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Descriptive Writing

Done by: Ifechukwude Akams

Shaadiya Mohammed
Ashauna Solomon

Form: 2A1
Date: Monday 26th October, 2020
Subject: English
What is Descriptive Writing?

The primary purpose of descriptive writing is to describe a person, place or thing

in such a way that a picture is formed in the reader's mind. Capturing an event
through descriptive writing involves paying close attention to the details by using
all of your five senses.


By Ashauna
What is Descriptive Writing?

Descriptive writing is just as it sounds. It’s writing that shows a clear, vivid
description of a person, place, or thing within your story. The point of descriptive
writing is to help your readers visualize everything that’s happening in the story.

What is Descriptive Writing?

Shaadiya: We can define descriptive writing as a type of writing that gives a clear and
concise description of everything. It includes places, people, object or an event.
Slide 3: The Seven Key Components of Descriptive Writing

(Find a picture for each of the following components listed below. Use one slide for

- Concrete Nouns- Direction - Sensory Details - Mood- Shadow and Light

- Figurative Language (Everyone contributes minimum 3-4 )

- Action Verbs
Concrete Nouns
-Oak Trees
(top to bottom)
-Oak Trees
Sensory Details

-Sky/clouds-(touch) cold
-Oak Trees-(look) old
-Grass- (touch) damp
-Water-(look) clean
The mood is calm and
Shadow and Light
Light : sky/clouds
Reflection : water
Shadow : trees and grass
Figurative Language

-Sky/clouds- (simile) The clouds are as fluffy as cotton

-Oak Trees- (hyperbole) That tree is taller than my house!
-Grass-(alliteration) The green grass gives great fresh air.
-Water- (simile) The water reflects like a mirror
Action Verbs

-Sky/clouds- The clouds are dashing through the sky

-Oak/Trees- The trees’ leaves are swooshing with
-Grass- The grass became moist by rain.
-Water- The water is being whipped by rain.
Task Distribution
We did it together

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