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Nimra Akram
Student of Media Studies, Sindh Madressatul Islam University,
Karachi, Pakistan
Purpose - The purpose of my paper is to check the impact of depression and anxiety on youngster
due to societal pressure, to assess the prevalence and severity of depression and anxiety among
youngsters due to academic, career, arranged marriages and economic.

Design/methodology - This was a random and survey based descriptive study. The data was
gathered through convenient sampling using google form. The questionnaire had closed ended
questions in order to make the data quantifiable. A total of 50 respondents completed the
questionnaire via online google forms. The questionnaire consisted of 30 questions designed to
evaluate the impact of depression and anxiety on youngsters due to societal pressures. Data were
recorded by google form database.

Findings – My findings represent that depression and anxiety are increasingly common among
youngsters, with factors such as academic pressures, societal expectations influencing their choices in
education, career, personal life. People are aware but unable to discuss openly and killing them slowly
internally that further lead to suicidal attempts. Seeking treatment or therapy for depression and
anxiety symptoms can significantly improve overall well-being.

Practical implications & Conclusion – Humans cannot escape from depression or anxiety or
societal pressures, nor can we distance ourselves from family, but we can mentally heal ourselves. For
this, we need to stick to our goals and endure people talks. Media may promote awareness through
media campaigns to eliminate mental health issues, encourages seeking help and changing mind-set or
thought. A balanced diet rich in nutrients, such as omega-3 fatty acids, antioxidants, and vitamins, can
support mental well-being and play a role in alleviating symptoms of depression and anxiety.
Incorporating whole foods like yogurt, fatty fish, fruits, vegetables, and whole grains may contribute
to a positive impact on mental health. Individuals have awareness should consult with psychologist.
Putting into nutshell, maintain a healthy diet, exercise regularly, stay busy, avoid getting involved in
gossip, and refrain from meddling in others' affairs.

Keywords: Depression, Anxiety, Societal Pressures, Mental Health, Depression and Anxiety,
Psychological Help
Depression and anxiety is defined as mental health conditions causes feeling of sadness, hopelessness,
nervousness and worry. Societal pressures, i.e. academic, career, arranged marriages and economic
pressures are being faced and are very common in youngsters especially age group of 15 to 25.
Mental health stands as a pivotal facet of human well-being, notwithstanding its frequent oversight
and societal stigmatization.

According to the World Health Organization (WHO), the incidence of mental health issues is
experiencing a concerning upward trajectory at an annual rate of 13%. This escalation underscores the
urgency of addressing mental health challenges on a global scale, necessitating comprehensive
strategies and resources to mitigate the impact of these issues and promote overall societal well-being.
Anxiety and depression, the most widespread mental health concerns globally, affect around 264
million and 280 million people, respectively. These high numbers underscore the pressing need for
effective strategies and global cooperation to address and mitigate the impact of these prevalent
conditions on a worldwide scale (Hull., 2022).

In Pakistan, societal pressures are deeply rooted in cultural expectations, where traditional norms
heavily influence individual choices. Striving for academic excellence, adhering to societal norms,
and conforming to familial expectations create significant stressors. The interplay of cultural,
religious, and societal values shapes a complex landscape of expectations, impacting the daily lives
and decisions of individuals. Balancing tradition and modernity, individuals often navigate a delicate
equilibrium in response to these societal pressures in Pakistan. The presence of depression among
university students could be attributed to multiple factors, including the pressure of achieving high
academic grades, financial stress, and personal challenges Bukhari & Khanam in (2015). Luni &
Ansari et al., (2009) explored the high incidence of depression in Pakistan, a developing country,
attributing it to issues such as unemployment, insecurity, gender discrimination, and economic

A. A. Gadit, from the Department of Psychiatry at Hamdard University Hospital in Karachi,

underscores the economic burden of depression in Pakistan. He notes that mental and behavioural
disorders, including depression, bipolar disorder, schizophrenia, epilepsy, alcohol and drug use
disorders, Alzheimer's, and other dementias, post-traumatic stress disorder, obsessive-compulsive
disorder, panic disorder, and primary insomnia, collectively impact around 450 million individuals.
Globally, mental illnesses affect approximately 12% of the population, significantly impacting the
lives of individuals and their families. The consequences include difficulties in focusing on work,
fulfilling responsibilities, and facing discrimination, ultimately necessitating various forms of support
from families to cope with the stigma associated with mental illness.

