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The skin is the body’s largest organ. It covers the entire body and it serves as a protective shield
against heat, light, injury and infection. The skin also:
 Regulates body temperature
 Stores water and fat
 Is a sensory organ
 Prevents entry of bacteria
 Acts as a barrier between the organism and its environment.
 Helps to make vitamin D when exposed to the sun.

Your skin takes on different thickness, color and texture all over your body. For example, your
head contains more hair follicles than anywhere else, but the sole of your feet have none. In
addition, the soles of your feet and the palms of your hands are much thicker than the skin on
other areas of your body.
The skin is made up of 3 layers. Each layer has certain functions:

1. Epidermis – the thin outer layer of the skin. It consists of 3 types of cells:

 Squamous cells – the outermost layer that continuously shed is called

the stratum corneum
 Basal cells – are found just under the squamous cells, at the base of
the epidermis and make melanin. This gives the skin its color.

2. Dermis – the middle layer of the skin. Dermis is held together by a protein
called collagen. This layer also gives skin flexibility, strength and contains
pain and touch receptors. It also consists the following:

 Blood vessels
 Lymph vessels
 Hair follicles
 Sweat glands
 Collagen bundles
 Fibroblasts
 Nerves
 Sebaceous glands

3. Subcutaneous fat layer or Hypodermis – is the deepest layer of skin. It

consist of a network of collagen and fat cells. It helps conserve the body’s
heat and protects the body from injury by acting as a shock absorber.

What is facial?
 Facial is one of the best ways to take care of your skin. It exfoliates and nourishes the skin,
promoting a clear, well-hydrated complexion and can help your skin look younger.

Basic Facial Treatments with Infusion of nutrients (Facial Mask)

 Anti-acne facial - (with anti-acne mask or seaweed mask). Acne Facial is an alternative
treatment designed to treat the root cause of acne with minimal side effects. Acne facials
focus primarily on extractions for blocked pores. The extraction process releases any
excess build-up of oil and cleans out dirt that might be clogging up your pores.
 Collagen facial – (24k Gold mask) Collagen facial is a treatment designed to restore the
depleted collagen in your face and rejuvenate your skin. It will also slow down the aging
process by replenishing your body’s natural proteins through external applications.
 Anti-aging facial – (Korean rubber mask or 24k Gold Mask) Anti-aging facials use product
and techniques designed to slow the aging process, brighten skin and reduce wrinkles.


Step 1: Cleansing – gently washed the face using water then facial cleanser/ foam
Step 2: Exfoliate – (facial scrub) removes dead skin cells allowing the healthier layer to come out
Step 3: Steaming – (steaming cream) soften the skin by using facial steamer (5-10mins)
Step 4: Extraction – (Toner) Vacuum the face area then remove the visible comedones by pricking
Step 5: Infusion of Nutrients – (Facial Mask) Step 1-5 is the f\basic facial procedure, Step 6 if the
clients wants to have add on their services such as Anti-acne facial, Anti-aging etc.
Step 6: PDT – (Photod Therapy Light) Add on to services and Optional to client combined with
using mask cream
Step 7: High Frequency Laser – (Pore Closer) To close the pores after extractions
Step 8: Protecting – (Sunscreen with at least 30spf) Application of sunscreen

Diamond Peel is a mechanical exfoliation that removes excess oil, dirt and dead cells on the surface
of the skin to reveal younger and brighter skin.
This non-invasive treatment can improve the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles, even out patchy
complexion and reduce mild to moderate acne breakouts.

PRECAUTION: Avoid on burnt skin, wounds and or irritated areas and active acne

Who should get diamond peel treatment?

Both men and women of any age are qualified to undergo the treatment but with an exception for
those with active acne lesion, open skin or irritated but particularly recommended for those with
deep holes, acne scars and dark areas.


Step 1: Cleansing – gently washed the face using water then facial cleanser/foam
Step 2: Exfoliate – (facial scrub) removes dead skin cells allowing the healthier layer to come out.
Step 3: Steaming – (steaming cream) soften the skin by using facial steamer (5-10mins)
Step 4: Extraction – (Toner) Vacuum the face area then remove the visible comedones by pricking
Step 5: Diamond Peel – Apply Diamond Peel Cream and leave it for 5mins then proceed to
microdermabrasion treatment
Step 6: PDT – (Photodynamic Therapy Light) Add on to services and Optional to client
Step 7: High Frequency Laser – (Pore Closer) To close the pores after extractions
Step 8: Protecting – (Sunscreen with at least 30spf) Application for sunscreen
Dissolves fat tissues through high frequency sound wave lengths thereby tightening the skin.
Lessen dark eye circles. Also best for face & body because ultrasound uses sound waves, it
is very safe and requires no surgical cutting to the skin. It virtually has no discomfort and no

 No metal object during treatment
 Apply enough HF gel/ RF Cream to prevent friction and dryness
 Avoid on burnt skin, wounds and irritated areas
 Start on low pressure then gradually raise as the session goes
 Do not concentrate in one area only


A galvanic procedure is as facial treatment involving the use of mild electric currents
consisting of positive and negative ions to stimulate, rejuvenate and redistribute energy
throughout the skin. It is used both on the face for anti-aging and on the body for cellulite.

How does Galvanic Skin Treatment work?

Treatment works by penetrating active ingredients into subcutaneous tissues of the skin with
the help of the direct galvanic current
Benefits of Galvanic Skin Treatment:

 Cleanses & Detoxifies the skin

 Promote Blood and oxygen flow
 Gives smooth and radiant skin
 Lift and tightens the skin
 Improves skin elasticity
 Keeps acne at bay
 No metal object during treatment
 Apply enough HF gel/ RF Cream to prevent friction and dryness
 Avoid on burnt skin, wounds and irritated areas
 Start on low pressure then gradually raise as the session goes
 Do not concentrate in one area only

A bio-skin lift procedure is as facial treatment involving the use of mild electric currents
consisting of combined two types of electromagnetic energy to achieve skin lifting and to
stimulate, rejuvenate and redistribute energy throughout the skin. It is used both on the face for
anti-aging and on the body for cellulite.

How does Bio-skin lift Treatment work?

Treatment works by penetrating active ingredients into subcutaneous tissues of the skin with
the help of the direct galvanic current
Benefits of Bio-skin lift Treatment:

 Cleanses & Detoxifies the skin

 Promote Blood and oxygen flow
 Gives smooth and radiant skin
 Lift and tightens the skin
 Improves skin elasticity
 Keeps acne at bay
Who are not allowed to take bio-skin lift treatment?
 Pregnant
 Have diabetes, high blood pressure, cardiovascular issues, epilepsy or spider veins
 Have pacemaker or metal implants or metallic dental fixtures inside the body
 Have undergone dental surgery or chemical peeling recently

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