 natural resources Rohstoffe; natürliche Coal and wood are natural resources.
l. 15 availability Nutzbarkeit; I will check my availability on that day and
Verfügbarkeit call you back.
l. 19 economic wirtschaftlich; After the economic crash, it was difficult for
ökonomisch young people to find work.
l. 22 rich in sth. reich an etw. sein Vegetables are rich in vitamins and
l. 24 arise entstehen If the need arises, we will hire another
member of staff.
l. 25 upward mobility sozialer Aufstieg For many people born into poor families,
upward mobility is just a dream.
l. 25 equality of Chancengleichheit Older people should have equality of
opportunity opportunity in the job market. Page 1 of 9
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Context: Vocabulary
The USA – Still the Promised Land?

l. 26 self-made Self-made-Millionär He became a self-made millionaire at just

millionaire 22 years old.
l. 27 wealth Reichtum; Wohlstand Despite her wealth, she was never a very
happy person.
l. 29 rise to a position zu einer Position/ Joe rose to a position of power in the
Stellung aufsteigen company after 10 years.
l. 29f. economic and wirtschaftliche und No other country has the economic and
military leadership militärische Führung military leadership of the USA.
l. 33 superpower Supermacht China and India could become superpowers
in the future.
l. 33 the turn of the Jahrhundertwende At the turn of the 20th century, women were
century still not allowed to vote in the USA.
l. 34 cope with sth. etw. bewältigen; mit Sarah coped well with the difficult situation.
etw. zurechtkommen
l. 36 unprecedented beispiellos; noch nie There has been an unprecedented amount
dagewesen of rainfall this winter.
l. 37 contribute to sth. zu etw. beitragen We all contributed equally to our group
l. 38 economic turmoil wirtschaftliche Since the war, the country has been in
Turbulenzen economic turmoil.
l. 39 the manufacturing die Fertigungs- The manufacturing sector declined during
sector industrie the 20th century.

l. 39 housing crisis Immobilienkrise The family lost their house in the housing
crisis of 2008.
l. 40 a widening gap wachsende Kluft; There is a widening gap between young
immer größer wer- people with degrees and those without.
dende Unterschiede
l. 40 undermine sth. etw. untergraben; His constant criticism undermines my
etw. schwächen confidence.
l. 42 hold true (auf jdn./etw.) Summer temperatures are variable in the UK
(for sb./sth.) zutreffen but that doesn’t hold true for Dubai.
l. 42 it remains to be es bleibt abzuwarten It remains to be seen if the new teacher is
seen as good as our last one.
l. 44 rise to the sich der Heraus- I expect the students will rise to the
challenge forderung stellen challenge and do well in their summer
Part A The American dream
A1 Viva America
l. 4 conceal sth. etw. verbergen Lisa concealed the gift in her bag.

l. 8 raise sb. jdn. heranziehen/ My grandmother raised six children.

l. 10 yearning (n) Sehnsucht; I have such a yearning to visit Thailand!
Verlangen Page 2 of 9
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Context: Vocabulary
The USA – Still the Promised Land?

l. 14 cast a vote eine Stimme Only 50% of adults cast a vote in the last
abgeben election.
l. 14 sense sth. etw. spüren The street looked quiet, but I could sense
that something was about to happen.
l. 15 declare sb. jdn. (als Gewinner) The doctor declared the man fit and healthy
(the winner) verkünden after his operation.
l. 17 supportive unterstützend She comes from a very supportive family.

l. 17 emerge entstehen After the war, a democratic system of

government slowly emerged in the country.
l. 19 take the initiative die Initiative ergreifen I took the initiative and applied for the job.
(to do sth.) (etw. zu tun)
l. 20 encouragement Ermutigung My sister Jennie always needs lots of
encouragement to do her homework.
l. 20 in response to sth. in Erwiderung auf The police arrived quickly in response to
etw; als Reaktion the emergency telephone call.
auf etw.
l. 21 painful schmerzhaft It was very painful when I cut my finger with
the bread knife.
l. 24 fill out a ballot einen Stimmzettel If you fill out the ballot incorrectly, your vote
ausfüllen will not count.
task convey feelings Gefühle vermitteln I’m not much good at conveying my
3b feelings for my girlfriend.
A2 Reinventing the American dream
l. 1 given the … Angesichts … Given the terrible weather, the football
match is postponed until next week.
l. 1 uncertain unsichere wirtschaft- Due to the uncertain economic conditions,
economic liche Verhältnisse; it is not a good idea to quit your job right
conditions ungewisse wirt- now.
schaftliche Lage
ll. 2-3 apply a definition eine Definition über- You must apply different definitions of the
nehmen/anwenden word depending on the context.
l. 6 pursue your own seinen eigenen Weg Jessica has always pursued her own path
path verfolgen/einschlagen rather than following what others do.

