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College of Business, Hospitality and Tourism Studies

School of Economics and Finance

Department of Economics and Customs
ECN603: Business Statistics
Semester II | 2022
Major Assignment
Total Marks: 50 (10%)

 This assignment is to be done in groups of four.

 All assignments should be typed and with proper referencing. Use Microsoft Word features
to assist you in referencing.
 Late assignments will be penalized at a rate of 10% per day.
 This assignment carries 10% towards coursework.
 The assignment must have a bibliography.
 You may use MS Excel to generate graphs or descriptive statistics, however the assignment
must be MS Word processed. All charts and tables to be titled appropriately.
 The following MS Word features should be applied to the assignment:
o Font Type – Times New Roman
o Font Size – 12
o Line Spacing - 1.5
 Only soft copies of the assignment are to be submitted by the due date.
 Due Date: 30 October, 2022.

Choose a topic that interests you from your area of study (that is, based on your background
disciplines that you are perusing for your BCom). You have to seek approval from your lecturer
for the topic chosen before you start your research. Conduct a primary research by choosing a
sample size of 10 to write your report and present it to the class. In other words, pick a topic that
you can identify the population for and then from targeted population, identify your sample. Your
assignment should be structured in the following manner:

a) Cover Page
 The cover page should include the Research Title, the Name and ID of the group
 Any member who has not contributed will be strictly penalized and will not be
awarded marks as equivalent to their members.

b) Introduction
 Introduces the problem and motivation for the study by discussing the major
reasons as to why you have chosen the topic for your assignment.
 Provide a brief literature of any similar research.
 Provide a ‘road map’ for the rest of the assignment.

c) Objectives
 Outline a major objectives of your survey (What you are trying to find out in the
survey that you will conduct – a simple statement will do)

d) Methodology
 Discuss the method that you have chosen to select your sample from your target
population. For simplicity, use Simple Random Sampling or Systematic random
 Describe the data collection activity itself (interviews and surveys) and why this
specific form of data collection was chosen.
 Provide details about the activity: how many interviews, how long they took, where
they took place, how many questions asked in a survey, and how many respondents.
 Explain how you employed your data collection activity, for example: how you
chose who to interview, how and why you selected survey respondents.

e) Analysis
 Discuss the preliminary analysis of your data. You will have to do this by analyzing
the responses that you have obtained from your primary survey.
 Use MS Excel to generate descriptive statistics for any quantitative data that you
have collected and explain what you infer from the descriptive statistics that you
have generated.
 Use two forms of graphical analysis to represent your data.
 Discuss your findings by answering your objectives that you had stated earlier.

f) Conclusion
 The conclusion is the last, which summarizes the whole paper and explain its main
 Through conclusion, you are able to remind your readers your key points.
 Do not repeat your ideas in the exact same way as in the body. This time, you do
not need to support each statement. Just provide a brief overview of key points, and
make sure that you do not add any new details in the conclusion.

g) Bibliography

h) Appendices
 Attach your questionnaires/surveys/interview sheets that were answered by
respondents in the hard copy of your assignment.

*The End*

Marking Guide


[5 Marks] Identify the issue
1 [4 Marks] Give background information
[3 Marks] Literature Review
[1 Mark] Outline of the paper
2 Objectives Outlined

[5 Marks] Discussion on methods used to conduct
3 research
[5 Marks] Right research tools or sources used to
conduct research.
[5 Marks] Thorough discussion of the findings
4 [10 Marks] Use of correct data, tables or graphs and
use of MS Excel.

[2 Marks] Summary of the main issue / findings 3
[1 Marks] Policy suggestions if required

6 [3 Marks] Proper referencing style
[2 Marks] Adequate references used for research
Total 50 [10%]


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