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the way they are raised

LEARNING PRINCIPLES C. the alignment of the stars
LET REVIEW D. the cultural expectations of the society

1. Which is NOT included in the developmental 12. Train up a child in the way he should be; when
tasks of adolescents? he grows up, he will not depart from it. Which
a. Achieving emotional independence principle supports this?
b. Preparing for an economic career A. Development is determined by his heredity
c. Achieving mature relations with both sexes B. Development is determined by the environment
d. Starting a family C. Early development is more critical than the late
2. "Learning to get along with age-mates" is part of D. Early development is less critical than late
what developmental stage? development.
A. Middle Childhood C. Early Adulthood
B. Adolescence D. Middle Adulthood 13. The "nurture" argument contends that humans
act and interact in particular ways because of
3. In which developmental tasks stage do people _________.
adjust to retirement and reduced income? A. the way they are born
A. Adolescence C. Middle Adulthood B. the way they are raised
B. Early Adulthood D. Late Adulthood C. the alignment of the stars
D. the cultural expectations of the society
4. In which developmental tasks stage do people
begin to develop abstract thinking and logic? 14. An example of a genetic factor that affects
A. Prenatal C. Early childhood human growth would be:
B. Infancy D. Adolescence A. parent's height
B. gender
5. Which of the following is FALSE about Human C. Skin color
development? D. all of these
A. Development is multidirectional
B. Development is a lifelong process 15. All of the following are traits gained through
C. Development involves gain and no loss environment EXCEPT
D. Development is universal and context-specific A. Religious preferences
B. Enjoying reading
6. Identical twins are orphaned and raised C. Blood type
separately, by their relatives with different socio- D. Using kitchen utensils.
economic statuses. After ten years, there was a
difference in their academic performance. 16. Which of the following best describes an
What explains this difference? inherited trait?
A. Difference in nature A. Anything that is learned and not a reflex or
B. Difference in nurture instinct; an example is learning to eat with a spoon.
C. Difference in heredity B. a group of items belonging to the same kind and
D. Difference in intelligence having the same scientific name or traits
C. distinguishing characteristic (quality, appearance,
7. Which of the following most relates to the nature- or trait) of a person or group unique from others
nurture issue? D. a genetically inherited feature or one that is
A. parents and peers passed down from generation to generation;
B. culture and norms includes characteristics you are born with, including
C. genes and environment your eye and hair colors.
D. DNA and chromosomes
17. Nature is most important in the development of
8. Which factor affecting biological and physical which of the following?
development refers to the genetic transmission of A. Intelligence
physical features from parents to offspring. B. Genetic traits
A. Heredity C. Political choice
B. Environment D. Art appreciation.
C. Nutrition
D. Geographical Influences 18. Nurture seems to be most important in the
development of which of the following?
9. The "nature" argument contends that humans act A. Genetic traits
and interact in particular ways because of B. Mutations or abnormality
________. C. Environmental factors
A. the way they are born D. Physics
B. Children were innately good or evil; they could
19. Which is a characteristic of Infancy and develop in any number of directions depending on
Toddlerhood? their own experiences.
A. Physical growth slows down C. Children were innately good, of that they were
B. Active development of fine and gross motor born with an intuitive understanding of right and
skills wrong
C. Peak sensory abilities D. none of the above
D. Sense of attachment
27. Which of the following is Jean-Jacques
20. Children are able to refine the movement of Rousseau's view of human nature?
their muscles. What period of development is. this? A. Children were inherently selfish and evil. It was
A. Infancy and Toddlerhood. society's task to control their selfish and aggressive
B. Early Childhood impulses and to teach them in positive ways
C. Middle Childhood B. Children were innately good or bad; they could
D. Adolescence develop in any number of directions depending on
their own experiences.
21. This involves the use of prior knowledge and C. Children were innately good, of that they were
past experiences. born with an intuitive understanding of right and
A. fluid intelligence. wrong
B. crystallized intelligence. D. none of the above
C. Solid intelligence
D. Soft intelligence 28. Which statement explains the tabula rasa theory
of socialization the best?
22. Which type of intelligence involves problem- A. Anyone can change who they are if they have a
solving skills? fresh start.
A. Fluid intelligence. B. Each newborn child has the potential to do
B. Crystallized intelligence. anything or be Anyone based on their
C. Solid intelligence surroundings and experiences.
D. Soft intelligence C. Although Nurture plays a vital role, Nature and
genetics set the foundation and limit any
A 23. Which type of intelligence declines with age? child's abilities from birth.
A. Fluid intelligence D. Nature and Nurture play equal roles in the
B. Crystallized intelligence socialization of an individual.
C. Solid intelligence
D. Soft intelligence 29. John and Jane were twins; however, they grew
up in different countries. After several years, John
24. What is the correct sequence of prenatal stages Doe excelled in athletics while Jane excelled
of development? academically. What developmental issue reflects
A. embryo, terminal, fetus this?
B. terminal, fetus embryo A. Universal
C. Germinal, embryo, fetus B. Nature
D. Embryo, fetus, germinal C. Continuity
D. Context specific