l. 7 contrary to sth. im Gegensatz zu Contrary to what my teacher says, I do work

really hard in school!
l. 8 a bright future vielversprechende/ Leo has a bright future as a TV journalist
strahlende Zukunft ahead of him.
l. 9 seemingly scheinbar The seemingly happy family had many
l. 10 favourable vorteilhaft The weather conditions are favourable for
the hike.
l. 10 belongings Besitz(tümer); Hab Please collect your belongings and leave
und Gut the hotel immediately! Page 3 of 9
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Context: Vocabulary
The USA – Still the Promised Land?

l. 13 fulfill sth. etw. gerecht werden; He fulfilled his dream of skydiving from a
etw. erfüllen plane when he was 40 years old.
l. 13 material materielle Ansprüche; Jim’s strong material aspirations mean he
aspirations Verlangen nach would never consider taking low-paid work.
materiellen Dingen
l. 17 achieve sth. etw. erreichen The actor achieved fame when he was 18
years old.
l. 19 measurable nachweisbar Our progress through the traffic jam was so
slow it was barely measurable!
l. 23 obstacle Hindernis She drove the car skillfully around the
obstacles in the road.
l. 27 certainty Gewissheit; “I will win the competition!” she said with
Sicherheit great certainty.
l. 33 divide (n) Kluft There is still a divide between the salaries
earned by men and women.
l. 34 wages Löhne; Gehälter The factory workers got their wages at the
end of every week.
l. 34 stagnate stagnieren; If you don’t clean your fish tank, the water
stillstehen will stagnate.
l. 40 appreciate sth. etw. zu schätzen wis- I really appreciate the thoughtful gift you
sen; etw. würdigen gave me.
l. 46 take sth. for etw. als selbstver- Carolyn took it for granted that she would
granted ständlich betrachten get a job straight after university.
task reinterpret sth. etw. neu interpre- This book reinterprets Shakespeare’s plays
1a tieren; etw. for readers in the 21st century.
task concern (n) Anliegen; Sorge The doctor expressed his concerns about
1a the patient’s health.
Part B Dealing with diversity
B1 The new neighbours
Fact racially/ethnically rassisch und I grew up in a very ethnically diverse part of
File diverse ethnisch vielfältig London.

Fact prohibit sth. etw. verbieten The sign prohibited people from entering
File the building.
l. 1 be aware of sth. über etw. Bescheid Are you aware of the new school rule?
l. 7 committee Komitee; Ausschuss The environmental committee held a
meeting on the issue of recycling.
l. 8 come to sb.’s jdm. auffallen It’s come to my attention that some pupils
attention are using their mobile phones in school.
l. 32 bother to do sth. sich die Mühe Don’t bother to water the plants – it’s going
machen, etw. zu tun to rain later anyway! Page 4 of 9
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Context: Vocabulary
The USA – Still the Promised Land?

l. 72f. tell sb. how to jdm. vorschreiben, He is always telling me how to conduct my
conduct their wie er/sie etw. zu tun business – it’s so annoying!
business hat; sich in jds.
l. 81f. put sb.’s interests jds. Interessen vor Parents often put their children’s interests
ahead of your own die eigenen stellen ahead of their own.
l. 95 inevitable unvermeidbar It’s inevitable that you’ll drop something if
you try to carry so much at once!
l. 96 change for the Verbesserung; Patrick was a spoilt child but there was a
better (n) positive Veränderung change for the better as he grew up.
l. 98 disregard sth. etw. ignorieren; etw. You completely disregarded all my ideas for
vernachlässigen the project.
l. 106 in principle prinzipiell; In principle I agree with you, however, your
grundsätzlich ideas are not very practical.
l. 124f. have sth. both beides haben/ You can’t have it both ways – either come
ways bekommen with me to the shops now or go alone later.
l. 126 assume sth. von etw. ausgehen; I assumed Rachel was behind me but when
etw. vermuten I turned around she was gone.
l. 131 benefit (v) profitieren My internship experience really benefited
me when I was applying for jobs.
B2 The changing face of America
intr. cope with sth. etw. bewältigen Sarah coped well with the difficult situation.
l. 2 strengthen sth. etw. festigen; etw. The sports competition strengthened the
stärken relationship between the two schools.
l. 4 driving force treibende Kraft He is the driving force behind the
successful new business.
l. 4 wave of Einwanderungswelle There was a wave of immigration into the
immigration neighbouring countries during the war.

