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Second Writing

Araceli Garcia March 16th

As we all know, to be human is not to have a perfect life. I have faced emotional
poverty. I mean, many obstacles during my life, which have taught me to love myself.
In first place, I have suffered of bullying when I was a little kid because of my teeth,
which were a bit big, especially the front ones. There weren't many kids that
tormented me, but at the age of 7 years old, they were enough to make me feel bad.
With time, I learned that I wasn´t to be ashamed and that these were things that could
be corrected, obviously in time. Not trusting myself was another problem I had to face,
especially in my adolescent age. I used to doubt everything I did or thought. For
example, when teacher asked something in class, I never said anything although I knew
the answer or when I avoided doing something or participating in something for fear of
messing it up. Finally, my parent’s divorce affected me to some extent with my
negative thoughts. When I was a child, I started to think that they had separated
because of me because of the fights between them every time they saw each other,
but later I understood what happened. They were simply people who had their
problems and no longer loved each other. In conclusion, obstacles are part of this
world and there is nothing better than facing them and learning from them,
understanding that we are strong and capable of overcoming everything.

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