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The given line graph illustrates the number of books read by boys and girls at Starmouth School’s library

from 2009 to 2012.

In 2009, there were more boys reading books than girls. Looking into detail, the number of female
students read about over 20 books, while male students read double with approximately 60 books. After
that, these numbers rose slightly to 80 and 40 respectively in 2010. At this year, the number of books
read by male students was double the number of books read by female students.

After one year, in 2011, both boys and girls have the same number of books read 100 books. During the
time 2011-2012, there was a significant change in the number of books read. For girls, it went up rapidly,
increased about 40 books per year. However, the number of boys declined from 100 books in 2011 to 80
books in 2012.

Overall, the number of library books read by boys and girls has fluctuation, but the trends were upward.

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