l. 5 change the face of das Erscheinungs- Technology has changed the face of
sth. bild/Gesicht von etw. traditional business.
l. 6 both … and … sowohl … als auch The names “Alex” and “Charlie” are suitable
for both boys and girls.
l. 7 share a die Verantwortung Everyone should share the responsibility of
responsibility (mit jdm.) teilen keeping the park clean.
(with sb.)

l. 8 in turn im Gegenzug I clean my bedroom every week and in turn I

get pocket money from my parents.
l. 12 constantly stets; kontinuierlich Amelia is constantly on the phone to her
l. 12 draw (strength) aus etw. (Kraft) We should draw strength from the fact that
from sth. schöpfen not everything was destroyed in the fire. Page 5 of 9
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Context: Vocabulary
The USA – Still the Promised Land?

l. 13 prove to be sth. sich als etw. His prediction that it would rain later proved
erweisen to be correct.
l. 14 industrious tüchtig; fleißig Philip was very industrious last weekend
and cleaned out the whole attic.
l. 15 heritage Erbe Rock paintings are an important part of
Australia’s cultural heritage.
l. 16 enrich sth. etw. bereichern This breakfast cereal is enriched with
vitamins and iron.
l. 22 largely hauptsächlich The area used to be largely farmland but
now there are many factories around here.
l. 25 demographic demografisch; bevöl- The graph shows the demographic trends
kerungsstatistisch of internet users over the last ten years.
l. 28 weaken sth. etw. schwächen The bridge was weakened through years of
constant use by heavy vehicles.
l. 36 deny sb. sth. jdm. etw. verwehren The government denies women and girls the
right to an education.
l. 41 scope Ausmaß For a project of this scope we are going to
need more money.
l. 46 ancestor Vorfahre I did research into my family history and
found out my ancestors come from Holland.
l. 51 belief Glaube She holds very strong beliefs about life after
Part C Equality and inequality
C1 The danger to the dream
task 1 reward sth. etw. belohnen I rewarded my dog’s obedience by giving
him a treat.
task 1 imbalance Ungleichgewicht Many doctors believe depression is caused
by a chemical imbalance in the brain.
task 1 ensure sth. etw. garantieren; Seatbelts ensure or at least improve
etw. gewährleisten people’s safety if they are involved in a car
task 1 a fair share of sth. einen gerechten/ I want my fair share of the money we
angemessenen earned at the flea market!
Anteil von etw.
task have sth. in etw. gemeinsam My friend and I have a love of football in
2a common haben common.
C2 How to become homeless
Fact afford sth. sich etw. leisten I can’t afford to go on holiday this year.
File können
Fact pay cash for sth. etw. in bar bezahlen Nigel paid cash for his car.
Fact the usual die normale The usual airport procedure is to check in
File procedure Vorgehensweise your bags first and then go through security.
Fact mortgage Hypothek Peter took out a 20 year mortgage on his
File house. Page 6 of 9
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Context: Vocabulary
The USA – Still the Promised Land?