The absence of a comprehensive government policy addressing mental health issues contributes to the
growing rates of depression. In Pakistan, numerous non-governmental organizations (NGOs) are
actively engaged in the mental health sector (Ganatra, 2008). Given the significant impact of mental
illnesses on the majority of the youth, who constitute the backbone of the nation, it is imperative for
the government to take notice. Allocating budgetary resources and providing facilities to the health
sector should be prioritized to fulfil the responsibility of addressing mental health challenges on a
broader scale (Anwar H., 2106).

Literature Review
Depression and anxiety correlate to each other however depression seems a critical situation in case of
facing by any individual that may lead to death. Both the depression and anxiety have been referred as
the common cold of mental illness (Turnbull, 1991) also defined as a social problem in history. It is
stated that when the individual is young, he / she faces many changes in their life, i.e. emotional,
economic, educational, social and behaviour that further results a major impact in their personality. It
impacts student academic performance that leads to low grades because of having symptoms of
mental health (Wechsler, et al., 2000). A research conducted by World Mental Health in different 17
countries about 1 in 20 subjects reported having an episode of depression or anxiety. The mental
health disorders mostly develop at a young age (Marcus, M. et al., 2012).

The primary aim of this study was to examine the impact of depression and anxiety on overall well-
being of youngsters, to assess the prevalence and severity of depression and anxiety among
youngsters due to academic, career, arranged marriages and economic crisis and identify specific
societal pressures and their influence on youngsters’ mental health and finally youngsters’ awareness
of depression, their resilience in the face of depressive symptoms, and their coping strategies. Many
potential service users which do not in fact come into contact with services, hence developing self-
help skills is also important. It includes seeking out family support, developing hobbies and other fun
activities therefore developing life-coping skills (Goldberg & Huxley, 1992).

Research conducted in Malaysia aimed to establish a correlation between loneliness, personality traits,
and the mental well-being of university students. The study revealed a positive association between
loneliness and mental health issues, with approximately 34.4% of students experiencing such
problems (Nordin, Talib & Yaacob, 2009). Symptoms of depression can differ from individual to
individual, but certain common signs are identifiable. It's crucial to note that these symptoms may be
considered normal aspects of life. However, when they significantly disrupt daily activities, such as
changes in appetite or weight, alterations in sleep patterns, heightened anger or irritability,
fluctuations in energy levels, feelings of self-loathing, engaging in reckless behaviour, experiencing
concentration difficulties, a sense of loss, unexplained physical pain, or emotional numbness to pain,
they may indicate depression. Depression is a significant contributor to suicide, as the deep despair
and hopelessness associated with it may lead individuals to perceive alleviation of their emotional
pain as the only way out. Additionally, the manifestation of depression can vary based on gender and

Numerous studies have explored the correlation between societal pressure and the prevalence of
depression and anxiety among young individuals (Smith et al., 2017). Research by Jones and Brown
(2019) conducted a longitudinal study highlighting the detrimental impact of societal pressure on the
mental well-being of adolescents. The work of Garcia and Patel (2018) emphasizes the need for
interventions addressing societal stressors to mitigate the rising rates of depression and anxiety among
the youth. A meta-analysis by Wang et al. (2020) consolidates evidence from various studies,
supporting the assertion that societal pressure is a key factor contributing to mental health challenges
in young people. Smith's (2018) qualitative research sheds light on the specific ways in which societal
expectations manifest as stressors, leading to psychological distress in the youth. A cross-cultural
study by Lee and Kim (2019) explores how different societal norms impact the mental health of
youngsters, emphasizing the need for context-specific interventions. Johnson et al. (2021) conducted a
systematic review underscoring the role of societal pressure as a risk factor for the development and
exacerbation of depression and anxiety in the youth. Longitudinal research by Davis and White (2016)
demonstrates the lasting effects of societal pressure during adolescence on mental health outcomes in
adulthood. The comprehensive review by Thompson and Garcia (2017) integrates findings from
multiple disciplines, providing a nuanced understanding of the complex relationship between societal
pressure and the mental health of young individuals. In a study by Miller et al. (2018), the authors
investigate the moderating effects of social support on the relationship between societal pressure and
mental health outcomes in young individuals.

