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Task 1 Read the text and then answer the questions.

1. Identify the main idea, major & minor details of paragraph 1 in the text.
Main idea: The lithographic press plate is planographic and has ink-receptive image
areas surrounded by water-receptive non-image areas.
Main content:
-The lithographic press plate is planographic.
-The image and non-image areas of the plate are on the same level.
-The image areas are not raised or depressed.
-Image areas are ink-receptive and surrounded by water-receptive non-image areas.
-Water-receptive areas refuse to take ink while image areas repel water and accept
2. What is the function of a light-sensitive coating on a plate?
The function of a light-sensitive coating on a plate is to change the coating in the
non-image area when exposed to light. This makes it easier to remove the coating
in the non-image area during processing.
3. Use a flowchart to show the main steps in offset plate making.

4. What’s the main difference between wipe-on plates and presensitized plates?
The main difference between wipe-on plates and presensitized plates is that
presensitized plates are coated by the manufacturer, while wipe-on plates are coated
by the printer.
5. Explain the reason why press operators are no longer required to be a plate
Press operators are no longer required to be plate experts because major technical
advances have greatly diminished plate problems such as blinding, scumming, and
premature image wear. This means that plates are expected to work when they are
delivered to the press.

Task 2 List 03 compound sentences, 03 complex sentences in the text.

*Compound Sentences:
1.The lithographic press plate differs from other mechanical printing plates in that it
is planographic, and its image and non-image areas are essentially on the same
2.Great improvements have been made in offset plates since the 1950s, and plate
problems (blinding, scumming, and premature image wear) have been greatly
diminished by major technical advances.
3.Presensitized plates may be "additive" or "subtractive," and new technology has
created many excellent plate choices for the printer.

*Complex Sentences:
1.When the plate is moistened and inked, the water-receptive areas refuse to take
ink while the image areas repel the water and accept the ink.
2.Lithographic plates are coated with a light-sensitive coating, and when exposed to
light, the coating is changed so that the plate processor removes the coating in the
non-image area.
3.Positive-working plates can be treated to give longer runs, permit easier register
control, and provide more flexibility of midtone and highlight control, and positive-
working plates are commonly used in most European and Asian countries.

Task 3 Analyze the following sentences

(What kind of sentences are they? What kind of clauses are there in each
complex & mixed sentence?)

1.This is a complex sentence. It has two clauses - "When the plate is moistened and inked" is
the dependent clause, and "the water-receptive areas refuse to take ink while the image areas
repel the water and accept the ink" is the independent clause.
2.This is a complex sentence. It also has two clauses - "Plates are expected to work when
they are delivered to the press" is the dependent clause, and "they usually do" is the
independent clause.

3.This is a complex sentence. It has two clauses - "When exposed to light, the coating is
changed" is the dependent clause, and "the plate processor removes the coating in the
nonimage area" is the independent clause.

4.This is a mixed sentence. "Most plates are made of paper or aluminum" is the independent
clause, and "although some bimetal plates are used for long runs and jobs that are repeated
(e.g., greeting cards or books)" is the dependent clause.

5.This is a complex sentence. It has two clauses - "After exposing the plates under a negative
film, the processor removes the unexposed coating" is the dependent clause, and "this area
becomes the nonimage area" is the independent clause.

6.This is a complex sentence. It has two clauses - "When developed, the unexposed area
becomes the image area" is the dependent clause, and there is no independent clause.

7.This is a complex sentence. It has two clauses - "The image-reinforcing material on

subtractive plates is applied during manufacture" is the dependent clause, and "the
unexposed coating, including the image-reinforcing material, is removed from the nonimage
area during processing" is the independent clause.

8.This is a complex sentence. It has two clauses - "Positive-working plates that are baked (in
excess of 480'F or 2491 C)" is the dependent clause, and "are suitable for runs in excess of
one million copies" is the independent clause.

9.This is a complex sentence. It has two clauses - "Anodized plates are produced by giving
aluminum plates a special surface that, under a scanning electron microscope, looks like a
honeycomb" is the dependent clause, and there is no independent clause.

10.This is a simple sentence. It has only one independent clause - "The run length and
quality requirements usually determine which plate is selected."

11.This is a complex sentence. It has two clauses - "Little is gained by selecting an

expensive plate rated at one million impressions for a shorten house specializing in fast
turnaround" is the dependent clause, and there is no independent clause.