25. Which of the following is Thomas Hobbes' view 30. After working, in marketing, Angela went back
of human nature? to college at the age of 40. She earned her nursing
A. Children were inherently selfish and bad. It was degree because she always wanted to help people.
society's task to control their selfish and aggressive She said, "You're never too old to leam something
impulses and to teach them in positive ways new." What principle of development is this?
B. Children are innately good or evil; they could A. Development continues throughout life.
develop in any number of directions depending on B. Developmental skills build on earlier learning.
their own experiences. C. Development occurs in a sequence of milestones,
C. Children were innately good, of that they were or stages, that can be predicted.
born with an intuitive understanding of right and D. Development proceeds at different rates for
wrong everyone.
D. none of the above
31. During infancy, the greatest growth always
26. Which of the following is John Locke's view of occurs at the top - the head - with physical growth
human nature? in size, weight and future differentiation gradually
A. Children were inherently selfish and bad. It was working its way down from top to bottom.
society's task to control their selfish and aggressive This is what we called as....
impulses and to teach them in positive ways A. cephalocaudal trend
B. ontological trend D. All of the above
C. proximodistal trend
D. uniformity trend 40. In language development, during seven (7)
months of age, which of the following is an
32. How children start to understand who they are, example of babbling?
what they are feeling and what to expect when A. "ba-du-ba-du"
interacting with others refers to... B. "da-ba-da
A. cognitive development. C. "da-da-da-da"
B. language development D. "all of the above”
C. physical and motor development
D. socio-emotional development 41. In language development, during the one-word
stage, if children say, "up," "down," "gimme",
33. Cephalocaudal and proximodistal trend are they mean to...
applicable in the sphere of... A. express emotions
A. cognitive development B. name objects
B. language development C. refuse
C. physical and motor development D. request a desired action
D. socio-emotional development
42. In language development, during the one-word
34. The process through which children acquire the stage, if children say, "uh-oh," "bad", they mean
ability to process speech and communicate refers to...
to... A. express emotions
A. cognitive development B. name objects
B. language development C. refuse
C. physical and motor development D. request a desired action
D. socio-emotional development
43. This process; according to Piaget, is the defining
35. In socio-emotional development, the following point to which the child shifts from one stage of
are considered complex emotions EXCEPT... thought to another. This occurs when the child
A. Envy comes to organize new and conflicting information
B. Guilt to his or her old schema.
C. Happiness A. Accommodation
D. Shame B. Assimilation
C. Equilibration
36. In socio-emotional development, during infancy, D. Decentration
the child...
A. feels the start of stranger anxiety 44. When small children call all animals "dogs",
B. interacts by smiling, crying, babbling and cooing what process is illustrated based on Piaget's
C. develops self-awareness cognitive development theory?
D. learns to show autonomy A. Accommodation
B. Assimilation
37. In socio-emotional development, at two (2) C. Centration
years, the child... D. Conservation
A. feels the start of strarger anxiety
B. interacts by smiling, crying, babbling and cooing 45. The child's father explains how a lion is
C. develops self-awareness different from a tiger; a tiger is generally physically
D. learns to show autonomy larger than a lion. Now the child correctly says
"lion" when she sees one, showing she has adjusted
38. In socio-emotional development, at the early her schema. This is an example of...
childhood, the child... A. accommodation
A. feels the start of stranger anxiety B. assimilation
B. interacts by smiling, crying, babbling and cooing C. centration
C. develops self-awareness D. conservation
D. learns to show autonomy
46. A child has recently watched a Santa Claus
39. In language development, which of the movie. He sees a man at the grocery store with a
following is TRUE during pre-birth? white, curly beard and says, "Santal Santa!" This is
A. Human ear begins to function at the 1st trimester. an example of...
B. They can make well-defined distinction between A. accommodation
their mother's voice and others. B. assimilation
C. Unborn infants cannot discriminate speech C. centration
sounds from non-speech sounds. D. conservation
C. pre-operational stage. During this stage, Eyan
47. Kiştler believes that, just like him, his mother develops the ability of transformation.
wanted to receive a toy robot as a Christmas D. sensorimotor stage. During this stage, Evan
present. He is demonstrating... displays behavior with a particular purpose
A. Classification in mind
B. Conservation
C. Egocentrism 54. When a baby realized that a rubber duck which
D. Reversibility has fallen out of the tub must be somewhere on the
floor, here is likely to achieve what aspect of
48. Christine understands that her deflated ball is cognitive development?
not gone but can be filled with air again and put A. object permanence
back into play. This is referred to as... B. deferred imitation
A. Animism C. mental combinations
B. Classification D. goal-directed behavior
C. Reversibility
D. Transformation 55. According to Piaget's stages of cognitive
49. A pre-school girl asserts that two rows of five development, between ages 12 and 15 children
coins similarly spaced have equal amounts; but reach formal operational stage. What are they
when one row is spread out so that it is longer than capable of doing at this day
the other, she says it has more coins. Based on A. can.focus on only one aspect of a situation or
Piaget's theory, which ability sher lacks? event
A. centration B. can solve abstract problems and thank
B. conservation deductively
C. goal-directed behavior C. can reason inductively or deductively
D. reversibility D. can do multitasking