The mean duration of 20 to 30 weeks for depression and anxiety. There are different recovery times
for different depression and anxiety types like anxiety takes 01 to 02 weeks, dysthymic disorder
average duration is 03 years also, in the social context, the individual’s social environment is
concerned with the forms of their experience of mental illness in social work (Son & Kirchner, 2006).
It is recognized that depression can have a hereditary component, with a partial genetic link evident in
many families. Individuals with close family members, such as children, siblings, or parents, who
have experienced severe depression, are somewhat more predisposed to depression than the general
population, suggesting a hereditary connection. There are various ways in which a specific gene may
influence different types of depression within families. In certain cases, depression can lead to
substance abuse, such as Barbiturates, Benzodiazepines, and the acne medication Accutane, which
have been specifically linked to older individuals experiencing depression. Similarly, the use of
Corticosteroids, Opioids, and Anticholinergic drugs may contribute to an elevated and enthusiastic
state associated with bipolar disorder, sometimes used to alleviate stomach cramping (Ustun &
Kessler, 2002).

Social workers, counsellors, or individuals assisting those with depression should guide clients in
comprehending the social context of their condition. This approach fosters trust in the caregiver and
instils a sense of belief in the possibility of achieving positive outcomes in their lives. Therefore, it
becomes the responsibility of social workers to facilitate the crucial link between a client's personal
circumstances and broader social phenomena, aiming to catalyse social change (Bender, 2003).
According to Dr. Iqbal Afridi, the President of Pakistan Psychiatric Society and the Head of
Department of Psychiatry at Jinnah Post Medical Complex said that Depression is a globally disease,
one of three are suffering from mental health problems in Pakistan and affects people life for all age
groups and also gender wise. It is a second leading suicide death reason among the age group of 15 to

29 years. And this age group is more affected than adults (TVI, 2017).

 To examine the effect of depression and anxiety on overall well-being of youngsters

 To assess the prevalence and severity of depression and anxiety among youngsters due to
academic, career, arranged and economic

 To identify specific societal pressures and their influence on youngsters' mental health

 Societal pressures are significantly contributing factor to depression and anxiety among
 Those individuals are aware of depression and anxiety have no clue to save their lives.


A total of 50 respondents completed the questionnaire via online google forms whereas 45
respondents have been the part of the research. The age range of the respondents was between 15-45
years where 48% were women and 51% were men. It was aimed to specifically at students of any
educational background. According to a researcher in Aga Khan University Hospital, most of the
people who undergo anxiety and depression are students and there are majority of girls who suffer the


The research tool was a questionnaire that was carefully developed by myself in order to check the
impact of anxiety and depression on youngsters due to societal pressure. The questionnaire had closed
ended questions in order to make the data quantifiable. The questionnaire consisted of 30 questions
designed to evaluate the impact of depression and anxiety on youngsters due to societal pressures.
Data were recorded by google form database and ethical approval was obtained by Dr. Asif Malik,
SMI University, Karachi, Sindh, Pakistan.


This was a random and survey based descriptive study. The data was gathered through convenient
sampling. The duration of the study was only one month. The study is designed as such that even if
people didn’t know about themselves being anxiety or depression patients, several people have been
facing societal pressures but haven’t been aware of solutions, their responses could be analysed to
reach the conclusion.
Results & Analysis

After conducting this survey, I wanted to test if I could prove my hypothesis right. The analysis of the
questions asked in questionnaire are as follows:

Gender: Out of fifty responses, 52% were by males while 48% females responded to my survey.

