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Talent Recruitment and Selection


Assignment Guidelines

 Students are required to collaborate in groups of 5-6 individuals in order

to engage in role-playing exercises related to the process of job hunting
and successfully obtaining employment

 These possible activities include (non-exhaustive list):

a. searching for job vacancies
b. applying for the job
c. going for interview/s and sitting for employment test/s
d. decision-making
e. final match

 Possible roles that could be played by students include (non-exhaustive

a. Jobseeker/s
b. Interviewer/s
c. Decision maker/s

 There is no pre-determined format you should follow or script norms for

this type of role play, so please be creative as possible
 Duration: 30 minutes
 Submit role-play performance (YouTube Link) video on the uFuture,
before/on 21st Jan 2024 (Week 14)

 Citeria:
a. Preparedness
b. Clear delivery ideas
c. Confident delivery of ideas
d. Effective and articulate delivery of ideas
e. Understand and respond to questions
f. Adapt delivery to audience

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