50. Molly can use the foil method in solving 56. At the preoperational stage of Piaget cognitive
equations without writing it out. What stage of development, the child can see only his point of
cognitive development is she in? view and assumes that everyone also has his same
A. Concrete operational point of view. What is this tendency called?
B. Formal operational A. Animism
C. Pre-operational B. Conserve
D. Sensorimotor C. Egocentrism
D. transductive reasoning
51. John and his son are playing peek-a-boo. His
son is amazed every time his vision is blocked and 57. Piagetian task state the thinking becomes more
then unblocked. What stage of cognitive logical and abstract as children reach the formal
development is he in? operation stage. Which is an educational implication
A. Concrete operational of this finding?
B. Formal operational. A. engage children in analogical reasoning as early
C. Pre-operational as preschool to train the mind for higher order
D. Sensorimotor thinking skills
B. Expect hypothetical reasoning from learners
52. Upon overhearing his mother mention that "it is between 12 to 15 years of age
difficult for a woman to make it to the top of a large C. learners who are not capable of logical reasoning
corporation", Rudolph asks, "why she can't just take from ages 8 to 11 lag behind in their cognitive
the elevator"? What stage of cognitive development development
is he in? D. let children be children
A. Concrete operational
B. Formal operational 58. Teresa groups tamarind, santol, and kamias, and
C. Pre-operational ppmwlp together.
D. Sensorimotor A. Concrete operational
B. Formal operational
53. Evan doesn't believe that a pound of feathers is C. Pre-operational
the same as a pound of bricks. Which of the D. Sensorimotor
following is TRUE about Evan? He is in the...
A. concrete operational stage. During this stage, 59. In Bronfenbrenner's ecological systems theory,
Evan develops logical thinking, but he what is the chronosystem?
cannot understand abstract ideas. A. The individuals own characteristics and traits
B. formal operational stage. During this stage, Evan B. The culture and society in which the individual
is able to grasp abstract ideas. lives
C. The physical and social environment that A. Superego
surrounds the individual B. Preconscious
D. The dimension of time that affects all systems in C. Unconscious
the theory D. Conscious