Age: About 08% of my responses were received from people aged 35-44 years old, 04% of my
responses were received from people aged 45 years. 36% responded from the age bracket of 25-34
years. While 52% response was gathered from the age bracket of 15-24 years.

Educational Background: About 66% of my responses were received from people who are either
enrolled for bachelor’s degree or in final year of their degree. 12% responded from the educational
bracket to be completed high school diploma. While 22% response was gathered from those who have
been either in final year of their master’s degree or got enrolled.

Question No. 01

Is depression or anxiety common in youngsters?

Total three statements were being asked and their responses are as follows:
The first statement of question no. 01 asked was if the sample often experience symptoms of
depression these days?
To first statement of question no. 01, the response was analysed that 78% people said, they suffer any
of symptoms of the mentioned disorder, while 10%, who said strongly agree were found to be
suffering severe depression, 08% were found to be neutral means they are either not aware of
depression or they aren’t suffering from depression.

The second statement of question no. 01 asked was if the sample often experience symptoms of
anxiety these days?
The response was analysed that 54% people said,
they suffer any of symptoms of the mentioned
disorder these days, while 22%, who said strongly
agree were found to be suffering severe anxiety,
12% and 10% were found to be neutral and
disagree means they are either not aware of anxiety
or they aren’t suffering from anxiety.

The third statement of question no. 01 asked was if

the depression or anxiety is a normal part of life and everyone experiences either of them at some

54% of the responders gave a positive

response which means depression or
anxiety either of one has become a common
and normal part of life. Individuals at some
point of their life have been experiencing
either of them.

Question No. 02

Do youngsters face social pressure and expectations?

Total three statements were being asked and their responses are as follows:
The first statement of question no. 02 asked was if do youngsters face social expectations in their life?

58% of the responders face social

expectations, they often encounter societal
pressures to confirm to established norms,
impacting their choices in education,
career, relationships, and personal
identity. These expectations can influence
their self-perception and well-being. 20%
subjects face severe expectations while
there have been observed to be less likely being faced social expectations about 12% and 08% those
who have been responded to neutral and disagree.
The second statement of question no. 02 asked was if parents are the primary sources of social
pressure and expectations in youngsters’ life.

62% and 20% of the responders

said that parents play a central role
as the primary sources of social
pressure and expectations shaping
the lives of youngsters, while 16%
responded to be neutral as it
depends on situation (s) where
parents put pressure (s) and

The third statement of question no. 02 asked was if there are specific social expectations placed on
youngsters due to their age.

58% people agree and 22% of the

responders strongly agree that
youngsters commonly face societal
expectations to navigate educational
pursuits, establish career paths, and
form relationships, reflecting cultural
norms and generational responsibilities. These age-related pressures contribute to the shaping of their
identity and future roles in society. 14% people have been observed to be neutral as it depends upon
situation (s) or specific social expectation (s).

Question No. 03

Do youngsters feel depression and anxiety due to societal pressure or social expectations?
Total three statements were being asked and their responses are as follows:
The first statement of question no. 03 asked was if societal pressure or social expectations have
directly influenced youngsters’ feelings of depression or anxiety.
58% individuals agreed, 20% strongly agreed
and 12% being neutral, 10% disagreed
respectively. About 78% individuals
responded that societal pressure and social
expectations contribute to heightened levels of
depression or anxiety among youngsters, as
they struggle with the challenges of meeting
cultural norms, academic demands, and
familial expectations, impacting their mental
The second statement of question no. 03 asked was if societal pressures or expectations causes
youngsters to feel overwhelmed or stressed which lead to feelings of depression and anxiety.
56% individuals agreed, 22% strongly
agreed and 14% being neutral, 04%
disagreed and 02% strongly disagreed

Approximately 78% individuals said that

societal pressures and expectations place
significant stress on youngsters, often
leading to feelings of overwhelm and
contributing to elevated rates of depression and anxiety. The struggle to meet cultural, academic, and
familial standards can adversely affect their mental health.

