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Melee—Auto hit
Ranged—Roll by foe's ability

Degeneration Plauge
After being infected the dreamer will begin developing physical enhancements. More strength, endurence, and
intelegence are the most common. It also makes them immune to other ailments. As they will literaly feel
better then ever chances of discovering the infection is slim.
They are contagous through close proximity. Those near them will be exposed but infection isn't garenteed. As the
infection is slow it has time to effect numerous people.
The last stage begins as the erredic changes in their form alters their body chemistry. Insanity is the result as their
minds deteriate. In this state they will activly try to bite others. A bite normal leads to infection.
As in this state they will likely get attacks they will at some point take damage. The damage will trigger their bodies
to rot. This rot drops small amount of contagous material as well as a gas. The gas trigers a response in other
infected that excellerates the mental collapse and violence.

A plant/fungus infection. Starts by altering thought so that the host will activly try to infect others. Contaminating
food and water are common. Will absorb the hostfrom within and will try to keep hidden. If discovered [or the host
is near conpleatly consumed] will use vine like grows to attack others. Body will eventualy collaps as nothing solid
remains. When does will produce spores that can spread the disease.
Anoying to deal with as spores must be delt with even after the infected are disposed of.

Acts like a virol infection, normaly a cold. The virous infects cells then reproduces without distroying the cell.
Where it gets the energy to do so is unclear as the virous reproduces rapidly.
The virous can be spread as an airborn disease at this point. Simptoms will apear like a mild cold. The next stage
happens when around 80-90% of their cells are infected.
The body mutats rapidly into a combat form. The exact form varries between people. The creatures' attack are highly
infectious. Those killed will also be mutated are revived so even the dead arn't safe.
To kill for good distroy the brain as they can't revive without it. Likewise a killed combat form can't revive.
Often used as a terror weapon.

Micro-organism 'collony'
Micro-organism that alter cells. Particulary it canfuse the tissue of different creatures together to form a new one.
Infection moves quickly with only miner symptoms before the infection labotamises the host.
As can infect a varriety of lifeforms the type infected decides what it becomes. Those that can will hunt and spread
the disease. Those that can't will mutate into food form. These will grown by feeding off whatever is available.
Many just need sunlight and soil. The other types will feed off it to increase in size and leathality.
In late stages the collony forms a set hiarcy. Around 20-40% of the entier bio-mass will merge into a single massive
creature. The rest are hunters [looking for more orgaic material] or growers [that form food].
As are self suficient on most worlds so must be dealt with quickly. As the small forms need to breath creating a
vacume or chemical treatment will work. Larger forms have to be elliminated by force. Growth forms can be burned
at will.

Sleeping sickness
Infected will suffer weakness and tiredness in steadily increasing ammounts. Eventualy they are incapable of waking
up even through artifical means. After a time in this state will wake up again but different. They lack any ability to
communicate, in part as their brain is still asleep.
While like this they can somehow discern how objects work by simply watching it. This includes thang that shouldn't
be possible. For instence after stairing at an engin will know how it works and can even build another at will from
After this stage it will begin sabataging devices with the sole purpose of killing. While it will try to avoid being
caught will die if it can cause enough death. For instence will crawl into a reactor to cause a self distructution if it
will kill.
The disease is not caused from any know sorce. No virus, bacteria, or micro-organism have been connected to it. As
such in a population of millions may get 1 but never a second. On the other hand they may all get the disease. Whats
uniquec is that while they won't work together they will try to avoid killing other infected. Death will happen though
as they have no way to worn each other about their traps.