60. How does the chronosystem influence an 68. Which of the following is the correct order of
individual's development in Bronfenbrenner's psychosexual stages proposed by Sigmund Freud?
ecological systems theory? A. oral stage, anal stage, phallic stage, latency stage,
A. By shaping an individual's culture and beliefs genital stage
B. By providing social and economic opportunities B. anal stage, oral stage, phallic stage, latency,
C. By creating changes and transitions over time genital stage
D. By providing immediate surroundings and C. oral stage, anal stage, genital stage, latency,
experiences phallic stage D. anal stage, oral stage, genital stage,
latency stage, phallic stage
61. If a child's parent and teacher views clash,
which system does this affect? 69. Which of the following will be Freud's
A. Microsystem description of the child's behavior if he has biting.
B. Exosystem sarcastic manner?
C. Mesosystem A. anal expulsive
D. Macrosystem B. anally retentive
C: fixated in the oral stage
62. Which system involves broad societal and D. experiencing the crisis of trust vs mistrust
cultural contexts?
A. Microsystem 70. What is Freud's idea about a young boy's guilt
B. Exosystem feelings brought about by jealousy of his father's
C. Mesosystem relationship with his mother?
D. Macrosystem A. Electra complex
B. Oedipus complex
63. Twelve-year-old Rio lives in a country with very C. Phallic
low governmental standards for public education. D. Penis envy complex
As a result, he is barely literate. The public policies
that impact Rio's Education are part of the 71. When a little girl who says she wants her mother
A. Macrosystem to go on vacation so that she can marry the father,
B. Microsystem Freud believed that she is voicing a fantasy
C, Chronosystem consistent with?
D. Mesosystem A. Oedipus complex
B. Electra complex
64. If you have to develop in the students a correct C. theory of mind
sense of right arid wrong, with which should you be D. crisis of initiative versus guilt
concerned according to Freud?
A. Id 72. A boy is closer to her mother and a girl is closer
B. Ego to her father. These instances are under
C. Super-ego and Ego A. Latent stage
D. Super-ego B. oedipal stage
C. Phallic stage
65. The id can be best described as having which of D. genital stage
the following statements as its motto?
A. Mom always liked you best 73. Andre is racist but has not revealed this due to
B. Do the right thing his belief that his family and friends would not
C. We can work it out accept his bigoted beliefs. Andre often accuses
D. If it feels good, do it others of being racist as a way to insult them.
A. Projection
66. The superego is Freud's term for B. Rationalization
A. The moral component of personality C. Sublimation
B. The biological impulses that drive our behavior D. Repression
C. The mediating agent between the other two
components of personality 74. Jane was sexually abused by her uncle when she
D. None of the above was three. Now, thirty years later, when Jane is
asked if she was abused, she answers "no", and
67. The thoughts, memories, and desires you have believes her answer to be truthful.
that you do not realize you have are in your A. Projection
awareness. B. Rationalization
C. Sublimation D. To protect the superego from anxiety
D. Repression
82. Which of the following is TRUE?
75. Jack' constantly feels aggressive throughout the A. The id is more powerful than the ego and
day and struggles to keep his emotions in check. His superego combined.
dad suggests he joins the football team so he can B. A defense mechanism is used unconsciously
tackle other players. C. Sigmund Freud is the proponent of moral
A. Projection development theory
B. Rationalization D. None of the above
C. Sublimation
D. Repression 83. The stages of Psychosocial development are
very relevant, highly regarded and meaningful
76. Arnold has a rough day at school where he's theory. The concept of trust vs mistrust is closely
reprimanded by his teacher for not having his most related to the works of
homework done. When he goes home, he walks past A: Sigmund Freud
his brother's room and yells, "turn down your B. Erik Erikson
stupid, annoying music!" C. Jean Piaget
A. Displacement D. Lawrence Kohlberg
B. Reaction formation
C. Sublimation 84. According to Freud's theory, either excessive
D. Denial gratification or excessive frustration of needs may
result in
77. Whenever Garry receives a "B" on an exam, she A. Overcompensation
goes to Gold's Gym and runs on the treadmill for an B. Regression
hour to work off her anger. C. Fixation
A. Displacement D. Defense Mechanisms
B. Regression
C. Sublimation 85. Student A is very aloof and cold in his
D. Denial relationships with classmates. Which basic goal
must have been attained by student A during his
78. While serving in Afghanistan, Andrei was development year according to Erikson's theory on
ordered by his commanding officer to set torch to a psychological development?
small, remote village. Years later after he has A. Autonomy
retired, Andrei has no memory of this event. B. Trust
A. Repression C. Initiative
B. Regression D. Generativity
C. Rationalization
D. Compensation 86. In what order do the three important goals
during childhood be attained according to Erikson?
79. Johnny is often beaten by his wife. Even though A. autonomy, initiative, trust
evidence is apparent on his body, he says she is not B. trust, autonomy, initiative
abusive.. C. initiative, trust, autonomy
A. Displacement D. autonomy trust initiative
B. Reaction formation
C. Sublimation 87. What is the best description of Erikson's
D. Denial psychosocial theory of human development?
A. eight crises all people are thought to lace
80. Mrs. Grey often accuses other women of talking B. for psychosocial stages in latency period
too much and spreading rumors. It is rather obvious C. the same number of stages as Freud's, but with
to those who know her that she is revealing her own different names
inclinations in that area. This is D. a stage theory That is not a psychoanalytic
a manifestation of which defense mechanism? 88. In Erikson's theory. what is the unresolved crisis
A. Reaction formation of an adult who has difficulty establishing a secure,
B. Denial mutual relationship with a life partner?
C. Sublimation A. initiative versus guilt
D. Projection B. autonomy vs shame and doubt
81. Which of the following is a purpose of defense C. intimacy vs isolation
mechanism? D. trust vs mistrust
A. To defend the Impulsive desires of the id.
B. To protect the ego from anxious feelings, 89. A child who is cold towards the people around
Including guilt. C. To help a person to physically him might have failed to attain what basic goal
defend themselves in a hazardous situation.
based on Erikson's theory on psychological D. Abstract conventional
A. Autonomy 97. People at this stage develop their own set of
B. Initiative moral guidelines that may or not fit into the law.
C. Mistrust Things like human rights, justice, and equality are
D. Trust most important even if they have to go against
society and have to face consequences.
90. Gontrary to Freud's concept that the primary A. Pre-conventional level
motivation in human behavior is sexual in nature B. Conventional level
Erikson is in nature C. Post conventional
A. Biological D. Abstract conventional
B. Culture
C. Physical 98. Congressman Graham declared in front of his
D. Social aides: "if you are going to do o something wrong,
just make it a point not to be caught...and don't
91. If a child struggles to do well in school, what forget my share". The congressman's moral
problem might emerge? stage may likely be in
A. Struggle with feelings of inferiority A. Pre-conventional
B. Experience a sense of guilt B. Post conventional
C. Develop a poor self-identity C. Conventional
D. Begin to mistrust the people around him D. Between conventional and post conventional

