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Hi Camila.

I’m really sorry for not writing earlier, but I have been busy since I got back from the UK.

Thank you so much for having me to stay those 3 weeks in your amazing house. I loved being
in Manchester and I had a great time. Also, I got to understand the British accent better.

I had fun with you and your friends. I remember when we went to that concert of a singer that
we didn’t know but their songs were so good that we stayed dancing all night. Or the time we
went to a restaurant and when the waitress talked to me I understood nothing because of the
accent and all of you made fun of me. Everything was perfect!

I’ve been missing the time I stayed there, but now that I'm back to my real life. I am busy and
stressed because I have been doing all the university work that I have to hand in next week,
but it's great to be back home again because now I can spend time with my family and my dog.

That’s all for now. Thanks again for everything. And you know that you are very welcome here
in Perú at any time, my family would love to meet you.

Give my regards to Taylor and hope to hear from you soon.

Best wishes.


PS I sent you a video of our favorite moments together.

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