The third statement of question no. 03 asked was if societal pressure or social expectations do
hinder ability of youngsters to cope with feelings of depression and anxiety?
58% individuals agreed, 20% strongly
agreed and 18% being neutral, 02%
disagreed and 02% strongly disagreed

Approximately 78% individuals said that

societal pressure and social expectations
prevent youngsters' ability to cope with
feelings of depression and anxiety, making it challenging for them to navigate mental health
challenges amidst cultural and societal norms.

Question No. 04

Do anxiety or depression impacts negatively youngsters daily life and activities?

Total three statements were being asked and their responses are as follows:
The first statement of question no. 04 asked was if youngsters feel anxious without a specific reason.

36% individuals agreed, 32% strongly agreed and 18% being neutral, 10% disagreed and 04%
strongly disagreed respectively.

Approximately 68% individuals quoted that

youngsters often experience unexplained
anxiety, devoid of a specific cause,
impacting their emotional well-being.
The second statement of question no. 04 asked was if depression or anxiety impacts adversely daily
life and activates of youngsters.
44% individuals agreed, 44% strongly
agreed and 10% being neutral, 01%
disagreed respectively.

Approximately 88% individuals quoted

that youngsters depression or anxiety can
significantly hinder the daily lives and
activities of youngsters, disrupting their overall well-being and functionality.

The third statement of question no. 04 asked was if youngsters avoid situations or activates due to
anxiety or depression.
44% individuals agreed, 38% strongly
agreed and 10% being neutral, 04%
disagreed and 04% strongly disagreed

82% individuals quoted that due to anxiety

or depression, youngsters often abstain
from certain situations or activities, limiting
their engagement and experiences.

Question No. 05

Do youngsters experience the most common societal pressures, i.e. arranged marriage or economic
Total three statements were being asked and their responses are as follows:
The first statement of question no. 05 asked was if youngsters often face societal pressure to get
arranged-marriage relationships instead of choosing their partners by themselves.

44% individuals agreed, 32% strongly agreed

and 20% being neutral, 10% disagreed

Approximately 76% individuals quoted that

youngsters frequently confront societal
pressure to enter arranged-marriage
relationships, exemplified by family
expectations and cultural traditions that
prioritize familial compatibility over individual choice.
The second statement of question no. 05 asked was if there is societal pressure for youngsters to
engage in social media to maintain a strong online presence.
46% individuals agreed, 36% strongly agreed
and 16% being neutral, 02% disagreed

Approximately 82% individuals quoted that

societal pressure compels youngsters to engage
in social media for a strong online presence,
exemplified by the expectation to consistently
share curated content and maintain a particular image for social validation.

The third statement of question no. 05 asked was if youngsters need to earn at early age to feed the
family instead of getting education or choosing own career path.
46% individuals agreed, 36% strongly agreed
and 12% being neutral, 04% disagreed and
02% strongly disagreed respectively.

82% individuals quoted that in some situations,

youngsters may feel compelled to earn at an
early age to support their family's financial
needs, foregoing education or the pursuit of
their own career path. Examples include taking
on low-wage jobs to contribute to household income or helping with family businesses.

Question No. 06

Do youngsters experience the most common societal pressures, i.e. academic or career?
Total three statements were being asked and their responses are as follows:
The first statement of question no. 06 asked was if youngsters often face societal pressure to excel

48% individuals agreed, 32% strongly agreed

and 16% being neutral, 06% disagreed

Approximately 80% individuals quoted that

youngsters often face societal pressure to excel
academically, exemplified by the emphasis on
high grades and prestigious institutions as markers of success.

The second statement of question no. 06

asked was if youngsters often experience
social pressure to pursue specific career paths.
44% individuals agreed, 40% strongly agreed and 10% being neutral, 02% disagreed respectively.

