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Another aspect of education is the personal characteristics and skills of the trainer.

Educator, at work

To be successful, one must have certain physical, mental and emotional characteristics and

must improve its features. First of all, when speaking to participants at a training

The trainer must also pay close attention to himself. Because:

It is in the middle. Everyone is looking at the trainer. Ability to express what they want to say

He/she should pay close attention to his/her body language, clothing and behavior.

It sets an example. Trainer behavior after a successful, long training program

You'd be surprised to know how many people will copy your style of speaking and/or speaking.

He is responsible. The words he said, the actions he took and the messages he gave will be

and will be repeated from time to time. Make sure that these are the right words and the right

must be.

He is an educator, not a teacher. Behavior development and skills development

It is not just the transfer of information. This requires a different approach.

An educator must have improved himself in three dimensions and stood out in these aspects.

must. These:

a) Competence in the field (accumulation of knowledge and experience)

b) Teaching competence (platform skills)

c) Love for humanity, interest and sensitivity to participants, honesty, sincerity

In the absence of one or the other, it is educational; boring, superficial, inexperienced, inadequate,

with one or more adjectives such as arrogant, charlatan, despotic teacher, humble lecturer.

must be ready to be qualified.

Beyond that, a trainer must have some personal characteristics. These are the main

with titles:

physical fitness

Positive mental attitude, optimism

Ability to use voice effectively

Sufficient life and work experience

Reading and research habit

Participants are open and willing to learn

Being consistent with his words and actions

-Applying what he teaches

Healthy life and healthy eating habits

Having leadership skills

Behaving sincerely and sincerely with the participants. easy to fuse

Being calm and cool-headed, having the ability to cope with tension and stress

Keeping his word, not making promises he can't keep


one hundred

Time management skill

Creating high expectations and achieving them

Being understanding and respectful

Being extremely open and comfortable with communication and always acting honestly

Being at peace with himself and his environment

can be considered as. Undoubtedly, some of these are congenital and hereditary.

It can be argued that there are features However, the majority of them develop over time, education
or special

It should be accepted that it can be improved with efforts.

What is acting? Acting, going into conscious schizophrenia

is the situation. Haluk Bilginer defined the art of acting objectively. The concept of "being" is the art
of acting

It has been accepted as the contemporary realistic acting theory. Stanislavski's theory of realistic
acting emerged scientifically at the beginning of the 20th century, and one of his students, Sonia
Moore, developed this theory further and brought it to the United States.

increasingly Eric Morris, Stella Adler, Lee Strasberg and Marlon

He influenced Brando and enabled them to switch from the concept of acting to the concept of
being. The realistic acting movement, the first examples of which were put forward in Russia, came
from the United States.

has spread around the world. It is a scientific theory accepted in many acting schools.

In Oğuz Adanır's work titled Meaning and Expression in Cinema

As he puts it, “Cinema actor, humanistic thought, emotion

and completely permeable, sensitive and reflective to behavior

He is a person who must have a structure. ” Adair continues:

“He is the person who, after determining which psychological problems he may encounter in which
situation, tries to convey to the audience the behaviors and thoughts most appropriate to the
context, using his skills. The actor is the living embodiment of the personality in a story.

To be spiritually free from all internal problems,

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It should have become transparent. Because such acting

Those who have this capacity have become among the most important actors of world cinema.
Because in this understanding of acting, the individual "ego" disappears at the moment of portraying
the personality.

disappears, almost destroying the player's own personality.

It needs to fit into the mold of the personality in the drama. Another

The moment he portrays the person, the actor is almost no longer himself. He is a person in the
drama. Acting is, in a sense, the backbone of cinema. Acting, which requires a lot of games and
strong attention, skill, intelligence and instincts,

It must be admitted that it is one of the most powerful professions.

Today, the actor is constantly intertwined with psychological and psychoanalytic concepts due to the
personalities he portrays. In order to be successful in acting, one must first

He must be able to transfer his world to that of the personality he portrays. This is a very difficult
task to achieve. ”

However, according to Nijat Özön, “The actor is

It is its most vibrant element.” Thinking and deciding, reacting, establishing relationships with others
in society, trying to survive

is an entity. His appearance and behavior, his play, are all visible in the image.

The actor realizes and portrays them.

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“Being” in the Art of Contemporary Realistic Acting

The first person to explain the concept of "being" in history was the one who lived in the 18th

French theater actor Dumessil. Dumessil states that the actor must forget himself on stage for a
moment, take on the character, get lost in this character and create incredible performances.

He claimed that he should be filled with emotions. And of this, all

He emphasized the extraordinary ability of the "natural actor" above all the efforts of systems and
even art. So, how is it defined in the 21st century? This is the state the actor is trying to achieve. Not
just while playing, but during the day

It is a behavioral reality that must exist twenty-four hours a day.

To “be” one must find what one feels and express it fully.

should. Inner experience must be allowed to flow from one impulse to another, including
distractions, interruptions, and interruptions, without rational regulation. To be,

It gives the player unpredictability. Usual

Inspiration and surprises appear that destroy expectations. It gives the audience an unwavering
sense of time, here and now for the first time.

It makes you believe that it is, because in a sense it really is. Eric

Morris defined the theory of being in this way. Dumessil's

It seems that the concept of being was formed three centuries ago. To give a simple example of this,
we constantly encounter

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Prank shows appear on television. There is a person or team that tells the joke, and there is also the
"victim". He is not aware of the situation he is in, and gives real reactions within the action he is in.
Rhythm is low,

high tempo or vice versa or continuing at the same level

A chain of activities occurs. Finally in the joke

confronts reality; an event occurs and you look at the camera and raise your hand

It is required to shake. This situation is a clear example of a state of complete unity. Because if the
victim had been aware of this joke, he would not have been able to react at that moment. At work

This is what it means to be. In order to move into being, the situation, event, rhythm, tempo,

chain activity, purpose, desire, vulnerability, choices, internal

awareness, external awareness, expectation, monologue, internal monologue

and what the concepts of emotional memory mean should be accepted. You cannot reach the state
of being without knowing what these concepts are and applying them.

Camera Acting

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