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QUIZ 1: Short analysis on the Cogon market and its surroundings in terms of the quality of its urban

The arrangement of Cogon Market is in a grid pattern with buildings adjacent to each other that
is in walkable distance. Each street block has an adequate area for a market however there is an
inadequate space planning and programming given that the population density in the area does not
equate to the given space making it crowded. It also has no green spaces that would serve as a catchment
for urban heat and will serve as a leisure park for individuals.

The area is mainly use for commercial purposes given that it has market, stalls and shopping
establishments. It caters to the public needs of the people therefore it expected that there would be a
flock of population especially during important seasons. There is a little to less mixed-used establishment
within the area.

There is a planning problem it terms of the circulation of vehicles and proper pedestrian
passageway such as crossings and sidewalks. The roads within the area are designated jeepney routes
however private vehicles are also catered, creating traffic congestion in the area. Improper jeepney/public
vehicles drop-off areas which can also affect the traffic flow the vehicles.

An issue when it comes to safety and security in the area also arises given that there are a little to
no sidewalk to cater the pedestrians in the area. There is also a problem in terms of the placement of the
crosswalks endangering the pedestrians upon crossing. At night, there are only a little functioning
streetlight in the area making it prone to different crimes and harassment.

When it comes hygiene factors, improper waste disposal in the area in the area can be observed
because of the scattered trash present along the streets or food stalls and it also has problem in terms
of odor control mitigation which concerns the health of both the public and the vendors.

All these factors, affect the current status of Cogon Market as well as the experience of the
pedestrian using and passing through the area. The area faces different challenges that relates to space
management, transportation, safety, and hygiene. Addressing these issues would require a concrete and
comprehensive collaboration of the experts on different fields along with community engagement to
create a livable and sustainable environment.

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