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Name: John Christian G. Gripon Section: BSIT 202 Date: APRIL 24, 2024

Character Mapping

Directions: Label the man drawn below based on the discussed traits and virtues a leader must have.
Afterward, on the bottom part of the paper, create a short conclusion as to how the character you made
can be an effective leader. Your output will be graded using the rubric that follows.

Traits of a Good Leader Virtues as Foundations of Leadership

1. Knowledge 1. Justice

2. Integrity 2. Prudence

3. Bearing 3. Temperance

4. Decisiveness 4. Fortitude

5. Tact 5. Loyalty

6. Dependability 6. Industry

7. initiative 7. Responsibility

8. Justice 8. Cheerfulness

9. Enthusiasm 9. Generosity

10. Courage 10. Magnanimity

11. Endurance

12. Unselfishness

A leader is someone who can see how things can be improved and who rallies people to
move toward that better vision, stated by Morgan, Jordan in join statement of Ward, Susan,
“Leadership is the art of motivating a group of people to act toward achieving a common goal”.
According to Larson, Sandra “An effective leader is a person with a passion for a cause that is
larger than they are”. A good leader and leadership comprise of the traits and virtues mentioned
above, leader’s knows what is the right thing to do with clear decisions and initiative to apply it
and do tasks while conquering difficulties and challenges. The traits and virtues above will help
the leaders to be confident in their actions with pleasing personality. Leader represents good
characteristics and values to make positive and life-giving impact to the group or society, with
this, it will surely help to be an effective and successful leader. It will inspire goodwill, improved
work and better vision in others because they themselves act and do things with those traits and
03 Activity 1 *Property of STI
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