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Kick ball

Adriana Varela García 1º BACH A


Origins 3
History 3
Rules 3
Teams 4
Physical abilities 4
Something interesting 5
Conclusion 5

Kick ball was invented by Nicholas C.Seuss in 1917. He was a supervisor of
Cincinnati Park Playground. It was created to help children understand the game
baseball, that is why at the beginning it was called “kick baseball”. At the early 1920,
the game was being incorporated by physical education teachers in their curriculum,
as an introduction of baseball.

A few years later, the game was a little more
known and Daniel Chase wrote for the first
time about adults playing it. They hadn't ball,
so they used one created by them, using
socks, rags and shoelaces. Ernie Pie, an
american reporter from the World War II, said
that soldiers used to play it in Tunisia, Africa,
in 1942 and 1943. When Enie published this,
the United States Department of the Army decided to become it a game for soldiers.
Thereby, in the 1970s leagues were formed, and kickball keeps growing since then.

The objective in a kickball match is to score more runs than the other team. Players
have to kick the ball and run the bases to score a point. If the team is not kicking,
they should try to avoid the other team achieve a point by catching the ball or not
letting them reach base.
Scoring is simple, when a runner reaches the home plate, a point is scored. If the
ball is kicked out of bounds, immediately the runner that kicked the ball and any of
the other that are situated in bases, run to the home plate scoring a point each.
Once the game has finished, the team with more runs is the winner. In the case that
both teams have the same number of points, there is a type of test. They choose a
kickier of their team, the once who throws the ball closest to de 2nd base, is the
These are some basic rules to practice correctly the game:
→ It can be played in any type of field, but usually it is played in a diamond pitch.
→ Normally, 6 innings are played, but if you don't play with WAKA rules, the duration
can be chosen by the players.
→ The material of the ball is rubber, and its size goes between 6 and 8 inches (15-20
→ Teams should be between 8 and 11 players.
→ The order of kicker is not specified. It depends on the strategy of each team.
→ There are no strikeouts (to try to kick a ball and miss it completely), not as in
→ The play ends once the ball is returned to the pitcher.
→ A player is out when:
● The ball is caught by a member of the opposite team.
● They are eliminated by an opposing player.
● A player is kicked off base.
→ To score a rum they must reach the home plate before the inning is finished.
In kickball, the fairplay is taken very seriously. If they don't follow the rules, they
could be forced to leave the field.

Any number of people can play, from 5 to 15 usually. WAKA (World Adult Kickball
Association) recommends teams from 8 to 11 players, but how it is usually played in
schools, the number can change to adapt it to the group. Apart from the players, the
ball and the bases are the only essentials. It doesn't exist a specific look to play the

Physical abilities
In kickball, players practice their
cardiorespiratory endurance, muscular
strength and flexibility. Also, they have to
learn to work as a group to achieve a goal.
When they have to run, to catch the ball or to
reach all the bases, they would be practicing
their cardiorespiratory endurance. To kick the ball and running they will be using their
strength and flexibility. Aswell, flexibility is important to throw correctly the ball.
Players will be skilled at kicking, throwing and catching a kickball, working with
teammates to achieve a common goal and at identifying and following the rules of
the game.

Something interesting
It is a very flexible sport, anyone can play it, rules are simple and easy to
understand. You can create your own rules and adapt it to your needs. There isn't a
limit of time, you can play as long as you want, and the dress code does not exist.
That is why it is known as “The People's Sport”.

To sum up, kickball is good game to fulfill many goals. It can be used to learn how to
play baseball at school. It is a good way to have a good time at the park with your
family and friends. If you practice it more professionally, your endurance, strength
and flexibility will improve; it will help to build lower body and core strength, it tones
muscles and increases muscle mass, so it will help keep you healthy and fitness.


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