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Ashauna Solomon

Marigot Hill road #1 Apt. 2.2 St. Peters.


March 29,2024

Admissions Committee
CAPE Programme
St. Maarten Academy

Dear Members of the Admissions Committee,

My name is Ashauna Solomon, I am writing to express my interest in pursuing . My passion for

finance began in childhood, managing to save $300 through small jobs by the age of thirteen.
This early achievement steered me towards a future in finance, further solidified by my
engagement and success in Principles of Accounts, where I notably excelled in my SBA with an

Apart from my academic pursuits, I have been actively involved in athletics and taekwondo,
disciplines that have instilled in me resilience and determination. However, my commitment to
my studies has led me to temporarily pause these activities to focus on my CSEC examinations.

The drive to deepen my understanding and skills in accounting before venturing into higher
education has guided my decision to join the CAPE Programme. My familiarity with St. Maarten
Academy, having been a part of its high school community, assures me of the excellence due to
St.Maarten academy’s impressive academic record.

A defining moment in my life was overcoming the adversity of losing my study materials to a
fire just days before end-of-term exams. This experience taught me resilience and
resourcefulness, qualities I plan to bring to my studies at the academy.
Choosing St. Maarten Academy for my CAPE studies in Accounting is a deliberate step towards
achieving my career goals in finance.

Thank you for considering my application. I am eager to contribute to and grow within
St.Maarten Academy..

Warmest regards,

Ashauna Asia Solomon.

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