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The development of the internet has had the biggest single impact on modern

The internet has transformed and revolutionized every corner of our life and had impact on
our way of living in 21th century by new step in connectivity.Internet’s journey srarts from
being most of the problems’ solution. For instance, distance relationships were really arduous
but interned solved it and simultaneously, it facilitated other ways communication.In the
1990’s the internet became easier to use which was triggered by people wanting to join
it.Watching funny videos and reaching every place of the world with just one call or message
was a big innovation.It was like a new plant from scientists and made world more
comfortable from shopping online,making important calls between companies from different
countries, to chatting with friends.The internet is unimaginable achievement of human
civilization and it influenced everything included education system,commerce and
entertainment.To sum up,everyone should keep finding new ways to use internet for good
intentions because most of the people do uses it and it should be safe for every single of them
and they have to be respected vice versa it can be harmful and it can affect other’s mental

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