Fact interest rate Zinssatz This bank offers a good interest rate on
File savings.
Fact foreclose zwangsvollstrecken; The bank foreclosed on the mortgage
File etw. geltend machen because it hadn’t been paid for 3 months.
Fact boom market boomender Markt The economic growth experienced during the
File boom market could not last forever.
task 2 borrow money (sich) Geld leihen Luke borrowed money from his dad to buy
a new computer.
task 2 homeowner Hausbesitzer As the homeowner, you are responsible for
undertaking repairs on the building.
task 2 ownership Eigentum; Besitz Ownership of the business passed to Mr.
Singh in 2002.
task 4 housing crisis Immobilienkrise Following World War II, there was a housing
crisis across Europe.
task 5a career Karriere; Laufbahn Kate has a successful career as a doctor.
C3 A political lesson
intr. be forced to do gezwungen sein, We were forced to stay inside all day
sth. etw. zu tun because of the terrible weather.
intr. move in with sb. bei jdm. einziehen; I moved in with my best friend last year.
mit jdm.
intr. recruit sb. for sth. jdn. für etw. Mr. Jones was recruited for the position of
(an)werben manager.
l. 3 sign up (for sth.) sich zu etw. I signed up for the football team at school
anmelden this week.
l. 4 tense (v) sich anspannen She tensed when she heard her name
l. 7 sympathetic to mitfühlend/ I am sympathetic to your situation but I
sth. verständnisvoll can’t lend you any more money.
l. 9 undivided ungeteilte Aufmerk- The teacher had her class’s undivided
attention samkeit attention during the interesting lesson.
l. 19 greedy gierig The greedy boy ate three pieces of cake in a
l. 23 adequate angemessen Have you packed adequate clothing for your
skiing trip?
l. 32 move jobs verlagern von Arbeits- The company moved many jobs overseas
overseas plätzen ins Ausland / to save costs.
nach Übersee
l. 36 segregation Trennung; The segregation of men and women is a
Rassentrennung normal part of life in this country.
l. 39 actual tatsächlich; wirklich I can’t believe you found an actual gold coin
buried in your garden!
l. 45 vote (v) wählen You are only allowed to vote when you’re 18
years old.
l. 46 requirement Voraussetzung; One requirement of the job is a driving
Bedingung licence. Page 7 of 9
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Context: Vocabulary
The USA – Still the Promised Land?

Part D America’s place in the world

D1 Facts and figures
Chart spending Ausgabe What is your monthly spending on food?
Fact Gross Domestic Bruttoinlandsprodukt The recent increase in the Gross Domestic
File Product, GDP Product indicates the country is doing well.

Fact balance of trade Handelsbilanz The country’s positive balance of trade

File shows they export more than they import.
Fact deficit (Haushalts-)defizit The company’s huge deficits meant they
File had to close down.
Fact surplus (Haushalts-) The farmer produced a large crop surplus
File überschuss which he sold for a profit.
task 2 balance of power Machtverhältnis The fragile balance of power between the
political parties was destroyed in the war.
D2 The German view
Intr. historian Historiker The historian specialized in the history of
the Native American people.
D3 Better than its reputation
l. 6 a visa ein Visum She applied for a visa to travel to Kenya.
l. 8 reminder Erinnerung I wrote myself a reminder about the meeting
on Thursday.
l. 12 downwardly gesellschaftlich Unfortunately this area has become
mobile absteigend; in eine downwardly mobile since 2001.
niedrigere soziale
Schicht (ab-)sinkend
l. 17 extent of sth. Ausmaß von etw. We won’t know the extent of the damage to
your leg until the tests are complete.
l. 23 emergency aid Katastrophenhilfe Several European countries sent emergency
aid to Thailand after the terrible storm.
l. 24 raise money Geld sammeln; We held a quiz night to raise money for the
Geld beschaffen sick woman.
l. 28 stinginess Geiz That man’s stinginess is famous – he never
gives money to charity even though he’s rich.
l. 31 lawsuit Klage; The man filed a lawsuit against the
Gerichtsverfahren company after he lost his job.
l. 32 generosity Großzügigkeit Mrs Dean’s generosity is wonderful – she’s
donated so much to the charity.
l. 36 entail sth. etw. mit sich bringen The job entails keeping the shop tidy,
helping customers and selling products at the
l. 39 victim Opfer Two victims died in the car crash. Page 8 of 9
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Context: Vocabulary
The USA – Still the Promised Land?

l. 40 deteriorate sich verschlechtern Your grades have deteriorated since you

started going out with friends every night.
l. 42 humanitarian aid humanitäre Hilfe The war-torn country made a plea for more
humanitarian aid.
l. 43 refugee Flüchtling Millions of refugees fled the country during
the war.
l. 49 development aid Entwicklungshilfe Development aid helped to build essential
facilities such as schools and roads.
l. 52 for its own sake um seiner/ihrer I enjoy driving my car for its own sake and
selbst willen not to go anywhere in particular.
l. 57 indecisive unentschlossen I’m feeling too indecisive to make a decision
right now!
task 3 bias Voreingenommen- Your team only won because of the referee’s
heit; Vorurteil bias! Page 9 of 9

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