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Skin problems

Skin problems
• The human skin have many kind of problems that the cosmetic products
and treatment can solve
• The trainee will understand what kind of skin problems are the most
• The trainee will understand how to treat with “Kedma” products in each
of the skin problem
Skin problems

What kind of skin problems do you know ?

Pigmentation Pimples Black Heads

Melisma Acne Wrinkles

Pores Stretch
• when melanin is layered under the skin because :lifestyle, hormones and over
exposure to the sun
• Melanin= pigment that is produced deep in the skin

• Once there is over production of the melanin, the skin will get too much pigment

• The pigmentation will appear as single spreaded spots

• Wide symmetrical spots
• Appear in: check area, center of the forehead, above the lip because of hormonal
changes that cause the liver to release an enzyme that encourages the production
of melanin
• If a pigmentation will not be treated it will develop to be a melisma
• More stubborn than Pigmentation
• Takes longer and deeper treatment to treat it.
Solution for Pigmentation / Melisma
Stimulation and peeling of the skin for skin renewal with new skin free of pigment
Suggested treatments with their ingredients that help stimulate and exfoliate the skin :
• Basic treatment :
Facial Peel+ Intensive Night Cream(vitamin C) for the first layer of the skin

• Silver package:
will light the pigmentation, works on the 2nd layer. start cleaning with Toner(vitamin B3)
Continue with the Sauna Mask(zeolite + vitamin C), Lifting Serum(vitamin A), Collagen
Mask(vitamin C) and Eye Cream(vitamin C)

• 24K Gold:
will minimized the pigmentation from the deepest layer of the skin
Gold Toner, Serum, cream(vitamin A+C).
• Tiny openings in the skin, Takes care of the oil and sweat
• Sweat helps the kidneys kill active ingredients and keeps the body temperature
• Skin contains approximately 300,000 small pores
• Too much oil on the face causes large pores in the forehead, cheeks, on the sides
of the nose and chin.
• after the age of 23 the skin loses its elasticity and becomes less firm.
The pores then become more visible.
Solution for big pores

• Gentle peeling – (Facial Peel). Removal of dead cells cleans and releases the pore,
allowing the fat to remove the oil the skin contain
• Soften the skin with Restoring Day Cream(Lactic Acid) Lactic Acid= remove
dead cells and polish the skin.
• Clean the blocked pores with skin toner\Cleanser\Mud Soap (lactic acid), large
pores easily absorb dirt and makeup.
• Pore shrinking mask, Sauna Mask(Kaolin) so that the cleaned pores will not
remain large.
• A natural bacteria in the skin.
• In acne the pores become like a bottleneck, the oil and dirt are stuck in the
skin, causing inflammation)Viêm) and white heads.
• Most of the problem in acne occurs when the pimples are popped and the
bacteria infects other areas on the face.
• It penetrates below the skin and becomes a red head.
• 60% of the inflammation is beneath the skin.
• Its impossible to pop pimple because it is under the skin.
• A pimple is a small spot part of the Acne problem
• Pimples develop when milk glands(tuyến sữa), or oiliness, become stuck
and infect inside the pores , leading to swollen(Sưng), red spot filled with

• Pimples most often affect the face, back, chest, and shoulders
Because there are many milk glands(tuyến sữa) in these areas of skin
Solution for acne / pimples
• Destroy the bacteria that spreads on the face and causes the acne
• Reduce the oiliness from the skin

• A simple solution will start with Black Mud products: Purifying Mud Mask, Active
Mud Mask, Black Mud Soap.
• Continue the treatment with the basic line of products: Facial Peel(vitamin C)
Night Cream(vitamin C+ Peptides), Skin Toner(vitamin B3).
• Next step is Sauna Mask(vitamin C) ,part of the silver treatment.
Black Heads

• Blackheads are the irritated(bị kích thích) holes that

appear on the skin and frequently trigger pimples,
which cause the skin to appear dirty and uneven

• Blackheads are considered as the most easy level of

Solution for black heads
• Combination of: #opening the pores #gentle peeling #mud mask to treat
skin infection and take out blackheads from the skin:
• Start with the Facial Peel( Collagen)
• Sauna Mask(Kaolin) as part of the natural botox
• Active Mud Mask
• Collagen Mask to improve the look of the skin.

How do wrinkles form?

• With time, the skin’s volume goes down like a balloon, and wrinkles appear
• The effect of aging on outer layer: skin become thinner, the amount of collagen and
elastin gets lower, the fat cells are lower. These changes cause the skin to become
loose and wrinkled.
• Also the
Collagen pores that
= protein in the skinthe
builds become larger
skin and butthe
bones, themost
body is producing
common protein less
in theoil.
human body
Together with the decrease in sweat, it creates dry skin.
Collagen also contain:
Elastin= determines the elasticity of collagen
Hyaluronic acid =absorbs fluids from the body, creates fatter look in the skin like a baby’s
Solution for wrinkles
Specific ingredients that help are: collagen, elastin, hyaluronic acid and peptides
(encourage collagen, elastin and hyaluronic acid production)

• Basic set: Facial Peel(Elastin), Restoring Day Cream(collagen), Night

Cream(Peptides), Purifying Mud Mask(Elastin)
• Silver package: Collagen Mask, Lifting Serum(Vitamin A), Sauna Mask(Jojoba
oil), Eye Cream(Aloe-Vera extract).
• 24K gold: will ensure results for the longest term Gold Facial Toner, Gold Facial
Serum, Gold Facial Cream(elastin)
• Gems Collection will provide elastin for the skin.
Stretch Marks

• Stretch marks happen when your body grows quickly for any reason
Your skin can’t stretch enough to keep up

• Collagen is a protein that makes your skin more elastic.

If your skin doesn’t have enough, the marks may show up as it stretches
Solution of stretch marks
• RF (radiofrequency) machine Treatment- uses heat to rejuvenate your skin.
It is a heating device that creates radiofrequency waves. These waves heat the
skin tissues, tricking your body into thinking that it is injured. As a result,
your body sends growth factors and collagen to the ‘injured’ tissues. When
your skin produces more collagen, the area becomes tight, and wrinkles

• 24k gold body butter(Vitamin E) stimulates cells growth of the skin,

creating firm skin cells. Rich in antioxidant E that nourishes the skin and
reduces the formation of free radicals.
• The purpose of this information given to you is not for you to customize
products to the problem of the client.

• Learn and understand well enough the skin problem so you can explain to
every client hoe every product you are trying to sale will help her specific

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