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Salvador, Kyla G.


3 Week Fitness Tracker

Week 1(April 1 – 7, 2024)

Food Intake Calorie Physical Activity Burned-Calorie
Equivalent Equivalent
Sunday 4 cups of rice 764 20 secs. High steps 952
Meat stew -30 sec. Jumping jack
Green bean -60 mountain climbers
1500ml water -60 standing bicycle crunches
-2 mins plank
1 cup of coffee
- 40 sit ups
-40 russian twist, each side
-40 bicycle crunches
-40 side bridge
-44 reverse cruch
-40 heel touch
- 60 obliques twist
-40 crunches
1 min side plank left and right
20 mins walk
Monday 1 cup coffee with 1697 20 secs jumping jack 207
rice 60 secs cruch kicks
1 cup juice 30 cross arm crunches
Chicken 40 russian twist
2 bowl of rice 52 Mountain climber
Halo halo 16 heels to the heaven
Barbecue 60 secs plank
water 30 secs bent leg twist
30 secs cobra
30 secs lying swing legs
left anf right

Tuesday 55 grams canton 1897 20 secs jumping jumps 218

2 bowl of rice 32 long arm crunches
Stir fry sardines 32 cross arm crunches
473ml water 32 heel touch
Fried egg 30 secs flutter kicks
24 superman
60 secs plank
30 bent leg twist
20 secs seated abs
cloclwise circles
20 sec seated counter
clockwise circles
30 secs cobras
30 secs lying swing legs
left and right
Wednesday 1 cup of coffee 1391 20 secs jumping jacks 211
Siomai rice 60 secs crunch kicks
juice 32 Long arm crunches
3 proven 44 russian twist
2 sunny side up 32 clapping crunches
egg 30 reverse crunch
water 60 secs plank
snacks 30 secs bent leg twist
30 secs cobra
30 secs lying swing legs
left anf right

Thursday Tocino 996 20 mins walk 150

Chicken 50 push ups
2 cups rice
1 cup milo

Friday Sandwich 1560 20 secs jumping jacks 214

1 bowl of noodles 52 mountain climbers
2 bowl Rice 32 heel touch
Softdrinks 10 heels to heaven
Fried chicken 32 clapping crunches
Juice 24 swimmer and superman
Water 30 reverse crunch
60 secs plank
30 secs bent leg twist
30 secs cobra
30 secs lying swing legs
left anf right
18 mins walk

Saturday water 1310 20 secs jumping jumps 271

32 cross arm crunches
44 russian twist
30 secs flutter kicks
20 side leg raise left and
60 secs plank
30 bent leg twist
20 secs seated abs
cloclwise circles
20 sec seated counter
clockwise circles
30 secs cobras
30 secs lying swing legs
left and right
Resting Heart
Blood Pressure Age Weightt

First Week 72 119/82 24 59.3

Second week 68 116/81 24 58.5
Final Week

Narrative of your Fitness journey from day 1 up to the final of April. (200 words)

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