12.This is a complex sentence. It has two clauses - "The major causes of plate problems on
press are abrasion of the plate on the press, improper use or application of the chemicals,
faulty ink, faulty paper, improper plate processing, and faulty plate manufacturing" is the
dependent clause, and there is no independent clause.

Task 4 Topic sets – Write these words in the correct column.

Equipment Process Product Material Problem
compressible blanket, lithography, poster, coated paper, quickset ink, image wear,
processor, cylinder, flexography, magazine, greeting presensitized plate, scumming, swelling,
torque wrench, letterpress, gravure card, brochure, cotton fabric, rubber overexposing,
micrometer, roller, printing, developing, paperboard, compound, sheet abrasion,
ink fountain, light exposing, periodical, label, book paper, metallic misregistering,
densitometer, prepress processing, cover, decal, plastic dryer, color blinding, smashing,
metallic dryer retouch bag pigment, plastic, excessive packing,
aluminum foil, slipping, glazing

Task 5 Transitive & Intransitive verbs – Make sentences to show differences

between these verbs.

To do (transitive) - I need to do my homework.

To make (transitive) - I want to make a cake for my friend's birthday.
To work (intransitive) - She works at a hospital.
To raise (transitive) - He wants to raise his salary.
To rise (intransitive) - The sun rises in the east.
To lay (transitive) - She is going to lay the book on the table.
To lie (intransitive) - The cat likes to lie in the sun.
To sing (intransitive) - She sings beautifully.
To leave (intransitive) - He leaves for work early in the morning.
To write (transitive) - She will write a letter to her grandma.
To depress (transitive) - The news can depress people.
To diminish (intransitive) - Her enthusiasm for the project diminishes over time.
To extend (transitive) - The company will extend the deadline for the project.

Task 6 Cause & Effect – Match each action (1-10) to its consequence (a-j) about

Task 7 Make full sentences to link these causes and effects.

1.When a plate is dampened and inked, the non-image areas refuse to take ink.
2.Light exposing a plate under negative films causes the image areas to repel water and
accept ink.
3.Upon light exposure of a plate with positive films, the coating hardens or becomes
4.Overexposing positive-working plates causes halftone dots to shrink or sharpen.
5.Using negative-working plates makes the plates more resistant to abrasion, wear and
chemical attack.
6.Using positive-working plates causes the coating to become soluble.
7.Applying a post-treatment method can increase the run length of the plate.
8.Heat-treating a plate before development results in a longer life span and easier register
9.Using anodized plates leads to faster processing and film saving.
10.Purchasing a kind of plate that can be exposed under negative and positive films allows
you to stock only one kind of plate.

Task 8 Translate the main text into Vietnamese using Google application.
(Google Translate). Edit the translated text to make it better.

Bản in thạch bản khác với các bản in cơ học khác ở chỗ nó là bản phẳng. Các khu vực hình
ảnh và không hình ảnh của nó về cơ bản là ở cùng một cấp độ. Các khu vực hình ảnh không
được nhô lên như in letterpress và flexography, cũng không bị lõm xuống như in ống đồng.
Các khu vực hình ảnh tiếp nhận mực và được bao quanh bởi các khu vực tiếp nhận nước,
không hình ảnh. Khi tấm được làm ẩm và đổ mực, các khu vực tiếp nhận nước sẽ từ chối lấy
mực trong khi các khu vực hình ảnh đẩy nước và chấp nhận mực.
Những cải tiến lớn đã được thực hiện trong các tấm offset từ những năm 1950. Người vận
hành không còn cần phải là một chuyên gia về tấm. Các bản in sẽ hoạt động khi chúng được
chuyển đến máy in. Các vấn đề về tấm (mờ, cặn và hao mòn hình ảnh sớm) đã được giảm
bớt đáng kể nhờ những tiến bộ kỹ thuật quan trọng.
Các tấm in thạch bản được phủ một lớp phủ nhạy sáng. (Các tấm có độ nhạy cao được phủ
bởi nhà sản xuất; các tấm lau trên được phủ bởi máy in.) Khi tiếp xúc với ánh sáng, lớp phủ
được thay đổi để bộ xử lý bản loại bỏ lớp phủ trong khu vực không có hình ảnh.
Hầu hết các tấm được làm bằng giấy hoặc nhôm, mặc dù một số tấm lưỡng kim được sử
dụng trong thời gian dài và các công việc được lặp lại (ví dụ: thiệp chúc mừng hoặc sách).
Các tấm âm bản phải được xử lý bằng một lớp phủ cứng lại hoặc không tan khi tiếp xúc với
ánh sáng. Sau khi phơi bản phim dưới phim âm bản, bộ xử lý sẽ loại bỏ lớp phủ không được
phơi sáng và khu vực này trở thành khu vực không có hình ảnh.
Các tấm dương bản được xử lý bằng một lớp phủ có thể hòa tan khi tiếp xúc với ánh sáng.
Khi được phát triển, khu vực không được phơi sáng sẽ trở thành khu vực hình ảnh.
Phơi sáng quá mức các tấm làm việc âm gây ra tăng điểm bán sắc, trong khi phơi sáng quá
mức các tấm dương bản • làm cho các chấm bán sắc sắc nét hoặc co lại.
Hầu hết các tấm được sử dụng ở Hoa Kỳ và Canada đều là âm bản. Sử dụng tấm âm bản rất
dễ dàng và có thể tiết kiệm phim. Các tấm gia công âm bản thường xử lý nhanh hơn và cho
phép phơi sáng nhiều lần dễ dàng hơn. Chúng cũng không yêu cầu làm sạch mép phim và
dấu băng. Các tấm làm việc tích cực có thể được xử lý để chạy lâu hơn, cho phép kiểm soát
thanh ghi dễ dàng hơn và mang lại sự linh hoạt hơn cho kiểm soát âm trung và vùng sáng.
Tấm làm việc tích cực được sử dụng phổ biến ở hầu hết các nước Châu Âu và Châu Á.

