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Manuel G.

Araullo High School

MAPEH Learning Activity Sheet

TOPIC: Intentional Injuries

Intentional injuries are injuries resulting from violence. It can be divided into
two: self-inflicted and assault.
Self-inflicted is when a person harms herself / himself on purpose while
assault is when a person harm another on purpose.
Suicide and parasuicide are intentional injuries that are self-inflicted but has
different purpose.

Assault has four classifications depending on the attacker / assailant:

1. those who were committed within the family
2. those who were committed by peers
3. those who were committed other groups
4. those who were committed by the family, peers, or others group.

Below are the descriptions of some intentional injuries.

Suicide - the act Stalking – a pattern of behavior that
or an instance of makes you feel afraid, nervous,
taking one's own harassed or
life voluntarily in danger.
and intentionally
Parasuicide - a range of behaviors Knowing
involving deliberate self-harm that your
may or may not be intended to result schedule,
in death. sending
gifts, calling or texting repeatedly

Domestic Violence – an act that Extortion – an act that use force of

includes physical assault, sexual threats to force people to hand over
abuse and verbal by any family their money or properties on favors. It
member. can happen outside or near schools.
Physical abuse A person may only suffer from the
- Hitting, fear of harm if he/she gives in to the
pushing, demand of the one who extorts
shoving, etc.
Sexual abuse –
Unwanted or
forced sexual activity
Verbal abuse – name-calling, oral
language, gestured language, and
written language directed to a victim
Bullying – an Kidnapping – taking away or
unwanted forcefully moving a person against
aggressive his/her will and holding them in
behavior that unjust captivity. The act is usually
repeatedly done done for getting a monetary reward,
over time. ransom or getting some sort of benefit
Verbal bullying - Teasing, name- from the person or the family.
calling, inappropriate comments
Social bullying – Telling other children
not to be friends, spreading rumors,
Physical bullying – Hitting, punching,
tripping, pushing
Verbal bullying – name-calling, oral
language, gestured language, and
written language directed to a victim
Cyber bullying – using social media,
mobile devices or electronic emails


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