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Full name: …………………………………….Student code:………………


Time: 60 minutes
PART 1: Listen and circle the correct answer: A, B or C: (5 sentences)
1.He started running
A. A few years ago
B. At school
C. A few days ago
2.What’s her favorite subject?
A. Geography
B. Literature
C. Maths
3.How often does the woman go to the gym?
A. only on Friday
B. twice a week
C. everyday
4.What time does the woman get up?
A. 7.00
B. 7.15
C. 7.30
5.What do the men have in common?
A. They drink coffee
B. They are teachers
C. They used to be married.

PART II: Listen and underline the correct information (5 sentences)

1. ...and this weekend the country’s most popular movies was the Tarror in August. It
made ( 20 / 12 ) million dollars. It seems American wants to be really scared.
2. Spring is here! The Freeville Blue Jays first game of the season is always a fun event
for our town. And this year, Freeville’s favorite team is giving away free (basket ball
/ baseball ) for one night only.
3. ….and what is the favorite store of your favorite celebrities? Star Rocker Clothes, of
course! And next week, they are having their once a -year – everything is (15%/ 50%
) off!
4. Every girl’s new favorite band is the Brandy Brothers. Their two concerts
in Boston (hold down / sold out) in five minutes, so they’ve added two more shows.
Good luck getting tickets.
5. ….and the new favorite restaurant in town is Super Burger. Everyone is going there
to try the new (food / menu). Even celebrities are going. Get there before it opens at
11:00 or you won’t get a table.

PART III: Listen. Are these sentences True (T) or False (F) (5 sentences)
1. The caller is confirming Don’s
2. Sue will call Don later
3. Don’s aunt will call him from the hotel
4. Ted and Don are going to play tennis on
5. Francis wants to meet Don in the office

PART IV: Listen and put a suitable word into each gap (5 sentences)
1. Both of my parents are taller than me. My dad is pretty tall, but my brother is even
____________ than my dad. Together they look like a basketball team! My sister and
I are the short one in the family.
2. My brother isn’t interested in music at all, He’s into cars, like my dad. But I’m not
interested in cars, like my dad. I play the ____________ and the piano. I guess I love
music because of my mum. She sings beautifully. She plays the piano really well, too.
3. I love animals. I have a dog and I keep a couple of parrots in a big cage in my room. I
love taking photographs of wild birds when I’m in the countryside. My dad and I
often go away for the weekend, and we have a great time birdwatching. My sister
thinks I’m ____________. When my sister has free time, she loves to play cards. I
can’t stand card games.
4. I enjoy reading. I read a lot of books and I love going to the library. My dad likes
outdoor things. He’s really into ____________. But Mum tells me that reading is the
best way to learn. She always gives me books that she’s been reading.
5. I’m very interested in computers. I’m always teaching myself new computer
programs and I have a lot of great software. My brother and I spend all our free time
in computer stores and on the Internet. My sister is more ____________ in the arts.
She like music and she loves to read. She hates computers.

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