Các tấm nhạy cảm trước có thể là "phụ gia" hoặc "trừ đi." Các tấm phụ gia có hình ảnh • vật
liệu gia cố được thêm vào trong quá trình xử lý. Vật liệu tăng cường hình ảnh trên các tấm
trừ được áp dụng trong quá trình sản xuất và lớp phủ không phơi sáng, bao gồm cả vật liệu
tăng cường hình ảnh, được loại bỏ khỏi khu vực không có hình ảnh trong quá trình xử lý.
Công nghệ mới đã tạo ra nhiều lựa chọn bản in tuyệt vời cho máy in. Tuy nhiên, điều bắt
buộc là máy in chỉ sử dụng các quy trình và hóa chất được nhà sản xuất bản in khuyến nghị:
• Có sẵn một tấm có thể được sử dụng với phim dương bản hoặc phim âm bản. Nhà phát
triển loại bỏ lớp phủ tiếp xúc khỏi các bản tiếp xúc với phim dương bản hoặc nó loại bỏ lớp
phủ không tiếp xúc khỏi các bản tiếp xúc với phim âm bản. Máy in chỉ có thể cung cấp một
loại bản in cho cả hai quy trình.
• Tuổi thọ của các tấm làm việc dương hoặc âm có thể được kéo dài bằng cách xử lý sau.
Tích cực • các tấm làm việc được nung (vượt quá 480'F hoặc 2491 C) phù hợp để chạy trên
một triệu bản sao. Một số tấm âm bản cũng có thể được nướng.
Một số tấm làm việc âm bản có thể được phơi sáng sau (sau khi phát triển) để kéo dài tuổi
thọ của tấm lên gấp bốn lần.
• Một số tấm đặc biệt được xử lý nhiệt trước khi phát triển, giúp tăng chiều dài chạy.
• Hầu hết các nhà máy sử dụng bộ xử lý bản in trên các bản in cho tất cả các máy in - từ máy
sao chép đến máy in thương mại lớn nhất.
• Các tấm anốt hóa được tạo ra bằng cách tạo cho các tấm nhôm một bề mặt đặc biệt mà
dưới kính hiển vi điện tử quét, trông giống như một tổ ong. Kẹo cao su và vật liệu phủ bám
dính tốt hơn trên bề mặt anot hóa, và tấm có khả năng chống mài mòn, mài mòn và sự tấn
công của hóa chất cao hơn.
Có nhiều bản in khác nhau và máy in có nhiều sự lựa chọn. Chọn đúng tấm là quan trọng.
Chiều dài chạy và yêu cầu chất lượng thường xác định tấm nào được chọn. Ví dụ: thu được
rất ít bằng cách chọn một bảng đắt tiền được đánh giá ở mức một triệu lần hiển thị cho một
ngôi nhà rút gọn chuyên quay vòng nhanh.
Các vấn đề phổ biến về bản in khi in bao gồm: độ nhạy của bản in, cặn bã, hao mòn hình ảnh
và làm mờ hình ảnh. Mô tả "mờ" được áp dụng - khi hình ảnh đã được che phủ bằng kẹo cao
su hoặc các hóa chất tiếp nhận nước khác. Tuy nhiên, điều quan trọng là phải phân biệt giữa
tấm mù và tấm bị mòn. Nếu một tấm không chuyển được mực nhưng hình ảnh vẫn rõ
ràng,tấm bị mờ. Nếu khu vực hình ảnh bị mòn hoặc bị mất, tấm đã bị mòn.
Các nguyên nhân chính gây ra các vấn đề về bản in trên máy in là do bản in bị mài mòn, sử
dụng hoặc sử dụng hóa chất không đúng cách, mực bị lỗi, giấy bị lỗi, xử lý bản in không
đúng cách và sản xuất bản in bị lỗi.