Approximately 84% individuals quoted that youngsters frequently face social pressure to pursue
specific career paths, exemplified by cultural expectations favouring traditional professions over
unconventional choices.

The third statement of question no. 06 asked was if there is societal pressure for youngsters to
confirm to certain appearance standards.
48% individuals agreed, 32% strongly agreed and
10% being neutral, 04% disagreed and 02%
strongly disagreed respectively.

80% individuals quoted that societal pressure

compels youngsters to conform to specific
appearance standards, exemplified by the
expectation to adhere to idealized body images perpetuated in media and culture.

Question No. 07

Do Societal pressures have a significant impact on youngsters’ mental health?

Total three statements were being asked and their responses are as follows:
The first statement of question no. 05 asked was if societal pressures have adversely impacted
youngsters’ self-esteem and self-worth leading to feelings of depression and anxiety.

46% individuals agreed, 38% strongly

agreed and 06% being neutral, 06%
disagreed and 06% strongly disagreed

Approximately 84% individuals quoted that

societal pressures have adversely affected
youngsters' self-esteem and self-worth,
exemplified by the pursuit of unrealistic beauty standards or academic achievements, contributing to
feelings of depression and anxiety.

The second statement of question no. 05 asked was if youngsters often feel self-doubt due to social
pressures or expectations.
34% individuals agreed, 38% strongly agreed
and 10% being neutral, 06% disagreed
Approximately 72% individuals quoted that Social pressures or expectations frequently instil self-
doubt in youngsters, such as questioning their career choices or life paths based on societal norms.

The third statement of question no. 05 asked was if societal pressures have a significant impact on the
mental health of youngsters contributing to depression and anxiety.
34% individuals agreed, 48% strongly
agreed and 10% being neutral, 04%
disagreed and 02% strongly disagreed

82% individuals quoted that societal

pressures exert a significant impact on the
mental health of youngsters, contributing
to the prevalence of depression and anxiety.

Question No. 08

Do depression and anxiety symptoms disrupt overall well-being of youngsters?

Total three statements were being asked and their responses are as follows:
The first statement of question no. 08 asked was if depression and anxiety symptoms can disrupt sleep
patterns and lead to fatigue which has a significant impact on overall well-being.

42% individuals agreed, 42% strongly agreed

and 12% being neutral, 06% disagreed

Approximately 84% individuals quoted that

depression and anxiety symptoms can disrupt
sleep patterns, leading to fatigue and
significantly impacting overall well-being.

The second statement of question no. 08 asked was if depression and anxiety symptoms frequently
lead to feelings of hopelessness which diminish overall well-being.
36% individuals agreed, 36% strongly agreed
and 16% being neutral, 10% disagreed

Approximately 72% individuals quoted that

depression and anxiety symptoms often lead to
feelings of hopelessness, diminishing overall
well-being among individuals.
The third statement of question no. 08 asked was if youngsters with depression and anxiety often find
difficulty to concentrate and make decisions.
32% individuals agreed, 42% strongly agreed
and 12% being neutral, 14% disagreed

74% individuals quoted that youngsters with

depression and anxiety often struggle with
difficulties in concentration and decision-

Question No. 09

Should youngsters seek treatment or therapy for depression and anxiety symptoms?
Total three statements were being asked and their responses are as follows:
The first statement of question no. 09 asked was if seeking treatment or therapy for depression and
anxiety symptoms can improve overall well-

38% individuals agreed, 38% strongly agreed and

18% being neutral, 08% disagreed respectively.

Approximately 76% individuals quoted that

Seeking treatment or therapy for depression and
anxiety symptoms can significantly improve overall well-being.

The second statement of question no. 09 asked was if youngsters should share their reasons of causing
depression and anxiety to friends or closed ones openly.
42% individuals agreed, 48% strongly agreed
and 06% being neutral, 02% disagreed

Approximately 90% individuals quoted that

youngsters should openly share the reasons
behind their depression and anxiety with friends
or loved ones to foster understanding and
The third statement of question no. 09 asked was if society should be more supportive, open-minded
and help youngsters to achieve their personal goals.
38% individuals agreed, 46% strongly agreed
and 10% being neutral, 04% disagreed and 01%
strongly disagreed respectively.

