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Francis Louie V.


Semantic Differential Scale

Please rate your opinion by on the following benefits of modern

agricultural equipment using a scale from 1 to 7, where 1 is strongly
disagree and 7 is strongly agree:
Encircle your answer:
1. Using modern agricultural equipment makes farming easier.
Strongly Disagree [1] --- [2] --- [3] --- [4] --- [5] --- [6] --- [7] Agree

2. Modern agricultural equipment helps farmers produce more food.

Strongly Disagree [1] --- [2] --- [3] --- [4] --- [5] --- [6] --- [7] Agree

3. Using modern agricultural equipment can help protect the

Strongly Disagree [1] --- [2] --- [3] --- [4] --- [5] --- [6] --- [7] Agree

4. Modern agricultural equipment allows farmers to plant and harvest

crops faster.
Strongly Disagree [1] --- [2] --- [3] --- [4] --- [5] --- [6] --- [7] Agree

5. Modern agricultural equipment reduces the need for manual labor

on farms.
Strongly Disagree [1] --- [2] --- [3] --- [4] --- [5] --- [6] --- [7] Agree

6. Using modern agricultural equipment can improve the quality of

the crops grown.
Strongly Disagree [1] --- [2] --- [3] --- [4] --- [5] --- [6] --- [7] Agree

7. Modern agricultural equipment allows farmers to use fewer

chemicals on their crops.
Strongly Disagree [1] --- [2] --- [3] --- [4] --- [5] --- [6] --- [7] Agree

8. By the use of modern agricultural equipment Farmers may have

earn higher incomes.
Strongly Disagree [1] --- [2] --- [3] --- [4] --- [5] --- [6] --- [7] Agree

9. Modern agricultural equipment helps farmers adapt to changes in

weather and climate
Strongly Disagree [1] --- [2] --- [3] --- [4] --- [5] --- [6] --- [7] Agree

10. Farmers who use modern agricultural equipment are less likely to
suffer from injuries or accidents on the farm.
Strongly Disagree [1] --- [2] --- [3] --- [4] --- [5] --- [6] --- [7] Agree
Thurstone Scale

Motivation to study in alternative delivery mode:

Put a to check to the statements that you agree
Agree Disagree
I find studying in alternative delivery mode to be more
convenient than traditional classroom learning.
I believe studying in alternative delivery mode allows me
to better balance my personal and professional
I feel motivated to study in alternative delivery mode
because it offers greater flexibility in scheduling my
study time.
I am confident that studying in alternative delivery mode
will help me acquire the necessary skills for my future
I am motivated to study in alternative delivery mode
because it allows me to learn at my own pace.
I believe studying in alternative delivery mode provides
access to a wider range of educational resources and
I feel that studying in alternative delivery mode
enhances my ability to engage with course content and
I am motivated to study in alternative delivery mode
because it offers opportunities for interactive and
collaborative learning.
I believe studying in alternative delivery mode enables
me to customize my learning experience to suit my
individual needs and preferences.
I am confident that studying in alternative delivery mode
will help me achieve my academic and career goals.
Likert Scale

Perceptions Towards Matatag Curriculum

Please indicate your level of agreement by putting a check to the box that
aligns with your agreement.
Strongl Disagre Neutr Agre Strongl
y e al e y agree
I believe the Matatag Curriculum
helps students learn better.
I think the Matatag Curriculum
prepares students well for their future
I feel that teachers are able to teach
more effectively with the Matatag
I see students being more interested
and engaged in learning because of
the Matatag Curriculum.
I believe parents are satisfied with
how their children are learning under
the Matatag Curriculum.
I believe the Matatag Curriculum
helps students develop important
skills for their future.
I think the Matatag Curriculum
provides opportunities for students to
explore their interests.
I see teachers being supported in
their efforts to implement the Matatag
Curriculum effectively.
I feel that the Matatag Curriculum
encourages students to
Overall, I think the Matatag
Curriculum is beneficial for students'

Task: Demonstrating good manners and right conduct

Put a check on the statements that you’re doing

Saying "please" and "thank you" when appropriate.

Holding the door open for others
Using polite language and tone when speaking to others.
Respecting personal space and boundaries.
Listening attentively when someone is speaking.
Offering assistance to those in need.
Apologizing sincerely when you make a mistake.
Keeping your promises and commitments.
Respecting people of all ages, genders, and backgrounds.
Cleaning up after yourself and maintaining cleanliness in shared

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