Task 1: Read the text and then answer the questions.

1.How many types of rollers are there in the ink roller train or inking system?
There are two types of rollers in the ink roller train or inking system, which are steel rollers
and rubber rollers.

2.What’s the meaning of the verb to meter used in the text?

In the context of the text, the verb "to meter" means to measure and control the amount of
ink that is distributed to the distributor rollers.

3.What are plasticizers?

Plasticizers are compounds that are added to rubber or other materials to increase their
flexibility and improve their processability.

4.Why must we try to reduce stock waste?

Reducing stock waste is important because it can increase productivity and profitability in
the printing process. Proper maintenance, including the use of effective washup chemicals,
can help to reduce stock waste by producing more saleable sheets in a production day and
improving the overall quality of the job.

5.What is halftone? Midtone?

Halftone is a printing technique that uses dots of varying sizes and densities to simulate
continuous tone images. Midtone refers to the range of tones between the darkest shadows
and the lightest highlights in an image.

Task 2: Analyze the following sentences

(What kind of sentences are they? What kind of clauses are there in each
complex & mixed sentence?)

1.This sentence is a complex sentence with one independent clause and one dependent
clause. The dependent clause is "the essential reason for the lithographic process" and the
independent clause is "is to reproduce copies of an original, with the specified quality at
speeds which make the process profitable."

2.This sentence is a complex sentence with one independent clause and one dependent
clause. The independent clause is "you are in business to satisfy your customer's needs at a
profit," and the dependent clause is "and the press is your tool."

3.This sentence is a simple sentence with one independent clause.

4.This sentence is a simple sentence with one independent clause.

5.This sentence is a complex sentence with one independent clause and one dependent
clause. The dependent clause is "If the blade is nicked, the roller surface scored or pitted, or
the ends of the ink fountain clogged," and the independent clause is "the ink will not be
distributed evenly."

6.This sentence is a simple sentence with one independent clause.

7.This sentence is a complex sentence with one independent clause and one dependent
clause. The dependent clause is "the roller train now takes this metered ink," and the
independent clause is "and, by passing it between alternate steel and rubber rollers, mills and
distributes a thin layer to the plate."

8.This sentence is a complex sentence with one independent clause and one dependent
clause. The dependent clause is "If roller durometer becomes too hard," and the independent
clause is "you will experience great difficulty in maintaining a consistent film of ink and
suffer shorter plate life due to wear."

9.This sentence is a complex sentence with one independent clause and one dependent
clause. The dependent clause is "Other than mechanical defects or bearing wear," and the
independent clause is "the most frequent cause of trouble in the ink roller train can be traced
to improperly maintained rubber rollers."

10.This sentence is a complex sentence with one independent clause and one dependent
clause. The dependent clause is "If the pressman increases roller pressure to compensate for
the narrow stripe," and the independent clause is "the roller will develop more heat when
running at press speeds."

11.This sentence is a complex sentence with one independent clause and one dependent
clause. The dependent clause is "it must cut through and remove glaze," and the independent
clause is "a good washup must do more than remove wet ink - it must condition the rollers
for maximum ink receptivity."

12.This sentence is a complex sentence with one independent clause and one dependent
clause. The dependent clause is "it makes no sense at all to invest in expensive printing
equipment, purchase good ink and stock, staff experienced pressmen," and the independent
clause is "and then buy cheap, ineffective solvents to wash up the rollers."

