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Virtual University of Pakistan SEMESTER Spring 2024

CS304P – Object Oriented Programming (Practical)

Assignment No.1 (Graded)

Maximum Marks: 20
Instructions Due Date: 29 April 2024

The purpose of this assignment is to give your hands-on practice. It is expected that students
will solve the assignment themselves. The following rules will apply during the evaluation
of the assignment.

● Cheating from any source will result in zero marks in the assignment.
● The submitted assignment does NOT open or the file is corrupted.
● No assignment after the due date will be accepted.
● Students can submit HTML, Images, and Plain text only in this inline Mode. The
table can also be drawn in the interface.
● DOC/pdf File uploading option will not be available in inline assignment
Uploading Assignment Instruction
Follow the given instructions to submit the inline assignments.
• Images of the following formats can be inserted in the inline assignment interface.

• Images and tables can be inserted using the following highlighted options in the
Virtual University of Pakistan SEMESTER Spring 2024

Objective & Learning Outcome

After completing the assignment, the student will be able to use different types of constructors.

Question No. 1 (20 Marks)

Suppose you are building an online shopping platform “One Click Shopping”. On this platform, you can
buy products from different available categories. To place an order, first, you have to register as a user
and log in to complete the order.
To place an order, select the product from the list and add it to the shopping cart. You can make payment
through an online credit card or cash on delivery. After making payment your order will be completed.

As a student of OOP (Object oriented programming) course you have to perform the following tasks
using the above scenario.

1. Extract the Objects, their attributes (Characteristics), and behaviors (Operations).

2. Identify the generalization relationship and mention the parent and child classes

Guidelines for Solution:

The solution of Part # 1 should be in a table format like given below:

Object Attribute Operations

Sample output for Part # 2 is given below, your solution output should be like this.
This assignment will covers the concepts discussed in labs 01-03.

Note: Plagiarism will be checked for each question. Please answer the questions in your
own words and marks will be awarded based on your answer and plagiarism report.

For any query about the assignment, contact at email

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