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Name: _____________________ subject: Science strand: biology Grade: VIII

Unit 7 Genes and inheritance (Review sheet 2)

1. The difference between the individuals in a species are called variations. ____________

and ____________ causes the variations within species.

2. Complete the following table:

3. Which statement describes the result of natural selection?

 The strongest of two species will survive in a habitat.

 The best suited of two species will survive in a habitat.

 The more aggressive of two species will survive in a habitat.

 The more numerous of two species will survive in a habitat.

4. Which process helps a species change over time to survive in a habitat?

 Predation

 Adaptation

 Conservation

 Respiration
5. What does the evolution of a species mean? Arrange the following parts of a sentence

to make a definition and rewrite it.

 over time

 natural selection

 may change

 of

 through the process

 a species



6. some Examples of natural selection:

 The evolution of medicine is based precisely on the fact that from the use of
antibiotics for viruses or bacteria it is possible to kill some of them, but those
that survive become more resistant.
 The white fur of the arctic animals, which allows them to hide in the snow.

 The camouflage of grasshoppers, which makes them look like leaves.

 The white fur of the arctic animals, which allows them to hide in the snow.

 The camouflage of grasshoppers, which makes them look like leaves.

7. Some examples of inherited characteristics are :

Thumb shape: Hitchhiker thumb/Straight thumb


Attachment of earlobe: Attached earlobe/Unattached earlobe

Longer second toe

Dominant hand: Right-handed/Left-handed

Rolling tongue

8. Some examples of variations within a species:

9. Importance of variation within a species:

The advantage of having variation within a population is that some individuals will be

better adapted to their environment than others. Those individuals who are not well

adapted to their environment are less likely to survive and reproduce. Those individuals

that are best adapted are more likely to survive and reproduce, passing on their

favourable traits (adaptations) to their offspring. This process is known as natural

selection (sometimes referred to a "survival of the fittest") and is what drives


This is particularly important when environmental conditions change. If there is little

variation within the population it may die out (extinction). If there is sufficient

variation, some individuals will have adaptations that enable them to survive and

reproduce, ensuring the survival of the species.

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