13.This sentence is a complex sentence with one independent clause and one dependent
clause. The dependent clause is "most blankets consist of a carcass composed of multiple
layers of fabric laminated with thin layers of rubber and treated for strength and dimensional
stability," and the independent clause is "by design, the offset blanket must accept ink from
the plate and transfer it cleanly and uniformly to the sheet so as to duplicate the image on the

14.This sentence is a complex sentence with one independent clause and one dependent
clause. The dependent clause is "by design, the offset blanket must accept ink from the
plate," and the independent clause is "and transfer it cleanly and uniformly to the sheet so as
to duplicate the image on the plate."
15. This sentence is a complex sentence with one independent clause and one dependent
clause. The dependent clause is "the ink, containing resin, binders, varnish, pigment and
dryer," and the independent clause is "is delivered to the plate surface, where it joins the
fountain solution mixture with its additional

Task 3 Explain the meanings of these terms.

Non-image area – water-receptive area – negative-working plate-

image- reinforcing material – post-exposed treatment – worn-out plate.

Non-image area: This is the area on the plate that surrounds the image areas, which is
receptive to water and not to ink.

Water receiving area: This is the same as the non-image area, the area of the plate that is
receptive to water.

Negative working plate: This is a type of plate that requires a coating that hardens or
becomes insoluble when exposed to light. After exposing the plates under a negative film,
the processor removes the unexposed coating, and this area becomes the non-image area.

Image intensification material: This is a material added to plates during processing to

reinforce the image.

Post-exposure treatment: This refers to a process in which plates are exposed to light again
after developing to extend their life.

Worn-out plate: This refers to a plate that is too worn out to transfer ink properly and needs
to be replaced

Task 4 Paraphrase these sentences.

1.It is essential to conduct regular cleaning of the ink keys to ensure accurate setting of the
ink blade.
2.Adequate maintenance of the durometer is crucial for achieving the desired print quality.
3.The inadequate ink supply will manifest itself in the screen or halftone.
4.Due to blockage with enamel, the rollers can no longer accept and segregate the fine ink
film needed for high-quality lithography.
5.Upon close scrutiny, these rollers often exhibit minute cracks or pitting on their surface.
6.The enamel rollers may release old ink, leading to a lighter color.
7.Modern cleaning chemicals account for less than 3% of the cleaning-related downtime
8.The laboratory-designed chemical press modem is capable of removing enamel and
maintaining top-notch print quality of the rollers.
9.Generally, maintenance-related blanket issues can be traced back to poor maintenance
10.Blankets are tasked with receiving all chemical components involved in the lithography
11.The potential causes of problems, such as coatings, alkalis, bleaches, and lints from
paper, are hidden within the minerals, chemicals, and organics present in tap water.
12.It is imperative to prevent ink from drying on the blanket, as a general rule.
13.Glaze is a significant impediment to time and production.
14.Blanket enamel can either be of the water-soluble type caused by gum, spray powder,
fountain solution, paper coating, or the solvent-soluble type resulting from ink pigments,
varnishes, drivers, among others.

Task 5 Phrasal verbs (two-word verbs) – Explain the meaning of these phrasal
verbs and make sentences with them.

To take place: to occur or happen.

Example: The conference will take place in the hotel next week.

To account for: to explain or give a reason for something.

Example: The missing inventory needs to be accounted for before the audit.

To come down: to decrease or fall in value, amount, or intensity.

Example: The price of oil has come down in recent months.

To call upon: to request or demand someone to do something or to visit someone.

Example: The teacher called upon the student to answer the question.

To take up: to begin or start doing something.

Example: I've decided to take up yoga as a way to stay active.

To carry out: to perform or complete a task or activity.

Example: The researchers will carry out a study to test their hypothesis.

To set off: to start or begin a journey or trip.

Example: We will set off early in the morning to avoid traffic.

To give up: to stop doing something or to surrender.

Example: I had to give up my favorite food because of my allergies.
To look up: to search for information in a reference source or online.
Example: I need to look up the definition of this word in the dictionary.

To look out: to be careful or watchful.

Example: Look out! The road is slippery.

To run out of: to use up or exhaust the supply of something.

Example: We ran out of milk, so I need to go to the store to buy some

Task 6 To be to + infinitive verb – What is the meaning implied in this


The structure "to be to + infinitive verb" is used to indicate a purpose or a necessary

condition for something to happen or be done. In all of the given sentences, this structure is
used to express the purpose or requirement of a specific step or element in the lithographic

In sentence 1, "to reproduce copies of an original, with the specified quality at speeds which
make the process profitable" is the purpose of the lithographic process.
In sentence 2, "to bring ink to the plate" is the first step required in the lithographic process.
In sentence 3, "to maintain the durometer" is necessary for the press to print the expected
In sentence 4, "to transfer the fine film of ink from the plate to the offset blanket" is the
second requirement of the inking system.

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