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Leisure time – spare time, voľný čas

2. Crocheting - to make clothes and other things using wool and a special needle with a
hook (= curve) at one end, háčkovanie

3. Embroidering -to decorate cloth or clothing with patterns or pictures consisting of

stitches that are sewn directly onto the material, vyšívanie

4. Knitting - to make clothes, etc. by using two long needles to connect wool or another
type of thread into joined rows, pletenie

5. To row - to cause a boat to move through water by pushing against the water with
oars (= poles with flat ends), veslovať

6. Snooker - a game played, especially in the UK, by two people in which cues (= long,
thin poles) and a cue ball are used to hit 15 red balls and six balls of different colours
into six holes around a table covered in soft cloth in a fixed order, biliard

7. To compose music - to produce music, skladať hudbu

8. Score (in music) - the music written for a film, play, etc., partitúra

9. Calligraphy - (the art of producing) beautiful writing, often created with a special pen
or brush, kaligrafia

10. Falconry - the sport of hunting small animals and birds using falcons, sokoliarstvo

11. Taxidermy - the activity of cleaning, preserving, and filling the skins of dead animals
with special material to make them look as if they are still alive, vypchávanie

12. Equestrianism - the sport or activity of riding horses, jazdectvo

13. Geocatching - the activity of using GPS to search for small hidden prizes

14. Hoarder - someone who collects large amounts of something and keeps it for
themselves, often in a secret place

15. Collector - someone who collects objects because they are beautiful, valuable, or
interesting, zberateľ

16. Spectator – viewer, divák

17. Peculiar - unusual and strange, zvláštny

18. Absorbing - very interesting and keeps your attention, absorbujúci

19. Guilty pleasure- activity or piece of media that someone enjoys but would be
embarrassed by if other people found out about it, previnilý pôžitok

20. To tickle the ivories – to play the piano

21. Gregarious – social, extroverted, spoločenský

22. Bogged down - to be/become so involved in something difficult or complicated that

you cannot do anything else, zapadnutý v práci

23. (Physically) strenuous - needing or using a lot of physical or mental effort or energy,
fyzicky namáhavý

24. Exert some control – to use mass power, Uplatňujte určitú kontrolu

25. Bearing in mind - to remember a piece of information when you are making a
decision or thinking about a matter, Myslite na to

26. Detrimental impact - causing harm, škodlivý účinok

27. Foreseeable future - as far into the future as you can imagine or plan for,
Predvídateľná budúcnosť

28. A whole array of – a bunch of, celá...

29. Orthorexia – obsession with healthy food

30. Metromonia – sufferer becomes obsessed with composing poetry

31. Genealogy - the study and tracing of lines of descent.

32. The Cubs - a junior branch of the Scout Association, for boys aged about 8 to 11

33. Draughts - dáma (hra)

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