Black Rain
Named after the ash rains that carry the disease on its home world. Those infected will suffer feavors and
develop dementia like symptoms. Infected will be driven to find a dark, quiet, secluded place to hide and sleep. Once
do will enter a brain dead state. From here the infection will begin reforming the host's cells into wasps.
The wasps grow fast then leave the host body without killing it. Untill the host looses too much tissue it tends
to live. The remains are still used by the collony. The wasps have a fungus in them they cultivate into mushrooms.
These mushrooms eat dead tissue and a variety of minerals. As such can be farmed on a large number of worlds.
These farms feed the wasps,
The wasps start at 2 inches in size and while lack a stinger will grow to 10 inches in as little as for hours. At
10 inches they grow a stinger. Their stings cause a lump to form that will grow into 1 wasp. As such 1 sting is
survivable but the hundreds a collony can give are not.
After reach 12 inches the growth rate slows but dosn't stop. After a few days can reach 24 inches long where
they will loose the ability to fly do to their weight. Growth stops at 36 inches except for queens who grow to 60
inches in size
Even the small wasp prove hard to crush as they have a abnormaly thick exo-skeliton. At 12 inches many
humans can't kill them without a weapon such as a hammer. At 24 inches proper weapons like a gun or knife is
needed to deal with them. The 36 inch ones are nealy imposible to kill by humans with melee weapons. This size
increase also means insecticides become less effective. After 24 inches in size any poisen that can kill them would
leave a resedu thats toxic to people.
Against armored foes [even troopers] the wasps can still do damage. Their bites carry an emsine that breakes
down rocks. This is an adaptation as in their home world they nest in caves walls. Those of 20 inches or large
produce this ensime in acid like qualities. At around 24 inches they have enough strength to bite through metal plates.
That means even trooper bodies are vonerable. The fully grown could cut a trooper apart without the enzime. Some
have even developed a venum that cause aditional problems for victoms.
Once a queen apears the hive is mostly self suficient. As the queen can add around 100 wasp a day to the hive
it will grow massivly in a short time. As any wasp can become a queen [and lay eggs at around 18 inches] even 1
wasp can be a disaster, and there is rarly ever 1. These hives are most dangerous before anyone knows about them.
The reason is the hive spooks easily. Small numbers are always scouting and may encounter people. In
adittion machinery sounds will startle the entier hive if to close to it. Stataling the hive can cause it to swarm. The
swarm will activly search and attack anyone they find. Those stung to death make more wasps and food for the
mushrooms. This is what altimitly leads to the hive's deadly reputation.
The insects do pop up at diferent times as can hide in cargo transports. In adition as their honney if full of
chemicals that can make a number of illeglal drugs criminal groups often have nests. Abandoned nests can easily
become a threat to everyone.
As for the virous wile it can be transmited through water it only survives for around 3 days in it. In the ash of
its native world it can survive infinitly. As the world is quarenteened is only through carlessness or intention that it
apears. Both are serious issues.

Beta Strain
A mutant version of the virous. Those infected will mutate into a giant wasp. The surpluse tissue will still
become normal 2 inch wasps until they rot. In adition these wasps also cary the original virous in their stingers.
Those they sting will go commitose and rapidly become more wasps.

Both version are delt with by gasing the area then sending troopers to kill that larger version.
Grey Rot
Named from the grey dead collor the victom's skin turns. Symptoms start with hearing sounds with no clear
sorce that no one else hears. This grows till seam to hear distent wispering all the time. In the final stages the victom
looses its concept of self and spends much of its time confused. Finaly they will collaps and apear to die for up to 30
seconds. Then they just get back up as if nothing was wrong. Once this first one enters this last stage those in the late
stages will rapidly also reach this point as if from some kind of signol.
From here on the infected can be refered to as turned. The turned will activly work together to infect as many
others as possible and cause chaos. The chaos isn't to kill but to confuse and break comunication so it can infect
without a proper resistence forming.
Once large enough in numbers will activly attack, capture, and infect people. If needed will do so armed.
Again they avoid killing and will give medical attention as want to infect not kill. In bad cases they can turn entier
Their big advantage is they apear to communicate without talking and over long range. Its therorised that is
simular to a form of radio signel as their presence interfears with radios. In adition they are conpleatly immune to
pain and ignore trama. This makes them more dificult to kill them normal people.

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