92. If a child is good because they want to avoid 99. Sharevil has developed object permanence.
punishment, which stage are the students in? She...
A. Pre-conventional level A. cries when a wanted object is taken away
B. Conventional level B. is attached to specific objects, such as a blanket
C. Post conventional C. knows that an object exists even if it is not in
D. Non-conventional view
D. will see all objects as being the same
93. In this stage, the child is aware of wider rules of
society. At this point, a student is good because of 100. Kistler believes that, just like him, his mother
what society says. wanted to receive a toy robot as a Christmas
A. Pre-conventional level present. He is demonstrating...
B. Conventional level A. Classification C. Egocentrism
C. Post conventional B. Conservation D. Reversibility
D. Non-conventional
101. Christine understands that her deflated ball is
94. People at this stage develop their own set of not gone but can be filled with air again and put
moral guidelines that may or not fit into the law. back into play. This is referred to as...
Things like human rights, justice, and equality are A. Animism C. Reversibility
most important even if they have to go against B. Classification D. Transformation
society and have to face consequences.
A. Pre-conventional level
B. Conventional level 102. A pre-school girl asserts that two rows of five
C. Post conventional coins similarly spaced have equal amounts; but
D. Non-conventional when one row is spread out so that it is longer than
95. Student B obeys her parents and teachers due to the other, she says it has more coins. Based on
fear of punishment. According to Kohlberg's theory, Piaget's theory, which ability she lacks?
she belongs to: A. Centration
A. Pre-conventional level B. Conservation
B. Conventional level C. goal-directed behavior
C. Post conventional D. reversibility
D. Non-conventional
103. In the context of education, what does the term
96. Teachers advise students to act appropriately by "scaffolding" refer to?
abiding by the morals and values of their parents, A. Providing support to help learners reach higher
elders, and teachers. Which level of Kohlberg's levels of understanding
Moral Development Theory corresponds to this B. Assessing students' prior knowledge
teacher's actions? C. Delivering information through multimedia
A. Pre-conventional level D. Testing the retention of learned material
B. Conventional level
C. Post conventional
104. Which of the following is an example of a
developmentally appropriate practice for
A. Lecture-style instruction
B. Repetitive worksheets
C. Play-based leaming activities
D. Independent reading assignments

105. According to Howard Gardner's theory of

multiple intelligences, which intelligence focuses on
sensitivity to others' moods, feelings, and
A. Linguistic
B. Logical-mathematical
C. Interpersonal
D. Intrapersonal

Answer key

1. D 24. C 45. A 66. A 87. A

2. A 25. A 46. B 67. B 88. C
3. D 26. D 47. C 68. A 89. D
4. D 27. C 48. C 69. C 90. D
5. C 28. B 49. B 70. B 91. A
6. B 29. D 50. A 71. B 92. A
7. C 30. A 51. D 72. C 93. B
8. A 31. A 52. C 73. A 94. C
9. A 32. B 53. C 74. D 95. A
12. B 33. C 54. A 75. C 96. B
13. B 34. B 55. B 76. A 97. C
14. D 35. C 56. C 77. C 98. A
15. C 36. a/b 57. B 78. A 99. C
16. D 37. d 58. C 79. D 100. C
17. B 38. c 59. D 80. D 101. C
18. C 39. c 60. C 81. B 102. B
19. B 40. D 61. C 82. B 103. A
20. B 41. D 62. D 83. B 104. C
21. B 42. A 63. A 84. C 105. C
22. A 43. A 64. Bonus 85. B 106.
23. A 44. B 65. B 86. B

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