84% individuals quoted that society should

foster greater support, open-mindedness, and
assistance to empower youngsters in achieving
their personal goals.

Question No. 10

Is society more understanding or supportive for youngsters dealing with mental health?
Total three statements were being asked and their responses are as follows:
The first statement of question no. 10 asked was if youngsters are unable to find professional help or
treatment for depression and anxiety due to societal pressures.

40% individuals agreed, 44% strongly agreed

and 10% being neutral, 05% disagreed and 01%
strongly disagreed respectively.

Approximately 84% individuals quoted that

Societal pressures often deter youngsters from
seeking professional help or treatment for
depression and anxiety, exacerbating the
difficulty in addressing their mental health needs.

The second statement of question no. 10 asked was if youngsters are often unable to openly discuss
their mental health struggles due to societal pressures.
38% individuals agreed, 38% strongly
agreed and 10% being neutral, 12%
disagreed and 01% strongly
disagreed respectively.

Approximately 76% individuals quoted that

societal pressures often hinder youngsters
from openly discussing their mental health
struggles, contributing to a culture of silence
and limited support.

The third statement of question no. 10 asked was if society expectations or pressures have made more
challenging for youngsters to manage with depression anxiety.
48% individuals agreed, 34% strongly
agreed and 14% being neutral, 04%
disagreed and 02% strongly disagreed and
disagreed respectively.

82% individuals quoted that societal

expectations and pressures have
heightened the challenge for youngsters to
cope with depression and anxiety, impacting their mental well-being.

It was indeed interesting to analyse the questionnaire, where many people may be going through some
mild form of anxiety or depression and are aware of, but unable to express openly or find solution(s)
by themselves. Depression and anxiety are increasingly common among youngsters, with factors such
as academic pressures, societal expectations influencing their choices in education, career, personal
life, and the influence of media especially social media contributing to their prevalence but at the
same time it helping out as well. The stigma surrounding mental health issues often hinders open
discussions, highlighting the need for awareness and support systems to address these challenges early
on. Early intervention and fostering an open dialogue can play a crucial role in mitigating the impact
of these mental health concerns in the younger population. Since, this study was only survey based,
and only about fifty questionnaires were collected, this study could not be generalised. We did not
have scientific data such as psychological data confirming the presence of the said syndromes due to
time constraint and resources limitation.

This study is significant and vital to our society. In our society, where going to a psychologist is still a
taboo, this survey could help a significant number of people to deal with their situations without
medicines. Though, it is not claimed to be an alternative to a professional psychological help, this still
is a great alternative to psychotherapeutic medicines, which are accompanied by myriad of adverse
effects. Although not much work has been done in this parameter, especially in Pakistan, this could
hold a great future prospect. It shall not only encourage people to eat healthy, but also may encourage
them to revert back to basic and organic food to stay healthy.

It is included that acknowledging and addressing these pressures is essential for promoting their
mental well-being. The impact underscores the importance of addressing mental health challenges for
a more balanced and fulfilling life. Any kind of media may promote awareness through media
campaigns to eliminate mental health issues, encourages seeking help and changing mind-set or
thought. It further may educate youngsters about discerning media content fosters critical thinking, to
encourage inclusive portrayals in media helps challenge narrow beauty and success standards.
Biologically and nutritionally, a balanced diet rich in nutrients, such as omega-3 fatty acids,
antioxidants, and vitamins, can support mental well-being and play a role in alleviating symptoms of
depression and anxiety. Incorporating whole foods like yogurt, fatty fish, fruits, vegetables, and whole
grains may contribute to a positive impact on mental health. Individuals have awareness should
consult with psychologist. In schools, mental health education should be provided, communities to
increase awareness and understanding of the impact of societal pressure.

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